Good morning, Year 5!

Today’s English focus: Published Writing

Today you can type up your finished piece of work to share with the class.

I am so proud to have a class of…

This will be your redraft after the feedback given to you on your draft writing. Please look back at any targets from before and apply these to your final versions. You may have had some targets from last week so ensure that you focus on improving on those today as well.

On this blog, I will give you some positive feedback and I would encourage everyone to read each other’s and offer some positive feedback.

If you prefer to handwrite this, you can upload a photo of your letter using the Homework Uploader but please ensure your letter is signed off with your name. First name only!

We look forward to reading your wonderful writing,

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson

You can find a printable version of this blog here:Friday English blog

Please consider the environment and only print this if necessary.

52 comments on “English – Published Writing (Fri 15.5.20)

  1. Hello everyone! I hope you are all well. This is my letter:

    12 Green Road
    More Trees Village
    15 May 2020

    Dear Her Majesty’s Government,

    I am writing to you because I am very concerned about the environmental destruction occurring in the world today. I am particularly worried about the rampant cutting down of our trees and forests.

    A brave Swedish teenager, Greta Thumberg, has been travelling around the world, fighting against climate change, has inspired many of my generation including me. As the government of the people in my opinion, you have a special responsibility, to future generations. I love the way government ministers ride bikes to work-clean transport and a good example to the public! I think you could be the right group to help us.

    In my view, the government is not doing enough to protect the forest as people are still cutting down trees at such a rate that is not sustainable. The forest is important to us children and adults as it provides oxygen. It also cleans the carbon dioxide in the air which come from cars, factories and many other places and things. If we keep cutting down trees, eventually we will run out. If this happens then there will not be any more living things on Earth. The trees create an eco-system for animals, and these little creatures are also entitled to have a habitat. Finally, the government must show humans and forests can live together in harmony. This will ensure that future generations can enjoy. Cabinet ministers, I would like to ask you how would you individually feel if you were a child today growing up? Please listen to our call for action and help us create a greener future.

    Yours Sincerely

    Ayako Ward
    (Age 10)

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Fantastic and thought-provoking letter. Well done!

  3. Happy Friday! I hope you like my letter:

    Dear Prime Minister,
    I am writing to you as I am deeply concerned about our wildlife and nature. Everyday more is getting destroyed by humans who just want the space for houses, offices, and factories. I know that you are the only person who can stop people from doing this. Now you might think why we should stop cutting down the forests, I mean it’s not hurting anyone, but it actually is.
    It is also extremely bad for our wildlife as they live up in trees and it is how they get their food so without trees, our animals will die. You are the only person who can stop our wildlife from dying. If you can help our wildlife, our planet will flourish and grow into a beautiful place. This is a very big change for animals, and they do not have time to adapt to this and that means that they could have nowhere to love for a long amount of time.
    This is not just bad for our wildlife and nature but it is also bad for own health as trees make oxygen for us to breathe so without nature and trees, there won’t be any living things. We must save our planet and try and work towards a better planet, where we are all eco-friendly. I think pollution is also part of the problem as it is very harmful to wildlife and ourselves. If we continue going on like this we could all get seriously ill and then who knows what could happen next, which is why I think it is very important for us to do something about this. I hope that you take my letter into consideration and maybe think about doing something about this.
    Yours truly,

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Elsa. In future, please could you try to divide this in to paragraphs as it is quite tricky to read this way?

  5. Elena ** says:

    Hello Everyone
    This is my letter to the Government ?

    Dear Government,

    This week I know that you will be chopping down the woods, this is a huge mistake because animals live there and if you take they homes away they will have no were to live and they will die. Also if you cut down the trees humans will not be able to breath because humans need oxygen to breath and trees protein oxygen =O2.

    Our world will be destroyed if you are going to tear down the beautiful forest. Please think about what you are doing and if it is the right decision to make, also think about the next generation of humans would they want a chopped down forest?
    We can make the world a better place with just one change.
    I suggest leaving the forest how it is and even improving more trees, more soil and we can all help.

    Thank you for reading this letter

    I hope everyone enjoyed my letter to the government and I hope you all have a great day ⭐️????

