Maths Task

MNP Workbook: 3A
Chapter 3: Multiplication & Division
Lesson 10&11: Multiplying & Dividing (pages 99-102)

Skill: I can understand the relationship between multiplication and division.

Click HERE for a printable version of this task
Click HERE for the Maths No Problem link

Today we are going to recap on the relationship between multiplication and division so that we are ready to have a go at some multiplication and division word problems this week.

Let’s Recap…

Have a go at the guided practice below in your yellow homework book. You will need to use your times tables to help you! If you are a little rusty don’t worry, at the bottom of the blog you can click on a game to help you!

Now you have warmed up, you are ready to complete your Maths No Problem worksheets.

Complete Maths No Problem worksheets 10&11 (pages 99-102). Once you have completed, ask an adult to help check your answers using the MNP website.

If you are finding these worksheets tricky, practise multiplying and dividing by 3 on the BBC Bitesize website HERE.

If you need to ask a question, post it on the blog and I can help.

Extension Work
Complete the word problems (multiplying and dividing by three) HERE

Knowing your times tables really well will help you tackle multiplication and division questions.
Click HERE for hit the button

9 comments on “Maths Task – 18.5.20

  1. Good morning Miss.
    I finished maths and the games were amazing.

  2. Clémence says:

    Good Morning Miss I finished my maths.

  3. Good morning Miss
    I have finished my maths.

  4. Hello Miss
    I have finished my Maths No Problem sheets and will play the games this afternoon.

  5. Miss Jones says:

    Well done everyone for completing your Maths today!

  6. Hi Miss I’ve done my maths homework.

  7. Karolina says:

    Hello Miss Jones
    I have finished my Maths No Problem and now I will plays games.

  8. Matthias says:

    Hello Miss Jones, I finished and it was easy.

  9. Hello Miss Jones.
    Just done it in my workbook.

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