Thank you so much to Fr Christopher and members of the Pupil Chaplaincy Team for talking to us about scripture in our Key Stage assemblies.

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales have declared 2020 to be a year of special focus on the Bible.

This marks the tenth anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation, Verbum Domini, (The Word of the Lord) and the 1600 years since the death of Saint Jerome – who translated the Bible into Latin. The year started on the Feast of Saint Jerome, 30 September 2019, and runs until 31 December 2020.

During this year we are called to explore and celebrate the Word of God through the Scriptures, share the Word with others and respond to the “God who speaks” in the way that we live.

Here is the special prayer we have displayed in our classroom and one we would encourage families to pray at home:

Living God,

you walk alongside us and

speak to us throughout the Scriptures.

Your Son, Jesus Christ,

listens to our hopes and fears

and shows us how to live for one another.

Send us the Holy Spirit

to open our hearts and minds

so that we may be your witnesses

throughout the world.


V: Your word is our path and your truth is our light.

R: This day and every day.

Our Lady of the Annunciation, pray for us.

St. Matthew, pray for us.

St. Jerome, pray for us.