Well done Class 4 for making a profit of £60.20 from our Winter Wonder-candles!

Please ask an adult to help you research what you would like to spend the money on. It can be anything you want! Some children have suggested wet play games, Christmas decorations or art supplies.

Let me know what you want to buy!

26 comments on “What shall we spend our profit on?

  1. I enjoyed making the candles.

  2. I think we should give some to charity and some we can spend on new pencils.

  3. Bug in the kitchen

  4. Classroom equipment

  5. The tooth fairy game.

  6. Uno please.

  7. Jenga Quake – £14.99, you can get it at Smiths Toys or Debenhams.

  8. 1000 Bornes cards game

  9. I would like to spend our money on books and a globe for our classroom.

  10. The price of Uno on Amazon is £7.00

  11. I would like a baby alive doll and a ball game.

  12. We could buy the cluedo game or these phones for children.
    The phones are at Argos

  13. We could buy the Guinness World Record Book and lots of
    David Walliams books. I like those books!

  14. Labyrinth, the maze game or Monopoly Rugby World Cup.

  15. Dino Bite please

  16. l love the game Pig Goes Pop.

  17. Glow in the dark Science

  18. I know this kind of science called sparkle science and I think
    we could buy it.

  19. I think we could get some Christmas decorations or rainbow looms for crafts for some wet play toys?

  20. We could buy the Mouse Trap game.

  21. Books, books and books!!!!!!!!!

  22. Gross Science please!

  23. I’ve ordered some of these games so, when they arrive, you’ll get to enjoy playing them during wet play!

  24. Art materials.

  25. Jade year 2 says:

    I loved your candles for Enterprise Week. They were lovely and shiny and they lit really well Year 4. I hope you liked our shopping clips.

  26. That sounds fun.

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