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Elena. Is this the complete letter? It seems a little short…

  7. Hello everyone I hope your all well this is my first paragraph of my letter:

    Dear Prime Minister,

    I hope you are all ok. I am writing to you for I don’t think what we are doing to our forest is a good idea. Without our forest no living thing can survive because trees produce oxygen and we need oxygen to live. Plants give us lots of things apart from oxygen like fruits and vegetables too. Also nearly half of the animals in the world live in trees and imagine, you go to find food and when you come back your home is destroyed by humans. I believe humans are being selfish, the animals need them more than us its there natural habitat.

    It may seem like there are way to many trees in the world but there are few and we need them. For example the Amazon River Forest is almost destroyed and over millions of animals live there.

    The thought that humans are the big problem is just devastating because if we weren’t doing this maybe we would have a better world instead. I don’t get why we are doing this because we need trees to, so there is no point in cutting them down only for wood. I know you are the only person who can stop this so please do. If we don’t stop now in about 80 years time this will happen:

    Sea levels will rise alote endangering sea animals, all Coral Reefs at risk of severe degradation, ice free Artic summers no ice-caps left at all, people exposed to extreme heat waves every five years, increase in flood risk and finally plants and animals at risk of loosing more then half of there habitats.

    I think the solution for this is to reduce the fossil fuel of your daily commute to work or school by riding your bike, carpooling, scooter, or using transportation one or more days per week. Another way to help the world is, if you own your own house consider getting solar panels or looking into community solar protects in your area. Also check you which all electronics of when your not using them. The last way to stop this is to take a hard look at household food waste and commit cutting it from its current level. Grow lots of new trees nd plants and get fruits from there. I hope this letter has helped you change your mind.
    Yours Sincerely Claudia

  8. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Well done Claudia. Please could you check spelling for ‘your’ and ‘there’ and ‘to’?

  9. Dear Mr Johnson,
    I am writing to you because I want you to know and understand what is happening to our beloved rainforests which provide twenty percent of the world’s oxygen. First of all, I need to ask you a question: Do you have any idea how serious this is? Without rainforests, there would be no oxygen for us to breathe and eventually we would all die.

    Our rainforests, which help us survive, are constantly being cut down and are being replaced by factories and palm oil groves. You govern the UK and you can use your influence to speak to other world leaders about this outrage. Did you know that rainforests store a huge amount of carbon dioxide. When these forests are cut down, all the carbon dioxide gets released into the atmosphere. This is what cause global warming.

    Global warming is a problem because it causes all the ice caps in the poles to melt, which causes the sea levels to rise and then both the North Pole and the South Pole will flood through the Earth. It also shifts precipitation patterns which means we will get warmer wetter summers and more tropical weather. In addition, the rising sea level also affects some marine animals. When sea levels rise, even a small increase can have a devastating effect on coastal habitats farther inland. It can cause destructive erosion, wetland flooding and higher sea levels are also coinciding with more dangerous hurricanes and typhoons which drop more rain.

    It’s about time you woke up and realised what’s happening in the world. Rainforests are far to valuable to lose and is it really worth losing entire rainforests for factories which pollute our air even more? Quick, you must save our majestic rainforests which are home to huge amount of animals before it is to late.

    Yours sincerely,
    Theo Hayes.

  10. Mrs Avdiu says:

    A superb letter. Well done!

  11. Ms Robertson says:

    Hi Claudia!
    I really like your ideas, especially using solar energy to generate power. ?

  12. Gabriella says:

    Dear PM Boris Johnson,

    I am writing to you because I am concerned about the forests. I have recently seen videos and news explaining the impact deforestation has on plants and nature. I have discovered that you are cutting down trees to make space for houses. I know that you are making houses for people and I understand that this is important for helping the homeless. However, I want you to consider planting more trees and reevaluate where you are building the homes.

    Many people think that this does not effect them, however 20% of the oxygen we breathe comes from trees. If you keep cutting them down, the level of oxygen in the air we breathe will drop. Also, trees take in carbon dioxide and the lack of trees to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen leads to increased air pollution. In addition to this, animals are losing their homes and dying because of the shortage to trees. This change in woodland habitat is being made by humans, and it happens way too quickly for the wildlife to adapt.

    If you plant more trees and revisit where you are building the homes, this will support the wildlife that depends on the forest and ultimately help us. I urge you to take this very seriously. Deforestation is a major problem and you are the only one who can stop it.

