Science Task

Click HERE for a printable version of this task

Last week we began our new Science topic ‘Plants.’ We started to discover important parts of plants and what they need to grow.

Watch this video to recap on parts of a plant and their functions:

What is the role of the roots?
What is the role of the leaves?
What is the role of the stem?


Fascinating Facts about plants

Do you want to know some more interesting facts about plants? Click HERE!

Today we are going to explore plant growth and answer some questions about a set of results. Then we will find out about water transportation.

Task 1

June wanted to know where the best place in her room to grow a plant was. She put three plants in different places and gave them the same amount of water each day. She recorded how much they grew in a month.

Her results are in the table below.

a) Why wasn’t June’s investigation a fair test?

June fixed her mistake and did the investigation again.

b) Where do you think the plant grew the most this time? Explain your answer.

Click HERE to check your answers.

Task 2
Water Transportation
Read about the water transportation process and have a discussion about it with someone in your family.

Task 2 – Experiment   
(In your own time when you have suitable materials)

Science Experiment: Exploring how water travels through a leaf

Click HERE for information about how to complete the experiment

Click HERE for the observation record sheet

Let us know how you get on, you can upload some pictures in a few days time when you have done your experiment.

Sebastian Science

21 comments on “Science Task – 14.5.20

  1. 1. June‘s investigation wasn’t a fair test because she used different plants.
    2. I think that the place the plant grew best was on the windowsill because the plant would now also get sunlight.

  2. Hello Miss
    1a The test wasn’t fair because different plants need different amounts of water and light.
    1b I think the plant on the windowsill would have grown the most as it gets the most light and air.
    I will get a leaf from the park today or tomorrow and try the experiment at home.

  3. Reuben ? says:

    A) the test wasn’t fair because under her bed it was dark so the plant had shade
    B) I think the plant could be on the windowsill because it could have sunlight. Around the park I take my dog out so I can maybe find a plant there!

  4. Chloe H?? says:

    1. Roots are helping to absorb water and minerals from the soil.
    2. The leaf helps to make food by absorbing sunlight.
    3. The stem function is to hold the plant upright. It carries water, minerals and food from the roots and leaves to the flower.

    Task 1
    a) June’s test wasn’t fair because she used three different plants. Each plant survives in different environment.
    b) The plant grew on the windowsill the most because it needs sun and air to grow.

    Task 2
    I explained everything correctly.

  5. Miss Jones says:

    Great answers so far everyone, well done! You can check if you were correct by clicking on the answer sheet 🙂

  6. Penelope says:

    1. June’s investigation was not fair because she took three different plants and put them in three different places so she couldnt compare how they were growing
    2. location : windowsill
    reason : because they can get the most light and air

  7. Science
    roots: The roots help the plant get water and minerals the plant needs to survive.
    leaf: The leaf gets all the sunlight which is food for the plant.
    stem: The stem carries the plant to stand up and not break.

    Task 2
    1. It wasn’t a fair test because she used different types of flowers .
    2. Location: windowsill
    Reason: Because the plant can get air and sunlight.

  8. Gabriella says:

    June’s test was not fair because they were different plants.
    The plant will grow the best if she put it on her window sill because it will get air and sun.

  9. Leonardo says:

    1. The investigation wasn’t fair because she used different plants .
    2. Location: The windowsill Reason: Because you get more sunlight.

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Great answers Class 3! Has anyone had a go at the experiment yet?

  11. 1. June’s test wasn’t a fair test because they were different plants and they were in different places.
    Because sun and air.

  12. Clémence says:

    The roots have two functions. They maintain the plant in the soil and they absorb the water and minerals contained in the soil.
    The leaves are acting as the kitchen for the plant. The green contained in the leaves, the water provided by the roots and the the air (carbon dioxide) with the action of the sunlight make food for the plant.
    The stem has two functions. The first one is to support the leaves. The second is to conduct water and minerals from the roots to the leaves. In a nutshell, it acts as the supplier for the kitchen.

    Task 1
    a) It wasn’t a fair test because she used different plants with different needs. A cactus needs less watering than a jasmine or roses. In addition, she didn’t place them in the same conditions, especially in terms of sun light and air.
    b) Location : windowsill. Reason : better exposure to sunlight and air.

    Task 2
    We had the discussion about water transportation with my dad (in the garden).

  13. Karolina says:

    The role of the the leaves is to make the food.So are needed for nutrition (feeding).Leaves nead LIGHT,AIR,WATER and WARMTH.

    The role of the stem is to holding it up towards the light.It also transports water and food through the plant.

    The role fo a roots is to the roots suppot the plant,holding it in the soil.The roots are also needed for nutrition,taking up water and minerals from the soil into the plants.

    TASK 1.
    Q1.She used differe plants.They might grow at different rates or need different amounts of water or light.
    Reason:Because the plant can get enough light and air there.

  14. Miss Jones says:

    Excellent detail in your answers Clemence and Karolina 🙂

  15. Jiana Latif says:

    Task 1
    A/ Junes test was unfair because she used different plants in different places.

    B/ Location. Jasmine under her bed.
    Reason. This plant grows well in a warm sheltered location. Soil needs to be moist not soggy. So under the bed was good.

    Task 2
    Will update you on the water transportation.

  16. Miss Jones says:

    Well done, I can see you all thought carefully about your Science answers. Please do send in pictures if you manage to complete the Science experiment 🙂

  17. Task 1A: The test was not fair because the pants was not kept in the same place so the plants would not grow at the same rate, and they was different plants so one might take longer then the other.

    B: The Jasmine was under her bed and that grew the quickest I think this happened because it had a nice dark and cool shady spot.

  18. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Holly. Think carefully about your answer to question B – what do plants need to grow effectively? Think about where the best location to keep it would be.

  19. Miss Jones says:

    Helena, thanks for sending in pictures for your leaf experiment! It’s great to see the process and what happened! Well done for recording your findings each day. Did the leaf go as red as you thought it might?!

  20. Miss Jones says:

    Clemence, thanks for sharing a picture of your experiment! Well done for giving it a go and recording your findings! Did the colour change much each day?

  21. 1. June’s test wasn’t a fair test because they were different plants and they were in different places.
    Location: Windowsill
    Reason: The plant will get light and air.

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