Good Morning Year 6 and Happy Friday!


Well done for working very hard yesterday to begin your palace descriptions.

This is our ‘published writing blog!’ Once you have edited your writing and you are happy that you cannot improve it further, then it is time to publish it!

Type up your writing onto the blog so that other people can read your wonderful writing (make sure that there are no mistakes before you send it in!)


Editing and proof reading is so important…just as important as the actual writing! We all make mistakes (I make a lot!) so we must take time to read through our writing again.

Once you’ve edited your writing yourself, maybe you could read it to someone in your family?

Proof reading with someone else

When you read your work to someone else, it can help you identify mistakes. You need to sit together so you can both see the writing, you can hold the editing pen and read out your work. Your partner will then check it makes sense, check spelling and give ideas to make it better.

Make sure you read other people’s work too, it helps us all to get better to borrow ideas for each other! I can’t wait to read all your finished pieces 🙂


Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx


p.s If you’d prefer to send a photo of your work from your Home Learnings book (instead of typing it up) please do and I can upload it to the blog so others can read it!

51 comments on “Published Writing-Friday 24th April

  1. Hello Miss Gorick,
    Here is my first paraghraph!

    As Chaya crept slowly , she tried not making a sound because she could have got caught.There was no other way except climbing up to the queens bedroom. If she went through the main door she could have got into serious trouble or could have got killed . Chaya did this because if she has all these jewels why would she not give some so that they get a bit more rich ,but they only thought for themselves so Chaya started steeling. She would steel preciouse rubys, red as blood. Blue saphires , which shined like moon light. It was as if the room was made out of gold. Big long dresses, beautiful shoes, but the only thing Chaya wanted was the preciouse stones. The whole room could be a dream for very poor people. Comfortablebeds warm baths. It was a dream for Chaya.

    Here is my first paraghraph Miss
    Stay safe 😉

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    ⭐️Gold star for you!

  3. Good morning,
    Here is my published writing piece :

    Isolated on the top of the hill the palace had a special privileged position looking down at the village below. The serious staircase in the majestic lion seemed almost frightening but yet luxurious and welcoming. The palm trees that surrounded the entrance swayed like dancers in the summer breeze. As Chaya entered she was excited this was a visit she would not forget.
    As Chaya entered the Queen’s prayer room she saw a granite column which stood there like a soldier securing the palace walls;so clean they glimmered like stars. Chaya saw her reflection on the polished stone and for a second she was startled.
    When she entered the luxurious royal room her feet felt as cold as ice : they touched the cold marble covered floor. They were soon softened by the warmth of the soft rugs randomly placed in the bedroom. There was an enormous bed draped in heavy curtains with ornate covered flowers protecting the linen sheets that covered the bed inside. The chocolate covered pieces of mahogany furniture looked as if they where taken out from a scene in a Disney film. The Wardrobe the King and the Dressing table was the Queen . When Chaya opened the dresser she was blinded by the jewel’s dazzling beauty ; the jewels where very attractive and Chaya wanted them.
    To exit the palace she had to walk through the large feast hall. As she walked along the hall she passed what seemed like a never ending dining table richly covered in gold guilt and for a moment she wished she could take it with her but she couldn’t. The chairs where numerous and identical like soldiers waiting for their Commander in Chief. If only it where small enough, Chaya would take it with her. ,

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    Brilliant description ⭐️!

  5. Good morning everyone,
    Palace description- The girl who stole an elephant

    Chaya was so eager to steal the Queen’s jewels that she thought nothing could stand in her way… except for the huge wooden doors covered with decorative golden decorations and the guards.

    Soon after, Chaya cunningly escaped the guards suspicion and entered the grand hallway, lined with beautiful paintings of previous monarchs and glittering bracelets. Filling her pockets to the top with jewels, Chaya continued on to one of the dining rooms. Inside it was a long rectangular table with ten seats, the odd thing was that the table was set with food. Without even thinking about her greediness, Chaya stuffed her mouth with bread and cake. Around her were large wooden panels on the wall and drapes covering the skinny windows. The amazing part of the room was the large chandelier with crystals hanging from it.