    Yours sincerely,
    Gabriella Joyce Contaldi

  13. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Great letter, Gabi! Well done

  14. Hello Everyone! This is my letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson:

    Dear P.M. Boris Johnson,
    I am writing to you to inform you of, not only mine, but many other peoples’ concerns for our trees. As you probably know, trees are an amazing creation, and many are grateful -however are few who should be- for them. Trees are not only beautiful but have many useful perks to them; such as Oxygen! As humans, oxygen is a crucial ingredient for life and need it every second! Trees are also main habitats for countless species. Species like squirrels! They’re adorable and need homes, squirrels along with other wild animals have trouble with food but trees help for them to scout above ground! Chipmunks can also make habitat out of trees! Owls as well! Many, many animals deserve homes, trees are all they need!

    Every second, trees -once chopped down- can be converted into things like wooden bowls, wooden furniture, and most frequently used, PAPER. Although paper can be of GREAT use; stone or even leaves could be used instead. Though honestly, I would agree with sticking to paper! But wooden bowls and wooden furniture (basically what was mention previously) aren’t EXTREMELY important, things like these are what we want not what we really need. We use these (honestly) to make life even more colourful but life is already as colourful as necessary. In fact, we wouldn’t have a life to add more colour into without trees! This brings us back to my point about trees giving us life! My MAIN point to be exact; trees are important, not things to destroy! They give us life, and with that joy! Trees can be beautiful, but that’s not really important. However, trees give us life! They give life to animals! They give life to insects! To herbivores, to carnivores, to me and you! Humans must be grateful, not full of greed. Although I am writing in a book of paper… This has to be seen!
    Yours sincerely,
    Maya Borges

    I hope you all have been enjoying your days! Good bye!

  15. Mrs Avdiu says:

    A very emotive letter – I can tell you are passionate about this! Well done

  16. Hello everyone! I hope that you have had a great week! For today’s English task I re-wrote my first paragraph and I added some more. I followed the steps for the persuasive writing, and I have improved.


    Mr Boris Johnson, PM
    Prime Minister’s Office
    10 Downing Street
    London SW1A 2AA

    Dear Mr Johnson,

    I hope that this letter finds you well. My name is Nika Rudić and I am a 10 year old student from London.

    I understand that you have a lot on your hands at the moment, but I would like to bring to your attention a matter very close to my heart. This is a really urgent subject, and I cannot wait any longer to keep it inside me – or else, I will explode.

    Unfortunately, humans are taking over the world and we are not respecting the nature. We are destroying forests for farming and industry, not taking care of animals and plants. As children, we are taught that forests are the most important part of the Planet – so why don’t behave like that? Why don’t we take care of “the lungs” of the Planet? Why do we have to destroy everything that brings good to countless spices on Earth? Many animals and plants are becoming extinct because of this dreadful matter, and I find this is a very tragic image.

    I feel very sad and angry. I would like to help in this situation and give my contribution to saving the Planet. I admire people who are taking initiative to help make the World a better place for all its inhabitants, and especially for animals to have a fair life, living in peace and harmony.

    My friends and I have made a plan how to help, and we would like to discuss it further with you and your team. Please, could you allocate a convenient time for us to meet and present the plan.

    I look forward to hear back from you soon!

    Best wishes,
    Nika R.

  17. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Some very effective rhetorical questions and emotive language. Well done!

  18. Dear Prime Minister,
    I am writing to you to convey my concerns regarding the major issue of deforestation.
    My name is Lavinia Ayres and I am a ten year old student living in London.
    My understanding is that time is running out and we must take action.
    Rainforests provide a habitat for millions of species and we are not helping them by demolishing their homes. Why should this even have to happen? To satisfy our selfish ‘needs’? Only ten percent of the world’s forests are protected and together we can do something about it. Is it not shameful that only such a small percentage of such a precious resource should be protected? Why only ten percent?
    Animals are suffering and it is all happening under your nose! Don’t you want to do something about it? You could become a role model to other world leaders and show them the right path to take. Nature is crying for help, please answer its call because the world needs you!

    Selfishly we sacrifice the long – term benefits of trees for short- term gain ( things like palm oil and wood).
    A grand 46 percent of trees around the world have been felled and I feel that it is our duty to protect and preserve them for future generations.
    Trees and plants are wonderful things which should be treasured but and sometimes taken for granted.
    Not only do trees provide habitats for all kinds of species but they also trap greenhouse gases and they exhale the gases that we inhale!
    You could help change that! Why does nature have to suffer?
    It doesn’t!

