Today’s Maths:

Workbook:  2A

Chapter: 5 Length

Lesson:  6 Solving Word Problems

Links: Lesson 6 

Click on this link for a printable version of today’s blog post: Maths Wednesday printable

Today we are going to apply our column method skills and use them to solve worded problems. All the word problems today will require one step to solve them.

When we started to learn this at school, do you remember what Miss Disco taught you? She taught you CUBES to help you remember how to answer these questions.

Read the questions carefully. Maths No Problem suggest drawing out bars or pictures to help you understand the questions. Trying to picture the problem can help you to work out what to do to solve it. 

*There is only one MNP worksheet today, so if you want more practise solving one step problems, then have a go at these ones:One step word problems. You will need to think carefully about whether the question is asking you to add or take away.  Use CUBES to help you. Parents can click on this link for the answers: Answers for one step word problems. Depending on the question, some of you might prefer to take away, others would rather count on. It is up to you, both will get the same answer. In the answers, I have written out both number sentences to show both options.

*If you found these questions hard, try this activity to practise making number families using 3 numbers. The more familiar you are with these, the easier calculation and problem solving becomes.  

*If you have solved these problems, see if you can use your understanding of column method to find the missing numbers in these. Remember to use the exact same method – start in the ones column and read the sign carefully so you know if you are adding or taking away.  

29 comments on “Maths – Wednesday 6th May

  1. Hi Miss Carruthers

    I have finished Lesson 6 including the mind workout. The asnwers to that was 4 bottles. There were two ways to do this.

    5 x 2 + 2 x 1
    5 + 2 x 3 +1


    p.s. The link on the year 2 Blog page for this maths challenge says ‘Tuesday 6th May’ but today is Wednesday 6th of May. I know this because it is Alexander’s Birthday today!!

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for trying the mind workout. Did you have a go through the extra word problems and the challenge as well?

    Oh dear – silly me! I made the page yesterday and clearly got confused! I’ve fixed it know, thank you for letting me know and wish Alexander a happy birthday!

  3. Miss Carruthers I have done all the math.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Layla! How did you find it? Did you try the extra questions?

  5. Hi Miss Carruthers,
    I have done the maths no problem pages in my school book. It was a little bit hard so my sister Tijne helped me a little bit.
    Bye Bo

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Bo. I’m glad Tijne could help you. If you want a bit more practise, have a go at the other word questions (click on the link after the pink writing).

  7. Dear Miss,
    I have all my maths done for today. It was quite fun. I found some of them easy and some of them harder. I did the challenge questions. They were easy peasy lemon squeezy. I also liked the last one with the missing numbers.


  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done for having a go at all the activities Nadine.

  9. Emilia and Isabella says:

    We did all the word problems in MNP using CUBES and the missing numbers.

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant girls! I’m glad CUBES was helpful.

  11. We liked these, and the extra questions too.

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    I’m glad you enjoyed them!

  13. Dear miss Carruthers,
    I have finished my maths blog homework.

  14. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Sophie

  15. Sophia B says:

    Hi we have completed the work sheets for today. We found it ok, we sometimes add instead of taking away but we will keep practising. We will try to do the extra work tomorrow . It’s my dad’s birthday today and we are going to get the cake now ? ?

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    It can be confusing knowing which operation to use. Well done for having a good go. Enjoy the cake – I hope your dad has a good birthday!

  17. Adrien did all his math home work for today !

  18. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Adrien, well done.

  19. Sophia P says:

    Dear Miss Carruthers,

    I finished the worksheet. It was challenging.


  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    It is quite tricky, so don’t worry! We’ll do more practise on it tomorrow.

  21. Dear Miss Carruthers,

    I finished the work on math no problem and it was ok.


  22. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Marie.

  23. Catherine says:

    Dear Miss Carruthers,
    I’ve completed the worksheets and the one step word problems. I found it OK and will keep practicing.

  24. Miss Carruthers says:

    Great work Catherine. We’ll do more on this tomorrow so you can keep practising then.

  25. We did the maths. It was hard but we got through it, but I understood it and got all of them right.

  26. Miss Carruthers says:

    Fantastic Rex. Well done for keeping on trying and not giving up when things were tricky. You must have been very proud of yourself.

  27. I have completed the worksheets.

  28. Miss Carruthers says:

    Great work Joshua.

  29. Mila Patel says:

    11+7 = 18
    38 + 23 = 61
    It took me a little bit longer to do the last 4 questions but I finally finished it. I been doing lots of maths at home with my mummy. I can now do my 1-10 times table now.

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