Hello Class 4!
I have been impressed with all of your hard work this week so far! Keep it up, you are all doing a great job!
Here is your maths task for today…

Workbook: 4B
WORKSHEETS: 5 and Mind Workout (Page 166)

Today we are continuing with describing a movement on a grid.

Look at the question below…

Remember, vertices means the corner of a shape, so the question is asking us to move the shape either up, down, left or right so that one of its corners (vertices) are at the coordinates (7,8).
Don’t forget the rule: Along the corridor and up the stairs.
So (7,8) is here:

There are 4 different answers for this question because the shape has 4 vertices…

We can move the shape 5 units to the right and then 2 units up (5,2).
This means that vertex B has transformed to (7,8).








Or, we can move the rectangle 5 units to the right and 4 units up (5,4).
Now, vertex A is at coordinates (7,8).








We could even transform the rectangle 2 units to the right and 4 units up (2,4).
This would put vertex D at (7,8).


The final option is to transform the shape 2 units right and 2 units up (2,2).
This would make vertex C be at coordinates (7,8).

Now try the Maths No Problem page and Mind Workout (remember the mind workouts are supposed to be very tricky so if you find it hard, don’t give up)! Don’t forget to ask for help if you need it! I am here to help!

Finding the Maths No Problem tasks tricky? Why not log onto Mathletics here and practise the coordinates tasks! You might even be awarded a bronze, silver or gold award!


Below are some challenges. They get more challenging as you move through them. You can choose to do just one or all 3, it’s up to you!




Good luck and enjoy!

From Miss Lee πŸ™‚Β 



38 comments on “Maths – 13/05/20

  1. Nina and Ella says:

    we have done the mathnoproblem pages in our yellow books.

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Great work girls!

  3. Hello class, how are you doing today? Hope none of you are getting bored at home!

    Miss Lee, I have completed the sheet and the mind workout. I have also completed the challenge, here it is:

    Challenge 1:
    The triangle to the cross – 2 units to the right and 1 unit downwards.
    The triangle to the heart – 2 units downwards.
    The heart to the star – 1 unit to the left and and 1 unit downwards.
    The star to the cross – 3 units to the right and 2 units upwards.

    Challenge 2:
    Tommy started counting on point A whereas he should have started counting on the point after point A.

    Challenge 3:
    I have plotted a heart at the coordinates ( 3,6 ) and a snowflake at the coordinates ( 6,3 ) . The movement between the heart and the snowflake is 3 to the right and 3 downwards. The movement between the snowflake and the heart is 3 to the right and 3 upwards.

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Sophie! Well done!

  5. Good Morning Miss Lee,
    I have done the maths no problem pages.
    Thanks, Tijne

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Tijne! Well done for working so hard!

  7. Good morning miss Lee!
    Coordinates are not that hard but I am still learning as much.
    Did you see my comment yesterday?
    All done in maths book.

  8. Miss Lee says:

    Fantastic work! Yes I did see, I am glad you are not finding this too tricky! How did you find today’s challenges?

  9. Done maths no problem βœ…

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Great work! Try the challenges!

  11. Done the math no problem!?

  12. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Holly!

  13. Hello Miss Lee,
    Challenge 1:
    1. 2 to the right and 2 down
    2. 2 down
    3. 1 left and 1 down
    4. 3 to the right and 2 up

    Challenge 2:
    Every time he counts he starts with 2

    Challenge 3:
    The pair 0,2 and 2,0
    When you go to your number it will be the same

  14. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Martin!
    Great work, well done!
    Check your answer to challenge 2, what else is he doing that means he does not get the correct answer?

  15. Done all pages, tried the challenge but i don’t understand it

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Well done for doing the pages and for trying the challenge, do you want some help with one of them?

  17. Does a square count as a parallelogram ?

    I have completed my math pages.

  18. Miss Lee says:

    Good question Ajay! Yes it does because a parallelogram has opposite angles which are equal and the parallel sides are equal in length and a square fits this criteria. Well done!

  19. amarissa says:

    hi miss,
    in my maths no problem book, the chapters only go up to chapter 7…

  20. Miss Lee says:

    Hi Amarissa,
    So sorry, it is workbook 4B!

  21. Morning Miss Lee,
    Workbook 4A is only showing up to Chapter 7 for us.

  22. Miss Lee says:

    Sorry, workbook 4B!

  23. Good morning Miss Lee and everyone ???
    I have done the maths no problem work sheets and the challenge ?
    Challenge 1
    Triangle to X = 2 right and 1 down.
    Triangle to β™‘ = 2 down.
    β™‘ to β˜† = 1 left and 1 down
    β˜† to X = 3 right and 2 up
    Challenge 2
    It should be 2 right and 3 up because the start and the end numbers don’t count.
    But I am still a little stuck on challenge 3. Can you help me please ?? Thank you

  24. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Clare, well done!
    For challenge 3, the shapes are at the following coordinates:
    (4,0) and (0,4)
    So, you travel the same distance up or down and left or right to get from one to the other.
    For the blue cross, you translate 4 to the left and 4 up to get to the green triangle.
    To get from the green triangle you travel 4 to the right and 4 down to get to the blue cross.

    Now think about where else you could place these shapes so that you travel the same up or down and left or right to reach the other shape.
    Use the example to help you, the numbers are the same just the other way round… (4,0) and (0,4)
    So we could try (2,5) and (5,2)
    If the blue cross is at (2,5) we would move 3 to the right and 3 down to get to the green triangle.
    To get from the green triangle at (5,2) to the blue cross we would travel 3 to the left and 3 up.
    So it is the same number of moves up or down and left or right.

    I hope that is helpful. Let me know if you need more help and I can try to draw it out and post a picture on the blog!

  25. Done βœ… all my MNP

  26. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Alfred!

  27. amarissa says:

    all done on book 4b

  28. Miss Lee says:


  29. Done all the math pages

  30. Miss Lee says:

    Great well done!

  31. I have done my math.

  32. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Pablo!

  33. Hi! i done my worksheet in the book

  34. Finished βœ… and they are in my folder ?

  35. Done

  36. Thank you Miss Lee for your help. I will try to use that next time ??!!

  37. Also done

  38. Raimundo says:

    Done the Math No Problem πŸ˜€

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