    It brings tears to my eyes when I see what is happening all around the world- animals being deprived of their homes and trees suffering a cruel death just because of our selfish ‘needs’.
    please help a worthy cause! people will do what you command with the click of a finger. You can help change our selfish ways for good! We need you, the animals need you but most importantly we need you!

    Yours truly,
    Lavinia Ayres

  19. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your thought provoking letter. The last paragraph is bound to tug on heart strings! Well done

  20. Hi everyone. 10 Downing Street
    London England
    Dear Boris Johnson,
    I am writing to tell you to stop chopping down our forests and woods. In a couple of years from now all our animals will be dead or dying because of us humans. Squirrels and birds, foxes and badgers, will all be dead, but we can still prevent that from happening and you’re the only one who can do that for us. If I manage to convince you it will make a huge difference to our eco-systems. It will not just make our air cleaner, it will also prevent the extinction of many different species of animals. Please listen and remember you’re the only one who can help those animals and our country.

    Trees don’t just help animals they also help us humans. The leaves on trees produce oxygen which we breathe. Also trees are very clever, because we breathe out CO2 which the trees need and then they get rid of oxygen which we need so basically we need each other. Without trees us humans would die, and without us the trees would die. So if you want to die, carry on doing the wrong thing, but if you want to survive and save animals[which I suspect you do], stop these people clearing forests, just for humans houses and offices.

  21. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Sara. This is a great start. Is your letter finished? There does not appear to be a conclusion and t is not signed off…

  22. Good morning Mrs Avdiu, here is my finished letter.

    12 New Cavendish Street
    Westminster, London
    W1G 7AR

    Palace of Westminster
    Westminster, London
    SW1A OAA

    Dear Boris Johnson and the rest of the conservative party,

    I am writing to you to express my anxiety about what you are doing to the forests in England. Of plants, trees are probably the most beneficial to life, creating homes and food for almost everything. Unfortunately, they are being cut down for wood and to make space for factories and towns. Will you let this carry on right under your nose?

    Firstly, cutting down trees can cause landslides and debris flows because tree’s roots keep the soil together, but if you chop down a tree, the soil and earth will be released, causing landslides that can damage buildings and structures. If people’s houses are hit or wrecked in any way by them, your Government will have to pay for the damage.

    Secondly, animal’s homes are also destroyed by deforestation. Many people think that they can just move to a different tree or forest, but there can be predators in the other part of the forest that they are forced to move to or other animals could already be occupying it. Do you think it is easy moving house?

    Finally, one acre of trees removes around 2,360 kg of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year and one tree produces 118 kg of oxygen each year too. Since only 12.9% of the UK is covered in woodland, compared to the 38% that most European countries have, the UK does not receive all the benefits of having trees. In order to catch up to them, we will have to plant 60,866 square kilometres of trees.

    In conclusion, the forests are too valuable to be chopped down. What would happen if trees became extinct like in the Lorax? Would we create artificial ones? Therefore we must act quickly before it is too late and stop deforestation.

    I hope you have taken my points into account and will take action upon them.

    Yours sincerely,


  23. Mrs Avdiu says:

    A superb letter – well done! I especially liked the conclusion at the end with the emotive rhetorical questions. PS: The Lorax is one of my favourite films!

  24. .+*Elena.+* says:

    Hello Everyone
    This is my letter to the Government ?

    Dear Government,

    This week I know that you will be chopping down the woods, this is a huge mistake because animals live there and if you take they homes away they will have no were to live and they will die. Also if you cut down the trees humans will not be able to breath because humans need oxygen to breath and trees protein oxygen =O2.
    As children we are being taught that we can make the world a better place but I do not see how destroying the forest could be very hygiene. Do you really want the next generation to go through the same thing we are? We need to save to forest!!

    Our world will be destroyed if you are going to chop down the beautiful forest. Please think about what you are doing and if it is the right decision to make, also think about the next generation of humans would they want a chopped down forest?
    We can make the world a better place with just one change.
    I suggest leaving the forest how it is and even improving more trees, more soil and we can all help.
    We need to make a change and we need to help the environment, we need to make sure the animals still have lives because just like the animals to live we need to live.
    Rainforests are far too important to lose and so all of the animals we need to make sure we’re taking care of our planet and I don’t think you’re doing that I suggest that we make a change starting now.
    Thank you for reading this letter
    ~Elena C

    I hope everyone enjoyed my letter to the government and I hope you all have a great day ⭐️????❤️

  25. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Super effort, Elena. Please could you check your use of commas. For example: in the first sentence before ‘this is a huge mistake’ there should not be a comma there.

