Good morning Year 5,

Please note I will be in the St Vincent’s building today so please understand responses to comments may take longer than usual. I will not be able to approve comments as quickly as I usually do either so don’t worry if you don’t see them show up! I will get to them as soon as I can.

Today we will be looking at the physical features of Greece.

Greece is located in Southern Europe, between Albania and Turkey. It borders the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Turkey all border Greece. The coastline of Greece is an impressive 13,676 km in length.

Greece consists of a large mainland, two smaller peninsulas and a large number of islands. Some of the most well-known islands include Crete, Rhodes and Corfu.

80% of Greece is mountainous. The Pindus mountain range stretches across the centre of the country, with the highest points being 2,637 m above sea level. Aside from the Pindus mountains, Mount Olympus is the highest point in Greece at a height of 2,919 m above sea level.

Your task this week: write a Fact File about Greece or a part of Greece, listing and describing its physical features. I have written summaries for you above to support you but there are many more features you could find.

If you wish to create this on paper, you can send it in via the Homework Uploader. Good luck!

Challenge: How do the physical features of Greece compare to the UK?

You can find out more about the physical features of the UK here: Geography in the News: The United Kingdom 

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson

Printable version here: Tuesday Geography blog


Greece by Maya

17 comments on “Geography – Greece (Tue 19.5.20)

  1. Good morning Mrs Avdiu, I am about to write my fact file but how should I lay it out?

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Apologies for the late reply. I’ve been in school today. You can layout it out as you wish 🙂

  3. Hello everyone I hope you are all well I chose Mountains:


    Greece is 80% mountainous. Did you know that Mount Olympus was believed to be home of the Gods? For it was the highest mountain in Greece and the thought it was a perfect spot to pray and worship there Gods.

    The Rhodope mountains go through northeastern Greece along the border of Greece and Bulgaria. This range also holds place in Greek mythology. According to the legend the King and Queen of Thrace, Haemus and Rhodope, were changed into Mountains after they offended Zeus by comparing themselves to Zeus. Greece has amazing mountains very tall and some short ones. Although they would have preferred more grass land so they could grow crops.

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Super facts and definitely a good idea to choose mountains as the focus- Greece does have beautiful mountains.

  5. Hi Mrs Avdiu,
    Is this task a fact file we are meant to work on for the whole week or just today?
    See you soon

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    You can take as long as you wish to complete it – no pressure to do it in one day!

  7. Hello Everyone !!!!!!

    I hope you have all had a great day and a great week.
    For today’s Geography task I have searched some important information about ancient Greece and its physical features !


    Greece ?? is one of the countries that has the most mountains ?!
    Greek people are known to believe that in Mount Olympus is we’re the gods lived, but not all the gods lived their, only some of them. For example Hades does not live on Mount Olympus he is know to live in the underworld ( that is what he rules thanks to his brother Zeus).
    The mountains in Greece were not always easy to live around , for instance travelling was extremely hard because of the mountains and is was even more hard to communicate ??‍♀️??‍♀️. The city’s use to fight each other for territory ( which is horrible) !


    CLIMATE ??:

    In Greece the climate is normally extremely hot ? it is lovely and sunny ☀️, because there is so much sun ☀️ in Greece they grow olives to and oil ! I love olives !!!


    I hope you all enjoyed my facts and I hope you all have an amazing day see you later ?? ????????⭐️????????

  8. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I really have enjoyed reading your research! Thank you 🙂

  9. Ms Robertson says:

    Hello Class 5!
    Mrs Avdiu will reply to your blogs later on today as she is in a school meeting.

  10. .+*Kayla*+. says:

    Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a nice day so far!!! 😀
    Here are my facts! :


    Greece is mostly covered in mountains, and it covers 60% of the Greece area!! The highest mountain in Greece is Mount Olympus- which is 2918 meters above the sea!!! 😀 Greek people believe that the Gods lived at the very top of Mount Olympus!! It is hard to live around mountains as different city’s had to fight for their area! 🙁

    I hope you all have an AMAZING day!! 😀

    ~Kayla~ 🙂

  11. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for sharing these fascinating facts. I would love to see that mountain one day!

  12. Hello Miss, I have uploaded my project work on Greece.

  13. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Regan! It was a lovely surprise to see you (from a distance!) today 🙂

  14. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for finding out and sharing facts about Ancient Greece!

  15. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your Geography work Sara. I’ve posted the photo above. Beautiful layout and presentation , well done!

  16. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for submitting your work, Maya! Great research and very well presented too 🙂

  17. Good morning everybody, here is my fact file on the Peloponnese.

    The Peloponnese is the largest peninsula in Greece and it is easily distinguishable by its four ‘fingers’ or hand-like look.

    Location: ??
    It borders the Corinth Gulf and the Aegean, Ionian and Mediterranean Sea. The Peloponnese is split into six regions: Achaea, Elis, Messenia, Arcadia, Laconia, Argolis and Corinthia. Its total surface area is 21,439 square kilometers and it holds many famous Greek cities such as Sparta, Kalamata, Patras and the famous ancient cities of Olympia and Corinth.

    Mountains: ⛰?
    The Peloponnese is mainly mountainous, covered by the Taygetos Mountain range which is about 100km long, extending from the centre of the Peloponnese to Cape Matapan in South Mani (one of the four points/’fingers’ that hangs down from the Peloponnese). It contains the tallest mountain on the Peloponnese, the Profitis Ilias, its peak reaching 2,407m.

    Islands: ?
    Two groups of islands lie in the Peloponnese, the Saronic Islands to the east and the Ionian islands to the west. The Saronic islands are the closest Greek islands to Athens and their names are: Salamina, Aegina, Poros, Hydra, Dokos, Agistri and Spetses. Although the Saronic Islands are all in the same area, the Ionian islands: Corfu, Paxos, Lefkas, Ithaca, Cephalonia, Zakynthos and Cythera, are spread out from north to south along the Ionian Sea.

    The Peloponnese has a lot of places with rich history which include Olympia, the birthplace of the olympics, Sparta, an influential, ancient city state which had one of the most powerful Greek armies and Ithaca, the home of Odysseus. There are also ancient Greek theaters like that at Epidavros, Homeric palaces at Mycenae and the stunning castles at Nafplion.

    Greece vs The United Kingdom, physical features: ?? ? ?? ???
    While the UK is mostly flat, Greece is very mountainous and hilly, containing more than 300 mountains although the land in the UK is more arable. The United Kingdom is surrounded by water but Greece is only a peninsula.

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