    Moving on, the next room was the Queen’s sitting room, only one room away from her bedroom. Chaya couldn’t wait to get there but something caught her eye. It was a small portrait of her father, one of the king’s officials. Now it was what Chaya was waiting for, the Queen’s bedroom. Discreetly, Chaya crept into the luxurious bedroom, filled with every kind of jewel imaginable, Chaya wanted all of them. But the guards were up her tail as they had noticed the missing bracelets. She filled her pockets with rubies, diamonds, emeralds and lots of jewellery while imagining herself sitting in bed, getting fanned by servants and having everything, but it was time to go.

  6. Miss Gorick says:

    Super sentence starters ⭐️!

  7. Good morning!
    Here is my descriptive writing:

    The Palace

    Majestic turrets spiralled high into the flocculent clouds, piercing small holes in them when reached. As the aureate beams shone onto the palace, it seemed more imposing and resplendent than before, with its sumptuous entrance gleaming, just like a roaring fire burning in the night.

    A petite figure could sometimes be seen amidst the laughter and shouting of a grand, bustling feast in full swing. It darted from plant to table to gate, keeping to the shadows, unnoticed. This person was a young village – girl by the name of Chaya, who was an expert (or so she thought) of stealthily creeping about. Today she was on a perilous journey; her most daring adventure yet.

    While the fierce palace guards were busy keeping a group of little children from climbing the exotic trees, Chaya silently slipped through the wrought iron gate, and clambered up a wall (it had ivy and other vines on it) onto an impressive balcony, which she had carefully watched for weeks. A welcome breeze danced playfully around her flushed face, and she could hear girls with voices of gold singing below on the promenade. From behind a magnificent pot plant, she had a splendid view of the room connected to the balcony, and the glittering jewels on the dresser; the Queen’s jewels matched the colours around her room: crimson, azure, rose – pink and sea – green. Now all Chaya had to do was wait until the room was empty, then she could do what she had had planned for a month or more…

  8. Miss Gorick says:

    Just beautiful! Super figurative language ⭐️

  9. I wrote paragraphs but they didn’t show. I included four paragraphs to describe each room.Without the paragraphs it might not make sense.

  10. The terracotta pillars covered Chaya’s trails as she snuck through the Royal Palace. Silently, she scuttled across the glazed, stone floor, weaving past the guards unseen, like a squirrel. Nearby, as she passed a pair of large, ate doors, she could here the cheers of the King, and the sound of the musical instruments, it was the promenade feast.

    She took the left staircase up, which led to a large corridor, which must’ve stretched to the very ends of the Palace. It would take her ages to find the right room. She had two choices, go to a higher level, or search this corridor. “Number one rule of being in a Palace, the middle of a corridor is the most valuable room.” Chaya told herself, turning to her right, and starting to walk. The same pattern went on and on for five minutes, until she approached another staircase. This had to be the middle, she thought. Cautiously, she tiptoed up the red carpet-covered stairs. It led to an identical room to the one she had just left not to long ago, just with a touch of gold loop around most of the room. Multiple groups of guards stirred around the room, and before they could spot Chaka, she dashed to cover. Her foot made to much of a stamp, and she was most likely heard. Right away she froze, and held her breath.

    “Did you hear something?” One of the guards asked, a drop of sweat fell down from Chaya’s forehead, the room got so silent, she could hear it as it hit the ground. The other guard shrugged at his guard-mate, “Must’ve been the promenade.” He said, and then they both returned to their own stations. She let out a silent sigh of relief, and waited for her time to go. She saw her chance, as the great golden door in front of her opened, and a young maid was leaving the Queen’s bedroom. The door was pulling itself back, she saw her opening, the guards weren’t looking, she rolled onto the gold stained floor, and just before the door shut, she squeezed through.

    There are no words to describe the room, it was unspeakable beauty. The beautiful paintings on the wall, the golden trails and patterns, the glittering and shining, the scarlet floor and carpet. It was time for her to finish her mission.

    – I hope you enjoyed reading this. Feedback would help.

  11. Miss Gorick says:

    Wow! Beautiful description Ethan which creates vivid imagery.
    For feedback, I would suggest checking punctuation. You have a few commas in the wrong places.
    But still you get a gold ⭐️!

