Good morning Year 5,
Christians believe that, in Jesus Christ, the world has been reconciled to God. Through and in Christ, every human being is offered the power to reach out in forgiveness and peace, to receive and to offer reconciliation.
St. Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, wrote:
“But now in Christ Jesus, you that used to be so far apart from us have been brought very close, by the blood of Christ. For he is the peace between us, and has made the two into one and broken down the barrier which used to keep them apart, actually destroying in his own person the hostility caused by the rules and decrees of the Law.” Ephesians 2:14-15
Big Question: How can the example of Christ bring people closer together?
In your answer, please make a link to St Paul’s letter and explain how the example of Christ making peace helps you.
We look forward to reading your answers,
Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson
Printable version of this blog:RE BIG QUESTION week 5
Hi everyone this is my answer to today’s ‘Big Question.’
The example of Christ can bring people together by following Jesus’ footsteps, if we do this then it will bring Peace✌️, Forgiveness, Friendship and many more things that will unite us all. There will be equality everywhere you go.
“For he is the peace between us, and has made the two into one and broken down the barrier which used to keep them apart, actually destroying in his own person the hostility caused by the rules and decrees of the law.” Ephesians 2: 14-15. This means that God is Peace and he is the Peace between us.
Thank you Iggy for using such great religious vocabulary. I agree with you – he does teach us how to be peaceful. Can you think of a time when you might find this challenging?
Hello everyone! I hope that you have had a great weekend! For today’s Religious Education task, I have done it with Elena.
This is our answer…
How can the example of Christ bring people closer together?
The example of Christ can bring us together because it teaches us how to be better humans. It also teaches us how to respect people no matter their appearance. It brings us together because it means that we were born with sins and that we will all learn together in peace and harmony.
Thank you girls! Could you please link your answer to the scripture and even include an example of how it can be shown in daily life? This would improve your response 🙂
Hello Everyone !!!!
I hope you all had an amazing weekend !!
For todays RE task I have done it with Nika using Skype!!
Big Question: How can the example of Christ bring people closer together?
The example of Christ can bring us together because it teaches us how to be better humans. Jesus Christ teaches us to be like him ( a fantastic human ) he was kind to everyone!! Christians believe that we were born with sins so when we are baptized we are cleared of sins. We can make the world a better place if we spread peace and be kind to everyone.
Thank you girls but could you try to link your answer to the scripture?
Hi everyone,
Here is my answer :
The example of Christ can bring us closer together in love, friendship and forgiveness.
“But now in Christ Jesus, you that used to be so far apart from us, have been brought very close, by the blood of Christ”
Jesus showed his love by giving up his life.
For us. We can show love by looking out for others and caring for people around us. He was a good friend to the disciples and he forgave Judas even though he betrayed him. We can show kindness and forgiveness with friends too.
Thank you Regan. How can this be challenging and what can we do if we are tempted to do the opposite?
It can be challenging because it is not always easy to forgive people if they have hurt you. However we can all make mistakes and there might be a time when we accidentally hurt somebody and we would want forgiveness.
I agree with you! Sometimes we can even forgive those who haven’t asked for forgiveness!
I agree with Regan. It is not always easy to forgive people or to do the right thing but if we did something wrong then we would want forgiveness too.
Jesus always did the right thing even when it wasn’t easy which is why we should try to live in his image.
Hi everyone.
The example of Christ can bring people closer together like when people go to church as a family and everyone joins celebrating Jesus and God. Also he is the peace between us, and has made the two into one. Ephesians 2: 14 to 15. Also the example of Christ can bring people together because if you’re kind and follow Jesus you’ll make new friends and can bring people closer together.
Thank you Sara for your efforts to link your thoughts to the scripture. I agree with you- it can definitely bring people together. Can you think of ways people might find it challenging to do?
Hello everyone I hope you are all well this is my answer for the big question:
I think that the sacrifice Jesus made for us all has brought us together more. I think this is because now all Christians believe that no matter how different we are we are all equal and the same in Gods eyes and we’ll always be. I think the reason Jesus sacrificed himself were for all barriers between us humans to be broken and that we learn from that. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog!
I always enjoy reading your blog comments! Thank you for linking it to the sacrifice Jesus made – this is really important to Christians. How can we make sacrifices like he did?
Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and here is how I think the example of Christ can bring people closer together.
I think that the example of Christ can bring us closer because since Jesus is loving and caring, if we follow in his footsteps, we will be able to accept our differences and make peace. ‘Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Romans 5:1). We will also be able to forgive each other if we follow in Jesus’s footsteps and we should ‘look not on our sins but on the faith of your church.’ The example of Christ making peace helps me because if we couldn’t make peace and forgive each other, there would be arguments and wars everywhere.
I was really touched by your answer – you’ve thought about it so well and done a great job linking your thoughts to scripture. Well done!