  26. Hi everyone this is my published letter to the Prime Minister. I hope you like it!

    Dear Prime Minister,
    I hope you are okay and keeping safe from the Coronavirus. I would like to speak to about our forests, they are being destroyed and I know you’ve got other things to worry about but please, just here me out. Us humans are chopping down trees to this second and what are you doing about it? Well from what I’ve heard, nothing. We get paper from trees but they also give us fruit, vegetables and they produce oxygen, now what matters more? Paper or Earth? To be honest you would choose paper but that’s the incorrect.

    Half the worlds original forests have been destroyed due to deforestation. In the island of Sumatran, forests are being cleared for palm oil farms which is extremely bad for the environment. If you don’t know already deforestation has a lot of effects on animals like habitat loss, changing climate, risk of wild fires and drought, starvation and increased interaction with us. So please just make an effort to save our forests.
    Yours sincerely Iggy

  27. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Iggy. Is this the finished letter? It seems short…

  28. Hello everyone. Here is the rest of my letter. ?

    Dear Government,

    I am writing to discuss about our forests because people are not taking care of them. They are cutting down the trees! This has to stop! It is really disturbing me that it is not being given much attention. I will give you some reasons on why you should not chop down trees and what good things trees do.

    You must tell those people to stop chopping down trees or it would end up that there would be no more humans in the world, and we do not want that, do we? Chopping town trees would also result to extreme droughts which means there would be more fires, lots more flooding when rain comes, lots of carbon would go into the sea and kill all sea creatures and there would be very hot temperatures. It will be chaos! It is very disappointing because you are not paying attention to what is happening to the forests. No human or animals can survive without trees. How would you feel if you were a tree being chopped down?

    Trees play an important part in our lives because trees can help make our air clean so everyone can breathe freely, they give us oxygen (if we don’t have oxygen we would die). They can heal people by relaxing our mind, when the sun is too strong, they give us shade, it gives homes for animals so they have a place to stay and there’re lots more other good reasons.

    Hopefully this has made you change your mind and help us with this. We need you.

    Kind regards,

    I hope you enjoyed reading my letter. Have a Happy Friday. ?

  29. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I absolutely did enjoy reading it! Thank you. Try to specify what it is exactly you expect the government to do.

  30. Sebastiao says:

    Hi everyone,
    I did not have a chance to post my first paragraph on yesterday’s blog so I will put the whole thing here. I hope everyone is well and that you are all safe.
    92 Savetree Road
    Oxygen City
    ZH4 2JP

    10 Downing Street
    Westminster, London
    SW1A 2AA
    Dear PM Boris Johnson,
    I am writing to you because of my concern with deforestation. Trees and forests play an essential part in making Planet Earth a sustainable place to live in. Trees alone give us around 70 % of our oxygen and at the same time store Carbon Dioxide. Personally, I think people should get more involved and help out with this problem and I recommend everyone planting a few trees every year. Trees are important not only for our health but also for the habitats of birds and animals that need shelter. Deforestation damages the lives of animals who rely on trees to nest, lay eggs or even just for food. Pollution affects the air we breathe as well so I am asking your government to help stop this crisis here in the U.K.

    I would like you to advise the nation to change behaviour by using more eco-friendly ways of transport such as walking or cycling instead of using transports that pollute such as cars, vans, motorbikes and trucks.

    The climate emergency we are now living in will have a great impact on future generations and if we don’t start acting now, humankind might not even exist in the centuries to come. I am looking forward to hear on what your plans to address this crisis are.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Sebastiao – Age 9

    I hope you liked my letter to the government and I am thinking of actually sending it to Boris Johnson!!!

    Have a great day everyone! ?????

  31. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Great letter, Seb. I think it would be a good idea to send it. He may even reply! I think you should also tell the government what it is you expect them to do and perhaps add some emotive language such as rhetorical questions that tug at heartstrings!

  32. Hello Mrs Avdiu, I did put it in paragraphs but unfortunately it didn’t come up as paragraph.

  33. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Oh! That’s okay Elsa – don’t worry 🙂

  34. Sebastiao says:

    In addition to my earlier comment, as a member of St Vincents Green Team, I invite you all to also post your letters to PM Boris Johnson! Together we will have a stronger voice.