  12. d:) jade (:b says:

    Good morning Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy,

    Here is my description of the palace:

    It was a beautiful place full of different colours.Chaya crept silently to a magnificent wooden door,which had been carved by the finest carpenter, who had designed it making even the smallest flower detailed.She cautiously turned the handle and entered a room but not any ordinairy room,the Queen’s room.she had a rose gold bed side table with a real golden swan-shaped lamp.Next to it was a four -poster bed with scarlet,velvet curtains.Chaya scanned the room there was gold everywhere the room was as bright and shiny as the sun.The Queen had a golden table were stood a diamond encrusted mirror and sitting next to the mirror was a diamond encrusted brush.The room was like paradise;exquisite silk dresses laid on her bed, a numberous amount of pearl necklaces laid on tables…
    Chaya tiptoed to the nearest table (the bed side table)and opened the drawer, inside she saw a book,a box of stunning ear-rings and under a handkerchief she found many diamonds: rubies, saphires, jades…
    She grabbed them all,put them in her pouch and left as she heard footsteps coming.

    While she made her way out of the castle she got time to look around its aesthetic decorations.Many ravishing statues stood proudly along the hallways,which were garnished with sublime tapistry.One unique statue caught her eye it was of a majestci lion who was holding a sword and it seemed to glare at her suspiciously wherever she went.The palace entrance,howeverwas the most resplendant,as its aureate arc marked the beggining of royalty and its heavenly doors seem to be shouting “Come in! Come in!”The inside part of the entrance, though was the most elegant ,charming chandeliers rich with jewels hung from the ceilings,huge flamboyant paintings hung on the walls and golden cornices decorated the ceilings.Chaya carefully but swiftly went across the red carpets towards the doors when suddenly a guard approached her.

    Chaya looked at the bronze spear pointing at her neck…

    Hope you liked it 🙂
    Stay safe

  13. Miss Gorick says:

    Wow! I love the personification of the door. Gold ⭐️

  14. Hello miss this is my work so far:
    Tiptoeing silently across the moonlit room, Chaya was rethinking her decision when a rosewood bedside table caught her eye. “Anything could be inside…” She thought. She looked around. It was an elegant room, with silky pearl curtains framing the glass window. Hiding behind the door was a glistening, well- polished staircase that wound round the banister.

    And in the midst of the royal beauty stood a colossal four-poster bed, accompanied by the bedside table. Blood-red rubies and sparkling sapphires were scattered in the drawer, along with all sorts of extravagant diamonds from exotic places.

    This was a puddle of fortune in anyone’s eyes, especially in Chaya’s. Her eyes became wide and bright as the sun when she saw them. The jewels just seemed to call to her…

  15. Miss Gorick says:

    I love the personification of the jewels ⭐️!

  16. :) jade (: says:

    Well done everyone these all sound great 🙂
    i love all the figurative language and the descriptive vocabulary!!!
    Good job 🙂

  17. Good morning! This is some of my writing.

    The enormous hall where the king feasted had elegant dancers swirled around whilst instrumentalists played. As the scent of mouthwatering sweet meat filled the hall, shortly to be brought to each food table. While they waited crunchy rice cakes and exotic fruits where being eaten. You could see the king in his silk garment that was dignified purple and the Queen was wearing an exquisite gown. Giant palm leaves were swooshed around by the king’s servants, keeping the room cool.

    The Queen’s bedroom was lined in beautiful gold damask wall paper, but the most extravagant piece of furniture was her bed. Her bed curtains danced in the cool breeze and her bed covers were a soft silk. On each side of the bed teak cabinets stood that were full to the rim with jewels- on top of the cabinets were silver jewellery stands with her precious necklaces, rings and bracelets. If you walk across the room the soft, velvet, jade coloured rug is spread across the floor. All around the room were various statues of animals, and most of all a giant wardrobe filled with gowns.

