Good Morning, Reception!

I hope you’ve  all had a lovely Easter. I am going to be setting your blogs from now on and I can’t wait to see how well you are all doing with your phonics.

Today, I would like you to practice all of your letter sounds. Watch the video and check that you remember all of the sounds. When you are sure, ask an adult to say the letter sounds* and then write them from memory.

*Please say the sound that the letter makes (eg a a a)  as shown in the video rather than the letter name (eg ay).

Next, practice reading the tricky words; to, the, no, go, I and into. Read a book, by yourself or with a grown up, and see how many of the tricky words you can find.

I am looking forward to hearing about your phonics today.

Love from Miss Siswick.

P.S. Don’t forget to go to the Reception Reading blog to tell us all about the books you’ve been enjoying.

44 comments on “Reception Daily Phonics: Monday

  1. We love doing phonics, we write them in the white board. We put on video with the tricky words.

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Philippa. I’m glad you are enjoying practicing your phonics.

  3. Ms Pereira says:

    Good morning Reception!! I hope you had a great and safe Easter !! I miss you all!

  4. Ruby-Mae is very confident with the sounds. She enjoy the video.

  5. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Ruby-Mae. Did you find any of the tricky words in your book?

  6. Having read ‘Shops’ and the questions. Amber found:
    2 x to
    2 x the
    0 x no
    0 x go
    8 x I
    0x into
    We will look for the words in her reading books tonight and throughout the week.

  7. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Amber. I hope you enjoy finding no, go and into in your books.

  8. Harlow read a book and found some tricky words, mainly ‘the’ and ‘to’. We said the sounds together, then she wrote the letters from the sounds.

  9. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Harlow. Can you write all of the sounds now?

  10. Ms O'Connell says:

    Good morning Reception .I hope you had a happy and healthy Easter. Enjoy your letter sounds.I look forward to reading your comments.

  11. Good morning Miss,
    I have done ✅ my phonics and searched the tricky words in a book ? of Thomas ?.
    The winner is “the “. I found it 118 times.
    The looser is “no”. I found it only 2 times.
    The result is:
    118 “the”
    72 “to”
    30 “I”
    7 “go”
    7 “into”
    2 “no”

    Some examples of sentences:
    I was too scared to lead the parade all by myself.
    We must go to the Docks first !
    Thomas puffed into the station ?.

    I have enjoyed a lot finding the tricky words. It was like being a detective ?️‍♂️ !

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Cesar. That book must have a lot of words in it-you found so many examples of the tricky words. I’m glad that you enjoyed looking for them.

  13. Good morning – welcome back – we hope you had a good Easter. Over the last few weeks Ryan has been reading and using the tricky words and is enjoying it more with each word learnt

  14. Miss Siswick says:

    Good morning, Ryan. I’m so glad that you are enjoying learning your tricky words. They are so useful and will help you to read lots of exciting books.

  15. Hello Miss Siswick! I hope you had a lovely Easter and lots of eggs!
    I like finding tricky words in my books: I found THE, NO and I. But I couldnt find INTO!!!

  16. Miss Siswick says:

    Hello, Maya. I had a lovely Easter with far too many eggs, thank you! I hope you did too. Well done for finding the tricky words.

  17. yes Miss Siswick, I find very often into, the and I. Take me a few time to reconize them but I manage it at the end.

  18. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Ruby-Mae. Keep practicing!

  19. Good morning ,
    I have done and searched the tricky words in a book of The Empty Palace.
    to 6
    the 17
    no 1
    go 0
    I 2
    into 3

  20. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Tim. ‘The’ was a very popular word in that book.

  21. Hi Miss Siswick

    We hope you enjoyed your time off.

    Mikey loved practising his phonics.

    Thank you

  22. Miss Siswick says:

    Hi, Mikey. I had a lovely Easter, thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed practicing your phonics.

  23. Good morning Miss Siswick,

    I read Duck and Goose find a Pumpkin
    I found
    1 go
    7 the
    5 no
    1 to
    1 I
    0 into

  24. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Madeleine. ‘Into’ seems to be the trickiest tricky word to find!

  25. I loved this task so much that I read 2 books and also looked for phase 3 tricky words.
    In ‘Not now Bernard’ I found:
    4 x to, 13 x the, 1 x go, 2 x I, 1 x into, 1 x he, 1 x she, 1 x me
    In “Supergirl takes off” I found:
    7 x to, 6 x the, 1 x no, 2 x he, 1 x be, 2 x she, 3 x was
    I agree with Cesar that it was good fun being a word detective!

  26. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Marcus. I love ‘Not now, Bernard.’ Was ‘into’ in the sentence, ‘The monster went into the garden,’?

  27. James enjoyed the video and going through all the sounds. We are continue our reading and practising the tricky words.

  28. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, James. Keep practicing those tricky words.

  29. Rocco read Cook, Pot, Cook. We found ‘the ‘ and ‘to’.

  30. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Rocco.

    Look out for the other tricky words when you are reading some other books.

  31. Good afternoon Miss Siswick,
    Chiara enjoyed repeating the sounds and finding the illustrated words .she is comfortable with the tricky words.She read “new trainers” book and recognised the tricky words the, no and to

  32. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Chiara. I’m glad you’re feeling confident with the tricky words.

  33. Hello Reception,

    Sophia likes practising her phonics and she is confident with them also with the given tricky words.She enjoyed all phonic activities.

  34. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Sophia. I’m glad that you are enjoying the phonics activities.

  35. Good morning miss Siswick, I read “The Snake and the Drake” and I found :
    To : 4
    The : 16
    Go : 1
    No : 1
    In : 5
    Into : 0 !
    Have a good week everyone !

  36. Miss Siswick says:

    Hello, Sybille. I think ‘the’ is the word found most often and ‘into’ is the word found least often today!

  37. I found one ! I wanted to find a word “into” so I read lots of books. In the book “Rats”, I found one on the first page ! Biff, Chip and Kipper had a magic key and it took them INTO and exciting adventure.

  38. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Sybille! You kept on reading until you found that tricky word. Great effort.

  39. Hi Miss Siswick, no, in “Not now Bernard” it says “Bernard went into the garden.”
    We like this story because it’s funny but it’s sad!

  40. Miss Siswick says:

    I was nearly right! It is sad as well as funny, isn’t it?

  41. Hi Miss Siswick,
    I read to my mum “Floppy and the bone” and I found 13 tricky words!
    All of them except “go”.

  42. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Nicolas. Maybe you will find ‘go’ in another story.

  43. Nancy Bear says:

    This was a really interesting activity – quite a few sounds that Florence can read, she couldn’t write. We will be returning to this to consolidate the phonic knowledge. Thanks!

  44. Good morning Miss Siswick,

    We do hope you had a lovely Easter despite the challenging circumstances and that you and your loved ones are safe.

    Paola smoothly read the sounds yesterday and wrote down some of them easily. We read a little book as well and she found and read the tricky words.

    Any trick to give these little children the will to do homework every day? We are quite a few to struggle a bit sometimes!

    Many thanks

    Kind regards

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