    Have a great day! ????

  35. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That’s a super idea! You are a fantastic member of Green Team.

  36. Mathilde says:

    Dear Prime Minister

    I have been witnessing tree after tree being cut down. Do you have any intention to make this stop? You would go down in history as the Prime Minister who saved the trees.

    Cutting down trees doesn’t just effect the wildlife, it also effects humans. The forests are the lungs of the world and we are not doing anything to protect them. Trees hep cut down on pollution. If we carry on like this there won’t be any more oxygen and no person or animal would be able to breathe.

    I know you have a lot on your hands but again this is an urgent matter. Many animals are becoming extinct because of this. I am very angry and upset and I hope that one day the world would not be so polluted and people don’t cut down trees that often.
    I look forward to hearing your reply.

    From Mathilde

  37. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Well done, Mathilde. It is so nice to see you responding on the blogs 🙂 Check your spelling for ‘effect’

  38. Hi Everyone,

    Dear Mr. Johnson,

    I trust that you are well.

    I am writing to you because I want to inform you about what is happening to our forests right now. People are cutting down trees, destroying innocent animals’ habitats which causes them to have to run away or even worse, they may die. Trees are also part of our eco-system and help us to breathe, as they breathe in carbon dioxide (CO2) and out oxygen (O2). We humans do exactly the opposite, and we need oxygen to survive. if we don’t save plants and trees, there would be less air for us to breathe, and we could suffer too in future generations.

    A lot of the animals on earth live on trees and some of them may no longer have a home if we keep on destroying trees and forests. If now there are about 3.04 trillion trees on Earth, with your help, we can make that number even bigger if we can by planting more.

    If you agree to stop destroying forests, we need your help to put forward laws in Parliament to make it happen.
    I really hope that you will support this cause!

    Yours sincerely,


  39. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I really like this letter Marco – it is written in a formal tone and it very clearly states your concerns. Well done!

  40. ✧Angieli✧ says:

    Happy Friday Mrs Avdiu, Miss Robertson and everyone, hope you all had an amazing morning, here is my finished piece of my letter??

    15 Maple Street
    Westminster London
    Y4T 9DA

    10 Downing Street, London
    WQ7D 3BB

    Dear PM Boris Jhonson,
    Hope your doing well, I am writing to you because I just wanted to let you know that, whatever your doing like cutting 50% of the trees isn’t a good idea.

    The poor animals habitats have currently been destroyed, so now they are suffering or maybe dying for this cause, so please let these people know to stop cutting down trees, because by the time all the trees have been cut down we wouldn’t be able to breathe.

    Although, the government hasn’t been doing as much to save the rainforests, so all the majestic creatures have to find a new home. Also may the adults teach their children to always recycle because many people are throwing the plastic bottles in the ocean/sea so the sea creatures are vanishing so we won’t be able to eat many delicious food. What if you couldn’t eat? What if all the animals disappeared?Please remember to safe the animals

    Your Faithfully

    Thank you for reading my work hope you have enjoyed also stay safe and keep washing your hands. Happy Friday everyone have a wonderful weekend???

  41. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Happy Friday, Angie!
    Thank you for your great letter. It is written in a formal tone and you are really improving on your punctuation. Angie, always remember to not post your full name online (online safety). Have a great weekend 🙂

  42. Hello everyone this is my letter:

    10 Downing Street
    Westminster, London
    SW1A 2AA

    Dear PM Boris Johnson,
    I am writing to you to inform you about my concern for the environment and well fair of the wildlife.

    Recently on the media I have noticed that many trees and forests have been cut down, not only in the UK but also world wide. This can have irreversible consequences such as the loss of habitats for animals, also it can have a major impact on us directly. Habitats are being lost, only to be replaced by more harmful industries, and housing. Animals are using there homes which means that many will not survive.

    As I strongly believe in protecting the environment for the future generations and cannot achieve this on my own, I am therefore asking you for your support in campaigning against deforestation. Furthermore I would like you to introduce a new rule about cutting trees. I am proposing that if a tree is cut down, two must be planted in replacement. We must act now, before it is too late. Please think about our children and what world they will grow up in.