  18. Miss Gorick says:

    The bedroom sounds wonderful! ⭐️

  19. gabriel :p says:

    Chaya tiptoed gently along the path towards the pure white building that stood before her. It was the royal palace. A connection of buildings with an outside garden and a patio. The outside garden surrounded the palace, and was a piece of freshly mowed grass and several fruit bearing trees. Chaya gazed at the colourful fruit, she could smell the sweet tinge they gave. She could also identify the fruit by their shape. There were Apples, Apricots, Oranges, Banana Fresh, Lichi, Papaya and many more. Several gardeners were always at work, so Chaya had to be extra careful when crossing the garden. White cement walls isolated the palace and garden from everything outside, it was like a fortress, and all kinds of herbs and spices grew on its perimeter. The chefs maids usually collected the herbs for the next day to go with the meals. They picked up all kinds such as, because Chaya could smell them she could identify they were: Black Pepper, Cumin, Coriander, Nutmeg and Mace, Mustard seeds and many more. A few rabbits hopped around while Chaya crept towards the entrance, only to find five guards guarding it. Balconies decorated with beautiful, tropical flowers in pots. Their cement was engraved with flowers and wild animals. The barrier was made out of palm tree trunk that was cut into wavy barrier like poles. That was Chayas chance to get inside the palace. She climbed one of the vines that hang on the wall, and put her legs over the wooden barrier. Then, she ventured inside the palace.

    That was my fist paragraph, and I’ll finish editing the other one now.

  20. Miss Gorick says:

    I really liked the imagery created by describing the engravings ⭐️

  21. Good morning miss! Here is my two paragraphs!:

    As Chaya tip toed elegantly towards the Queen’s grand chambers,she caught a glimpse of a large palace guard,scurrying suspiciously towards her.The door,which had been neatly carved with intricate little cherry blossom,creaked as she locked it tight.Then, there it was,the queen’s very own drawer,with a handle made from pure,solid gold.As Chaya cautiously opened it,she found dozens of dazzling diamonds and tons of twinkling trinkets,glistening graciously on top of other priceless riches.

    She carefully grabbed as many as she could fit in her small,dark green sachel.Heer heart was racing as she heard pounding footsteps getting nearer. She quickly escaped the room through the back door.The palace guards were lions,chasing its prey with heavy metal armour clanking against their tough chests.Chaya sprinted through the ongoing feast,and just as she was making her way through the royale exit,a plump villager screamied his heart out:”I got her!I CAAAUUUGGHHHTTTT HHEEEEEER-“.But just as he was saying this,she broke free of his firm clasp.


  22. Miss Gorick says:

    I like the varied sentence structure! ⭐️

  23. I like your ending!


  24. Good morning Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy,
    Here are my 2 paragraphs:
    The giant stone lion stood towering below the blazing sun, keeping a watchful eye on the citizens celebrating below. The air tasted only faintly of cardamom and ginger now. Chaya tip-toed across the cool marble tiles, beads of sweat threatening to drip with every step. She could not be found. Not here. Keeping to the cold shadows of the carved jade hedges, Chaya scanned for guards. They were chattering carelessly- everyone was at the festival. Silently, she made a break for the stone stairs, not daring to look back. No one had noticed.

    Chaya looked around. The corridors were robed in rays of sunlight that were captured by the diamond incrusted elephant statues. Golden lanterns reached for her from the ceiling, urging her to discover the mysteries behind the many doors. She had never felt this alive before. She slipped through a narrow doorway and her feet were met by the gentle touch of carpet. A delicate expanse of gold patterns snaked across a ruby canvas interrupted only by the ivory posts of a freshly made bed. A Blackwood vanity stood beside it like a temple, welcoming exploration. Chaya was intrigued to uncover the treasures that hid within the drawers.

    I hope everyone is staying safe!
    Shun 🙂

  25. Shun’s one is really good! I really liked how it me-Adele me feel as if I were actually there!


  26. Miss Gorick says:

    I like the personification of the stone lion! ⭐️

  27. Miss Gorick says:

    Wow! Year 6, I am so impressed with your writing! You have all made my Friday and your writing is making me smile so much!

    Make sure you comment on each other’s pieces and let each other know what you liked!

  28. I mean it makes me feel as if I were there!

  29. Hello Everyone!
    This is my final edited piece of writing:

    Looking down at its people a palace stood still, solitary and silent. You could tell it was a special place with pools and impressive quarters which only rich royals could take advantage of. The encapsulating entrance with stairs carved out of serious stone made any guests know this was a journey to remember .The green soft foliage was in contrast to the strong stone entrance.

    When Chaya rushed by the Prayer hall she noticed two huge granite columns that stared back at her. They were monsters holding up the palace. Chaya felt intimidated but nothing or nobody could stop her. Behind the columns ,the benches with red upholstered seats screamed at Chaya to sit on them.

