Good morning Class 4!

I thought it would be nice to begin today’s Religious Education session with a moment of calm. Just like in class when we begin our RE lessons with a prayer.

You might want to say a prayer in your head or just take a moment to be still and reflect…

The Ethiopian receives the new life of Jesus.

Philip was a follower of Jesus.  He, too, spoke of the Good News of Jesus everywhere he went.  He baptised the Ethiopian in the river before embarking on his journey spreading the message of new life. 

Your Task…

Imagine you are the Ethiopian.  Write a letter to the Queen of Ethiopia to describe your encounter with Philip.  Give reasons to show how this meeting gave you new life.

You might want to think about the following questions to help you to think of things to include in your letter:

Q      How did Philip help the Ethiopian?

Q      What do you think the Ethiopian meant when he said he needed help to read the Bible?

Q      Why did the Ethiopian want to be baptised?

Q      How did the Ethiopian feel then?


You can hand write your letter or type it on the blog, it’s up to you!

I look forward to seeing your work!
From Miss Lee 🙂


27 comments on “Religious Education – Wednesday 6th May 2020

  1. Dear my Queen ? ,
    I have had an encounter with a man ? called Philip. He explained the prophet Isiah to me. I did not understand until he came along. So, when we where riding around, I asked him if I could be baptised right there and now. I got baptised and I was overjoyed and filled with happiness. I thank him.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Great start Holly, well done!
    How did this give you new life?

  3. Philip helped him to understand the bible and baptised him.
    He meant he needed help to understand who it was in the bible.
    He wanted to be baptised because he read about all the things Jesus had done.
    The Ethiopian felt rejoiced.

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Good answers Rafael!

  5. Nina and Ella says:

    Dear Queen,
    I have met a man called philip .He helped me understand the prophet Isiah to me. I used to not understand it until he helped me . I asked him if he would like to join me. I also asked if i could be baptised me right then and there . After i got baptised i was filled with happiness.

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Great! Why were you filled with happiness after being baptised?

  7. Dear Queen,
    I have had an encounter with a kind,gentle man recently. He helped me with the bible and told me about the good things Jesus had done. before the man set off he baptised me i felt like i was the most happy man in the universe.I would never have felt the same without him.

  8. Miss Lee says:

    A lovely letter Rafael! Why did you feel happy after being baptised?

  9. Dear queen
    My life has changed when I met this fellow person called Philip and he told me how to understand the bible and what it meant I listened carefully and red the bible with him now on a daily basis I read the bible while understanding what it means and reflect on all the chapters of the bible.

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Albert!
    How did your life change after meeting Philip?

  11. Dear my Queen,?
    I have met this very polite gentleman and he looked very handsome. I thought about if he could help me.? I really do have some problems with reading the Bible as I don’t understand some meanings but this man called Phillip really helped me.? For some reason, I suddenly wanted to ask him to baptise me. Phillip agreed reasonably and talked on and on about the life of Jesus. Anyway I’ve been writing to you because of this man, to treat him fairly and other people too (as I have learned)

  12. Dear queen,
    I am writing to tell you about my encounter on my journey. On the road I was reading bible. I saw a man on the road and asked him who the bible was talking about. He told me about a man called Jesus and how God sent him down to earth to take away our sins. Later, I asked him, “is there anything to stop me from getting baptised” then he told me to go down to the river with him to be baptised! Once he was finished, I went home feeling happier then someone who had just become king ! ?

    Sincerely, the governor

  13. Miss Lee says:

    Elisa – It won’t let me reply to your comment directly but a lovely letter well done. Now think about how you felt after being baptised.bwhat does being baptised mean?

    Vincent – A great letter well done! Now think about why you felt so happy after being baptised.

  14. City of Nazareth

    Dear Queen of Ethiopia,
    Riding along the road, I was and then a man. A man of such power. The power to fulfill me of new life. My heart was full of happiness, of love. I may tell you, I never egsisted before that man shared my greetings. I asked him the Bible and it’s meaning. He explained to me new and old testaments. The prophet of Isiah too. My heart was full of joy.

    Then the moment comes, when I ask him,”May I have the honor to be babtised?” And my dreams came true that is when my life started, when he poured the glowing water of the river. The river where he told me to stand and then delicately lean my head backwards. The words spoken where,” In the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit.Amen. Before, he took a shell ? cleaned it with his hands and scooped water from the current.

