Today, Year 6 welcomed Emily who works for Mind. We had a fantastic workshop focusing on our mental health and building resilience.
Firstly we realised that everyone has mental health and this can change throughout the day/week/year as we encounter different situations that affect our ‘pressure curve’.
Everyone reacts differently to different situations.
We then learnt that everyone has a ‘stress bucket’ of things that makes them feel worried or stressed. Sometimes our ‘stress bucket’ can overflow and we have to find ways to ‘empty the bucket’.
We all created a Wellbeing Toolkit with tools to help to look after ourselves and empty our ‘stress bucket’. We learnt about, and practised, the 5 ways to wellbeing:
- Connect
- Be Active
- Keep Learning
- Take Notice
- Give
It was a brilliant day and we practised many different strategies including ‘mindful breathing’ and ‘The Body Scan’ that we will be able to use throughout our life.
Thank you to Emily and Mind for such an informative and encouraging workshop-it is so important to be open and aware of how we are feeling.
We look forward to welcoming Emily back next week for a follow up session.