    As Chaya entered the queen’s bedroom she could see luxurious velvet rugs littered around the room, they were as soft as a cats fur. The swaying curtains – surrounding the bed – brought movement and beauty adding grandeur to an otherwise drab wooden bedframe. The patterned marble floor was cold but warmed with the littered rugs that brought softness and comfort to Chaya’s feet. An intricate drawer with interesting carvings held the room’s most precious possessions . An alpine-blue sapphire stone dazzled as Chaya opened the drawer .The jewels juxtaposed against the drab interior of the drawer made Chaya’s find even more attractive mesmerising her over their beauty. She saw a red ruby that twinkled in the sunlight and then the third stone; an emerald-green tourmaline that splattered the light into miniature rainbows. They danced on the ceiling like playful fairies. Chaya was excited and joy filled her body with warmth.

    As she left with the jewels, Chaya walked along the banqueting hall. There she saw a beautiful never-ending dining table with ornate floral carvings. The feet and perimeter of the table were covered in gold as were the frames of the paintings hung on the walls. The silver plated chairs were perfectly lined up like soldiers in an army. For a moment Chaya wished they were small enough to take with her. What else would she possibly want? She now felt rich and happy!

  30. Miss Gorick says:

    Great structure Sergio! ⭐️

  31. Good afternoon Miss Gorick,
    This is my published version, hope you enjoy it!

    Chaya cautiously walked down the white marble aisle encrusted with turquoise stones and surrounded by solid garnet pillars with a top of solid gold. She dashed as fast as a lightning bolt down the immense marble staircase covered with detailed marquetry on a bannister ending with an open mouth dragon made of gold leaf. There stood the Queen’s room, Chaya could smell a fragrant scent of incense, and she was mesmerised by an iron pyrite table, the luxury bed beside filled with velvet cushions and an Egyptian cotton blanket. Colourful paintings of childhood and the royal family were hung on walls. Chaya escaped the Queen’s room climbing down the terrace and found herself in an imposing courtyard. There was a deck chair and a rosewood table to place drinks and food. Chaya stood for a minute by the grand fountain filled with flowing water and floating lotus. The fountain was decorated by intricate ceramics and it was positioned in the middle of the courtyard with lavender surroundings.
    She then walked to the opposite side of the fountain, where the kitchen laid seeing from a distance large gold lids covering succulent food, piles of colourful spices in jars, a long glass table covered in exotic fruits and pyramids of sweets. Chaya left the kitchen quietly and eventually managed to escape through the gardens. She admired the verdant grass and the lush vegetation with jambu fruit trees, mango trees, and a variety of tropical flowers dancing in the breeze; there was hibiscus, lilies, roses, jasmine and marigold. It was already the end of the day and the curtain of the night fell upon her.

  32. Miss Gorick says:

    You’ve made some effective edits and written a brilliant description! ⭐️

  33. Miss Gorick says:

    Also, if you’d prefer to send a photo of your work from your Home Learnings book (instead of typing it up) please do and I can upload it to the blog so others can read it! 🙂

  34. I will do that now!

  35. Good afternoon Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy!
    Palace description-My first paragraph.

    Soon, Chaya found herself standing in front of the grand palace doors, engraved with different mythical creatures telling their separate stories. The guards stood like columns against the palace walls ,sneaky, as if they could merge into them at that exact moment.

    Yet Chaya was sneakier. She was small, cunning and sly, the guards were no match for her. She slipped through the palace doors with ease and into the grand hall, it was like a whole new world. A chandelier hung majestically as jewels draped from its tiers. Below it was a long wooden table made by the finest carpenters in town, decorated with vivid rubies and emeralds. On it was a tremendous turkey which you could smell from a mile away. It was the tender, crisp you would expect from any turkey ,and as any turkey, would tempt anyone who passed by. At that time, Chaya was starving so she carefully took a piece from the bottom and cleverly kept it underneath the turkey so no-one could see it was missing. Everything in the room was incredible but the heart of the whole room was the two thrones at either end. Their brims were a fluorescent gold, and had a velvet cushion at its seat. It was priceless and that it was like none other for Chaya would never forget it.