    Yours truly,
    Ethiopian ???

  15. Miss Lee says:

    A wonderful letter Stella!
    How did you feel after being baptised and why?

  16. Hello class, here is my letter to the Queen of Ethiopia.

    Dear Queen of Ethiopia,

    I was reading the Holy Bible when a man came up to me and asked whether I understood what I was reading. I said no. He was an extremely kind man and he explained to me all about Jesus and the Good News. The prophet of Isiah too. When I asked him to explain what it meant, I actually meant the inferences.

    I wanted to be baptised because after I had been explained about Jesus, I wanted to become part of his family. After I was baptised I felt honoured because I was finally part of his family.

    You should get baptised( if you haven’t already) because it feels wonderful.

    Kind Regards,

  17. Dear Queen ? of Ethiopia

    Your Majesty, my life has been filled with happiness because I have met a man called Philip. I think ? he was coming from Jerusalem. He was one of the followers of Jesus. Philip was very kind because he stopped and thought me how to read and understand the Bible. When I asked him very kindly to be baptised he took me to a river and he baptised me.
    I hope to come back soon and tell you all about it in person.

    the Ethiopian

  18. Dear Queen ?
    I was just enjoying my day when I encountered a man called Philip. I was reading a part of the Bible and he asked me, do you understand what you are reading. I asked Philip for help and he then told me the good news. I was starting to understand it and believe, so I asked him to baptised me near a little puddle of water. After he baptised me I fell happy and joyful.

  19. Dear my Queen Ethiopia
    I was riding along the road, then I saw a man that was strong .The man had powers to make a brand new life. My heart was full of joy. I may tell you that I never existed before that man shared his greetings. I asked him is the Bible special? He explained to me a very old testament is special. The prophet of Isiah too.

  20. Dear Queen ?
    I have encountered a prison called Philip. He is a great man because he baptised me. When he baptised me I felt delighted

  21. Amarissa says:

    Miss I need help for question three,can you help me??‍♀️

    1)by explaining the bible to him and baptised him?
    2)he needed to understand the bible.?
    4)he felt overwhelmed and happy ?

  22. Miss Lee says:

    Of course!
    Question 3 – Why did the Ethiopian want to be baptised?

    It says in the passage that Philip told the Ethiopian the Good News of Jesus. So think carefully about what Philip may have told him and why this made the Ethiopian wish to be baptised. Think about how when we are baptised we are welcomed into God’s family. Why might the Ethiopian want to be accepted into God’s family?

  23. Raimundo says:

    Dear my Queen ?
    Today I had an encounter with a gentlemen named Philip, he helped me understand more of the bible ? . I was baptised, I wanted to get baptised because it’s what Jesus did to other people, I felt like a Christian ✝️ and like I’m part of of Jesus’s family.

  24. Dear Queen ? of Ethiopia ??,
    Today I met a stranger named Philip. I was reading ? the book of the Prophet Isaiah and he came up to me and said, “do you understand what you are reading ??” And so I asked him ?‍♂️ to help me understand, and he told me all about a man ?called Jesus and God. We drove passed a lake and I said “ Is there anything to stop ? me from getting baptised?” So he led me into the lake and that moment felt the most glorious moment of my life! I recommend getting baptised ✝️.

  25. Dear Queen?
    I have encountered a man? called philip. I was reading some parts of the bible ? then he asked me, do you understand some of the readings, I asked him for some help because I didn’t know all of the readings. Then he told me the good knews I started to understand. I asked him to baptise me next this pond, after he baptised me I felt this spark of joy.

  26. Dear Queen,
    I don’t think you will believe this but, something INCREDIBLE has happened. You see, I was busy reading a bible from the prophet Isaiah and then this man named Phillip came to me. He asked me if I needed any help on reading the bible. I said yes, for I didn’t know who this ‘prophet’ was in the bible. He explained that it’s about Jesus and told me about the Good News of Jesus. When we past by some water, I asked him to baptise me. Then , I felt happier once it finished because I know that Jesus has forgiven all of my sins and gave me a new life.
    Thank you for your time in reading my letter. I hope you’re having a lovely day.
    Yours sincerely,
    Your Officer

  27. Dear queen,

    He helped him understand the story of Jesus.
    He did not understand the story.
    Because he wanted to be closer to God.

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