English Task

Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all ok and had a lovely weekend! I’ve been thinking of you all very much.

Wishing you all a positive and happy week!_________________________________


Click HERE for a printable version of this task

It was lovely to hear about all of the books you had been reading at home during our phone calls this week! Lots of you had bought some more of the Mr Majeika books which was lovely to hear!

Tell us more on the reading review blog; I would love to hear your recommendations.
Click HERE

Today’s focus:

Today we will read an interesting poem, answer questions and share our own ideas.

Our text is:
Be the Change – Poems to Help You Save The World

We will focus on the poem ‘Ways I have Raised Money for Charity This Year’ by Matt Goodfellow

Task 1 – Reading & questions

Read the poem HERE. Scroll down to page 12 & 13. It is at the end.
Answer the questions below about the poem.

Complete your answers in your yellow homework book or post them on the blog.

Task 2 – Poem features
Answer these in your yellow homework book or on the blog

The poet uses brackets in each part of the poem  (       )

Brackets can be used to add additional information to a sentence.

a) Click HERE to find out more about why we use brackets.
Read the information and watch the video, then complete the activity.

b) Write your own verse of the poem writing about another way of raising money for charity. If you can, have a go at using brackets!

Read the other poems to help you save the world HERE
Choose which poem is your favourite and explain why. Use some of the questions below to help you.

I look forward to reading all of your answers 🙂

39 comments on “English Task – 18.5.20

  1. 1. He had a important business meeting.
    2. Stephen had a hey fever and got stung by a wasp.
    3. He dyed his hair pink, went to school in pyjamas, a sponsored run around the school field and made twelve fairy cakes.

    I preformed a show, for the folks on the go. It was pretty amazing (if I say so myself.) The coins I raised made a nice melody, which I sung along to while I had my tea.

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Great work Ethan, did you like the poem?

  3. 1. He had a important meeting with his boss.
    2. Havoc got stung by a wasp.
    3. Please protect your mums slippers before raising the charity
    4. I would say that funny fruit and vunky veg was the funniest

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Reuben, Read the questions carefully and remember to look back at the poem to help you find your answers. Check your answers for question 2 and 3.

  5. Good morning Miss,
    1. He had an important business meeting.
    2.Stephen had a hay fewer and get stung by a wasp.
    3. He tried 5 ways.
    4. The funniest one was ‘are you flushed’ because it said save your wee. 🙂

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Good work Emily! I can see you have thought carefully about your answers. You might like to have a go at Task 2!

  7. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Celestine, well done for having a go at the extension! I found it hard to pick a favourite poem out of them all!

  8. Matthias says:

    Hello Miss Jones, these are my answers:
    Task 1
    2.Stephen got stung and had hay fever.
    3. Four ways.
    4. The first one because he would look silly in front of an important person.

    Task 2
    Made 499 cakes for people to raise money for a charity (it was hard work as I did not realise I had to carry them all to the stall.).

    I like Captain save the Planet because it is funny.

  9. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Matthias! Yes I agree, he would look very silly!

  10. 1.It was a very bad idea because (b) he had an important business meeting the next day.
    4.I liked the first one the most because it was really funny when she/he shaved only half of their dad’s eyebrows and moustache!

    (b) I sold a lot of cookies in the park (which were bought by Jack,but accidentally while he was paying, the cookies fell of the ground, and were all eaten by his dog!)

  11. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Helena! Well done for having a go at using brackets!

  12. Penelope says:

    Task 1 :
    1. He had an important business meeting.
    2. Stephen has hay fever and got stung by a wasp.
    3. The writer tried four ways to raise money for charity.
    4. I would say the funniest was “dyed my hair pink and wore pyjamas to school”

    Task 2 :
    Came to school dressed up as a pig (should have tried the costume before because it was boiling hot inside and I could barely breathe and above all I could not see anyone and I was bumping into everyone!)

  13. Miss Jones says:

    I like your answer for task 2 Penelope, it made me laugh! Well done for having a go at using brackets.

  14. Clémence says:

    1. He had an important business meeting.
    2. Stephen got a hay fever and got stung by a wasp.
    3. He did 4 ways of raising money.
    4. Are you flushed? was funny because there’s save your wee!! ??

  15. Miss Jones says:

    That poem was funny wasn’t it Clemence! Good effort, you might like to have a go at Task 2 🙂

  16. Task 1

    1. b
    2. Stephen
    3. four
    4. the cupcake was funniest on ’cause it had sick/barf/puke/throw up in it.

    Task 2

    Organised a ‘who-can-eat-the-most-peanut butter’ contest (I guess I should have checked allergies because Stephen [who has hay fever and got stung by a wasp { a few minuets ago }] and Isla got sick!)