  36. Miss Gorick says:

    What a beautiful description ⭐️

  37. ???Eliza??? says:

    This is my writing

    As Chaya hid behind the pillars, the light from the Queen’s room switched off with a CLICK! Chaya jumped with fear but didn’t say a word. The palace was huge. The windows had a gold outline, the bricks looked brown and new. The curtains were red and silky. The pillars were large, gold and silver with amazing patterns.

    Chaya crept silently to a magnificent wooden door. It had been made with the finest wood. She carefully turned the handle and entered the Queen’s bedroom. Chaya saw a rose wood draw, she opened it and took out the red, yellow and green jems. She heard the wind whistle, the breeze dancing around and footsteps coming closer. Chaya closed the door, but she had forgotten to close the draw. She rushed down the hall, when suddenly a guard approached her.

    Chaya looked at the bronze spear pointing at her neck…

    I hope you liked it ???????

  38. I liked Eliza’s ending, it really created a suspenseful effect ?

  39. Miss Gorick says:

    I love your use of personification! ⭐️

  40. Chaya had just enough time to gaze on top of the roof at the picturesque view of the elephants and birds ahead of her. Then she found herself at the top of polished malachite stairs. She climbed down them quickly but cautiously peering for soldiers who were ready to attack anyone passing by or so she didn’t slip because that would attract the guards’ attention. The turrets spinning as if a snake, were as tall as the clouds. The almighty queen’s palace stood atop an enchanting hill surrounded by pink blossom trees. There was so much gilded gold around, that it made her so tempted to nick some, but she knew she couldn’t, she just needed to get home.
    After Chaya had pushed open the huge wooden doors with a leaver, she had left the pure white building. She felt as if she had just left the biggest house on earth. Now she had to get past the gate which was always running out of oil so she guessed it would shriek when she opened it. Oh no! A guard spotted her. The whole palace shook with the ton of amounts of guards coming to get her. It was shaking so much that Chaya thought that the polished marble pillars would crumble to dust.

  41. I liked Elly’s a lot.She used a lot of interesting and descriptive vocabulary!

  42. Miss Gorick says:

    You have created vivid descriptions, well done! ⭐️

  43. ♡ Haleema ♡ says:

    Hello Miss, I finished writing my re-make of Chaya stealing then I went to copy it and I accidentally pasted a heart which I had copied earlier. When I tried to go back I again accidentally went out of word and because I have auto save I cant get my work back.

  44. Miss Gorick says:

    Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that Haleema. Did you write it in your Home Learning Book? If you did, why not upload a picture and I can add it to the blog?

  45. Miss Gorick says:

    I am so impressed! If we were at school it would be gold ⭐️for everyone!

  46. Mrs Healy says:

    Well done year 6 so many gold stars you can all go on the sun ???

  47. The Queen’s room was illuminated by the sun giving it a golden glow as the light rebounded on the gold and silver drawers and tables. The satin four poster bed stretched luxuriously toward the ceiling almost touching it. It was lot nicer than hostile hallways left behind. Leading into the Throne room, a small silver ornated door was ajar giving the spectacular sight of the grand tapestries like towers going as far the eye could see. Two glistening thrones sat on a raised platform flanked by two silver doors leading to the King and Queen’s rooms.

    Soon a fire raises from the ashes of the kitchen’s chimney roaring happily. The kitchen was a stone cube empty inside, with maids bustling in and out in through four doors. Soon a pheasant was put to roast filling the castle with a smell of roasting meat. While the kitchen was hot and cosy the tower standing tall. Cold and wet the towers were. You wouldn’t stay. The owls screeched and hooted keeping archers awake. The towers standing tall ever ready for an attack.

  48. Maryana :3 says:

    Hi Miss Gorick,
    Sorry i was not able to post on Friday or Saturday as I had very bad internet connect meaning I could only do certain things and could not access the website ☹︎. Now I have connection and I have my story to share .

    The Palace
    An exquisite building stood; with towers soaring through the serene sky it could be glimpsed at from miles away . The castle.

    Alas a sleathly,petite girl slithered through the commotion and bustling of the castles feast. A colorful extravaganza! Elephants ? and monkeys merchants and meals! It was a delight to any living creature . Today was the day,Chaya’s most life threatening adventure…

    While everyone was at the feast was the best time to strike. No guards,no trouble. Swiftly,Chaya climbed over the metal gates and into the main entrance quietly shutting the big doors forgetting to lock them.
    From an elegant stairway to riches galore! Diamonds and mesmerising potratiaties and paintings.The smell off fresh cinnamon,sandalwood and lavender filled the air. Suddenly she heard a sort of footsteps creaking on the wooden floor,without hesitation,Chaya hid behind a statue peering through to get a glimpse of the person.