    I hope that you understand my concerns and take them seriously. I look forward to your responds but more importantly to your actions.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

    Your sincerely,

    Student at St Vincents.

    I hope you have the loveliest of lovely days ever!

  43. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Maia, remember to not post your full name online (online safety).
    Well done for this great letter. It is written in a formal style and clearly explains why you are concerned. What would you expect the government to do? This needs to be clear in your letter. Hope you have the loveliest of lovely weekends ever! 🙂

  44. Erin and Regan says:

    Hello Miss Avdiu
    Regan and I both typed up our letters on proper paper so that they look professional and it was fun to do. We have uploaded them.

  45. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Wow! I am so impressed. They look fantastic and very professional. Will you be posting them to Boris?

  46. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you girls!I will put them in the blog

  47. 24 Marylebone Street
    NW1 4DF

    Dear Prime Minister,

    I am writing to you so we can discuss all about the rainforests. Firstly the trees are being cut down to build houses and buildings, which is then causing more pollution to us and the wildlife. Did you know that 20% of the oxygen we breathe comes from trees?

    Secondly all of the animals and tribes that live there will lose their homes. How would you feel if we destroyed you home?

    Finally if you don’t help to stop this, we will lose our rainforests. This will then cause the world to have less oxygen, carbon dioxide to increase (which causes global warming) and precious animals to lose their homes.

    Please help us to protect the rainforests. Do something NOW!

    Yours Sincerely,


  48. Mrs Avdiu says:

    thank you Dylan. Great effort – I can tell you are passionate about this topic. Could you include suggestions for what you expect the government to do?

  49. .+*Kayla*+. says:

    Hello everyone! Here is my letter:

    Dear Prime Minister,

    I hope you are keeping safe and healthy! I am writing to you to tell you that you need to stop everyone from cutting trees! It is decreasing the amount of oxygen! Also, if we cut down trees and destroy forests, we are destroying wild animal’s homes and that means they will become extinct!! There are only 1,864 Giant Pandas left in our forests and in the wild and we need to help them!! And there are about 5000 to 7000 tigers left altogether everywhere and that is not a lot compared to the rest of the world!!!Please think about what you are doing and please stop cutting down most of our amazing forests!!

    Also, if we end up destroying every single forest and jungle, where will we go camping or where will all of the amazing views on holiday be? And we won’t be able to breathe clean air!

    If you have to cut a tree down, make it into something sensible for example, paper for writing or drawing. But don’t just cut loads of them down, as 1 tree gives out approximately 8,333 sheets of paper, but, it depends on how big the tree is!! So you don’t need to cut down loads of trees!!

    Like I said earlier, as 1 tree gives out approximately 8,333 sheets of paper, you need to stop cutting down half of a forest of jungle!! The Amazon rainforest is nearly destroyed and you need to stop immediately!!!

    I hope you finally make a sensible decision about stopping to cut down our forests…

    Yours sincerely, Kayla Farley

    I hope you all have a nice day weekend!!

  50. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Great effort Kayla. Can you think of different sentence starters (instead of ‘also’)? Always remember to not write your full name online (online safety). I can tell you are very passionate about this topic. Thank you for your letter!

  51. Hello everyone. Here is the rest of my letter. ?

    Dear Government,

    I am writing to discuss about our forests because people are not taking care of them. They are cutting down the trees! This must stop! It is really disturbing on why it is not being given attention. I will give you some reasons on why you should not chop down trees and what good things trees do.

    You must tell those people to stop chopping down trees or it would end up that there would be no more humans in the world, and we do not want that, do we? Chopping down trees would also result to extreme droughts which means there would be more fires, lots more flooding when rain comes, lots of carbon would go into the sea and kill all sea creatures and there would be very hot temperatures. It will be chaos! It is very disappointing because you are not paying attention to what is happening to the forests. No human or animals can survive without trees. How would you feel if you were a tree being chopped down?

    Trees play a very important part in our lives because trees make our air cleaner so everyone can breathe freely, they give us oxygen (if we don’t have oxygen we would die), they can heal people by relaxing our mind. When the sun is too strong, they give us shade, it gives homes for animals so they have a place to stay and there’re lots more other good reasons.

    Hopefully, this has made you change your mind, but you must help. We need to have a better environment for the future.

    Kind regards,

    I hope you enjoyed reading my letter. Have a lovely rest of the day. ?

  52. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Renee – this is great!

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