  17. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Julian! That’s a creative idea you have for task 2! Well written 🙂

  18. Sebastian says:

    1) b – He had an important business meeting.

    2) His friend Stephen.

    3) He did 4 things to raise money for charity.

    4) I think that the funniest one was when he dyed his hair pink and wore his pajamas to school because his teacher fainted.

    TASK 2
    I decided to be a sponsored bus driver for a week. For every mile I drove they gave me £10.
    (But I didn’t know how to drive. And I didn’t have a bus. So I made one out of metal scraps that I found in the junkyard. Put in a go kart engine. But that one didn’t work. So I tested out a real car’s engine this time. But that didn’t move an inch. This time I tried a speed boat engine. That only moved three centimetres. Then I bought some horses and made my own carriage. And I said “Off I go, safe and slow.” But I didn’t drive it very well and knocked a few motorbikes over. And the police stopped me before I finished my first mile. So I raised nothing).

  19. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Sebastian, I can see you have thought through your own ideas for Task 2 – very creative!

  20. Hello Miss I have uploaded my English for today

  21. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Orla, well done for having a go at using brackets for task 2.

  22. English
    Task 1
    1. B
    2. Stephen
    3. The author used 4 ways to raise money for charity.

    Task 2
    1. To be nice to others

    Poem : Mr. Nice Guy
    I read my books I walked outside and I said hello to my friends and
    I went to the butchers to get some meat ( it was hard walking to the butchers) I went back home to eat my lunch.
    I went to the charity place and gave the money from today which made them happy. P.S. be a nice person throughout the day and you will always be happy. Mr. Nice Guy.

  23. Miss Jones says:

    Great work Chloe K, I like your creative poem ideas!

  24. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Chloe H, you have given some good reasons about your favourite poem for the extension task 🙂

  25. Karolina says:

    TASK 1.
    Q2.Stephen got stung by a wasp.
    Q3.The writer tried 4 times.
    Q4.The funniest is Dyed my hair pink and wore pyjamas to schoo because if we are wearing pyjamas to school it will be funy.

    TASK 2.
    My hair was purple and I put on a clown costume (I had big shoes that were so big that I couldn’t enter the class, everyone thought it was very funny).

    My favorite poem is called CAPTAIN SAVE-THE-PLANET, because the captain will save the planet from Virus, in the first paragraph he says about him: I am GREEN and No, I am green like forests . I like very much the forests,sun and sky.

  26. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Karolina, you have explained your reasons clearly about your favourite poem 🙂

  27. Gabriella says:

    1.He has an important meeting with his new boss
    2 Stephen was stung by a wasp and had hay fever .
    3. He dyed his hair pink, wore pyjamas to school and ran around the school with fairy cakes.
    4. my favourite part was the one when he shaved his dad’s eyebrows and half of his moustache because he will go to his new boss and have no eyebrows or moustache.

  28. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Gabriella! Your favourite part was popular amongst the class! I think the Dad would have looked very funny!

  29. Graceanne says:

    1. He has a important meeting with his new boss.
    2. Stephan was standing by a wasp .

    3. He died his hair pink,Woke PJ’s to school.

    4. The one when he Noted his dads eyebrows and mistakes because he has no eyebrows or mistakes.

  30. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Graceanne! Did you have a look at the other poems? Which one did you like?

  31. ????? ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ says:

    Task 1
    Ways I raised money this year
    1. (B).
    2. Stephen.
    3. 5 ways.
    Maybe the bit when he went in his pjs and Mrs Jones nearly fainted!

  32. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Angie. You might like to have a go at Task 2!

  33. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Louis, thanks for sending in your work. Did you enjoy the poems? I liked the part with the dad’s eyebrows too!

  34. Hello miss Jones my favourite poem is are you flushed because it says save your wee !!!!????????

  35. Task 1
    1/ He had an important meeting.
    3/He did four ways.
    4/The funniest is shaved dads eyebrows. Poem page 12.( ways I raised money for charity this year).

    Task 2
    I wore a clowns wig ( found in a dirty attic). This is why it looked even more funny.

    My favourite poem page 12. I like it because its hilarious in the ways he trys to raise money. Shaving his dad eyebrows. Dyed his hair pink and were PJ’s to school. Made cupcakes where the bull dog ate it.
    I noticed in the poem he used a lot of brackets. This is because to show us he failed on those attempts. They didn’t go as planned.

  36. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Jiana!

  37. 1. We usually play outside because it is sunny.
    2. Colin never feels very well after milk.
    3.Mum and dad were pleased when I made a card for them.
    4. The football match will be cancelled if it snows.

  38. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Emi, thanks for sending in your work too, it is very neat!

  39. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Eugenia for completing your English task. I like how you described in detail your favourite poem, and quoted your favourite lines! 🙂

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