    To her surprise it was just the castle cat, Lileaon which was walking down the halls and shortly after had left. Leaping up the soft velvet stairs Chaya turned and walked into a vibrant,gigantic room. Looking around Chaya saw many precious jewels and jewellery.Surely this was the Queens bedroom.

    After taking to her hearts content she decided to watch at the celebration at the balcony,it was spectacular!

    Soon she lost track of time and even forgot what she came for. Someone was coming! Up the stairs and into the room they went metal spears came upon her shoulders. “GET OFF ME,UHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”grunted Chaya.

    Who were they???,had she got caught……

  49. ?Timothy? says:

    Chaya cautiously and stealthily walked along the palace walls making sure she wasn’t watched. But then she started hearing voices coming from just outside the queens bedroom so she she decided to jump out of the window , salvaging the stolen jewels she was able to manage. She crept along the cobbled path but took advantage of the view and witnessed the beauty of the festival. Realising she was running out of time , Chaya started making her way to the lion gate. She looked down at her loot. This was her most dangerous heist to date and she had gotten away with it ……… or so she thought………”HEY STOP RIGHT THERE!”
    ”UH OH!”

  50. ?‍?Timothy?‍??? says:

    This my second version. Hope you like it!

    There it stood the kings palace. The spires poking through the clouds like javelins. The illuminated streets made the sumptuous palace seem even more splendid than it already was. Meanwhile in the city streets below a thieving rat was making its way towards the palace.

    Under the cover of shadows , Chaya made her way up the marble steps , squeezing through the daunting lion gates and through to the main precinct. Chaya used her built up parkour skills to the upper hall, in which the entrance to the queens dressing room was in . She eventually got to the door. The door stood tall and proud , intimidating Chaya by the second. She started hearing footsteps coming her way so she took all her courage and went in , carefully closing it behind her. She went into the queens dressing draw and started plundering it taking handfuls atone given time , sparing none.

    Ever so suddenly she started hearing voices. Without thinking properly she jumped out of the closest window and salvaged the stolen jewels from the ground.she crept along the cobbled paths. Suddenly coming to a halt , she notices the spectacular view she can take advantage of and witnessed the full beauty of the festival below. Realising she was soon running out of time she hastened her pace and made her way to the lion gates. She looked down at her loot. This was her most dangerous heist yet and Chaya got away with it …….. also she thought……”HEY!STOP RIGHT THERE!!!!”
    ”UH OH!”Chaya watch as a bronze tipped spear rushed in front of her inches away from her kneck.

  51. Sorry miss I forgot post this on the blog but wrote in home learning book so I’m re-writing it now.

    As Chaya approached the Mountained Palace, the sound of chatter and animals became louder. Several groundkeepers were leading their animals around, mostly elephants, donkeys and horses. All the guards were dressed in green, leather tunics and caps, with sharp, iron-tipped spears. Ahead of a large fountain was a grand, marble staircase, with a shimmering royal red carpet. She dashed up without a sound, quickly crouching behind a carriage. She made her way on top of the carriage and jumped up to the balcony nearby. She pulled herself up the ledge, and fell onto the other side. Chaya grunted, and stood up. Her eye noticed the window open, and she slipped through. It seemed like someone’s bedroom, she quickly searched it, but found nothing worth much money. Guest room, she thought. She listened for anyone outside, there was no one, so she quickly pushed through the door. There was the same red carpet, leading to the ends of the hall. There were some couches and pillows every few metres apart, but she paid no attention and just began to search for a room. She knew where she wanted to go but didn’t know where that was. She searched room by room passing hallways after hallways until one room caught her attention it had a gold plated door with jewels encrusted in the door knob. This has to be it she thought. She carefully tugged at the door. It opened.
    It was there the Queen’s jewels Chaya grabbed them and carefully placed them in her pouch. She heard commotion from the hallway. It was the guards. Her instincts took control as she went for the window, a little ingenuity will get her down. After some quick parkour, she made her way to the main courtyard, to escape as quick as she could.

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