Good morning Year 5,

sorry for the delay in responding to your comments yesterday. I was in school. Here I am in our lovely classroom; I found it just as we left it and it made me realise just how deeply I miss you all!

I am hopeful we will meet again in better times 🙂

Our new topic in RE is Freedom & Responsibility.


People who want to live or work together make rules for themselves.  The rules give them freedom to live as they wish, but at the same time, be responsible for the happiness of the whole group.


This story is found in the Book of Exodus, which is the story of the Israelites’ journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.  The book of Exodus is one of the five books which make up the Jewish Torah or law.

This map shows the terrain around Mount Sinai.


After Moses led the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, they wandered in the desert for many years.  They were glad they were free, but it was hard going at times.  Sometimes they were hungry and thirsty, then they began to grumble.  But God provided for them, in spite of their grumbles and they knew that God was with them leading and guiding them.

As they made their way through the desert they lived together as a community learning to care for each other’s needs, but above all learning to know and worship the God who had saved them.  When they reached a very high mountain called Mount Sinai, Moses ordered the people to camp at the foot of it and not to climb its slopes, because it is God’s mountain. Moses himself began to climb and asked the people to pray that God would teach them the laws which would bring them together as a people. Moses stayed on the mountain for a very long time, praying and talking with God.  Then he returned to God’s people and gave them God’s Laws: The Ten Commandments.  These were to help the people to live in freedom and to be responsible for their actions.

Today’s creative RE task: Create and upload a photo of your art which portrays this story of Moses on Mount Sinai.

Extension: Prepare the speech/prayer that Moses made to God when asking for his help to establish the rules by which they were to live. How do you think Moses felt? What do you think he said to God? (There is no right or wrong answer – we don’t know what he said to God!) Which rule do you think the people would have needed the most help to follow? Include religious vocabulary in your speech to show his devotion to God.


As it is Wednesday, Miss Coleman and Miss Carruthers will kindly respond to the blogs. Thank you both!

Good luck!

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson

You can find a printable version of this blog here: Wednesday RE blog week 5

kayla( Art by Kayla)

13 comments on “Religious Education (Wed 20.5.20)

  1. Hello Mrs Avdiu I hope you are all ok this is my answer for todays blog.

    I think when Moses went up to the mountain to that mountain to pray to God, God saw that Moses was following his way and being a good leader s He decided to talk to him. I think that what God said to Moses is “that he is being a great leader and he is a very nice and caring person and to teach other people this he must do and obey the Ten Commandments of freedom and responsibility”. This is how the Ten Commandments were made and are still here
    I hope you enjoyed my comment Mrs Avdiu bye. ;]

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Claudia. I think that Moses was a great leader and tried hard to listen to what God was asking him to do. How do you think he would have felt when he was on the mountain?

  3. Miss Carruthers says:

    What a powerful speech Regan! You’ve made it so clear how passionately he believed in God.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    A wonderful picture Elena, I think he looks very impressive standing there sharing the Ten Commandments.

  5. Hello everyone! I hope that you have had a great week so far! For today’s Religious Education task, I have made the letter, answered the questions and I will try drawing a picture, I will send it when I finish.

    I think that Moses felt only a bit scared as it was his responsibility, but because God was with him, he knew what that he would be fine.

    I think that Moses said to God ‘ Please, Father, give us rules to live properly. Let us ,live in peace and harmony.’

    I think that all of the rules are important but to me, I think the ‘Always treat God’s name with respect’ is my favourite.People tend to say ‘ Oh my (rude word or something ) God. This is definitely not what God wanted and I think that it would be best for people to stop doing that.

    LETTER ?

    Dear Father,
    To live fairly and happily, we need rules to guide us throughout life. I think that you should come up with the rules as you are our Father and we will always obey your orders.

    Thank you so much,

    I hope that you all have a fantastic day!

    ~ Nika

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    Very thoughtful answers Nika. I think that Moses would have definitely felt scared with that responsibility. But you are right, when we have God with us, we have nothing to fear.

  7. Kayla ??? says:

    Hi miss! I have just finished my art homework!!! ??????

    Have a lovely day!! ?

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wonderful Kayla – if you upload a picture of it to the website for me to get, then I’ll put in on the blog post.

  9. Hello Miss I have uploaded my work for RE today

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    It’s already up – you can read my comment towards to top of the list of comments. I really enjoyed it!

  11. The 10 Commandments are still important to us today as they help us lead our lives in the way that God would have wanted. It is not always easy to make the right choices in life and these will help guide us when we have difficult decisions to make.
    I have seen the 10 Commandments written before in more difficult language but I like how the coloured chart makes it easier for us to understand.

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    You’re right Erin, the 10 Commandments are a really important and relevant set of rules for everyone to follow. The Bible has many different translations, some are easier to understand than others! I’m glad this one is easy for you to understand.

  13. Miss Coleman says:

    Thank you for your lovely pebble art work Sara. You obviously made the most of the sunshine today!

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