Maths Task

MNP Workbook: 3A
Chapter 3: Multiplication & Division
Lesson 14&15: Solving Word Problems (pages 107-109)

Click HERE for a printable version of this task
Click HERE for the Maths No Problem link

Skill: I can solve word problems involving multiplication and division.

Yesterday we solved word problems involving multiplication. Today we will explore solving word problems involving both multiplication and division.

Have a go at the Guided Practice questions 1& 2 in your yellow homework book.

Now you have warmed up, you are ready to complete your Maths No Problem worksheets.

Complete Maths No Problem worksheet 14&15 (pages 107-109). Once you have completed, ask an adult to help check your answers using the MNP website.

If you are finding these worksheets tricky, go back to the beginning of chapter 3 and work through simple multiplication and division.

If you need to ask a question, post it on the blog and I can help.

Extension Work
Click HERE for some more word problems to solve.  

Knowing your times tables really well will help you tackle multiplication and division questions.
Click HERE for hit the button

13 comments on “Maths Task – 20.5.20

  1. Clémence says:

    1. 8×2=16
    2. 6/3=2
    3. 4×8=32
    4. Ravi=8, Holly=16, Amira=4
    I enjoyed the game hit the button. I will send you my maths reasoning extension task.

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Clemence, excellent extension work. I can see you have worked hard on your Maths tasks today 🙂

  3. Good morning.
    I’v done my maths correctly.

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Emily 🙂

  5. Good morning Miss Jones,
    I have enjoyed all my maths today. Can’t wait to do it tomorrow.
    Have a good day everyone.

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Chloe H, I’m glad your enjoyed the Maths task today. Keep up the good work and have a lovely day too.

  7. Matthias says:

    Hello Miss Jones, I finished my work It was very easy.

  8. Hi Miss Jones I enjoyed todays maths task and I really enjoyed the game press the button.

  9. Hello Miss I have done all of the maths no problem for today and I have also done the extension work. I like how you made the teacher in the extension work called Miss Jones!!!

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Well done everyone with your Maths task today! I’m glad you enjoyed the word problems Orla 🙂

  11. Graceanne says:

    I have done Miss Jones and hello miss you guys !

  12. Ophelia* says:

    I like the maths game.

  13. Jiana Latif says:

    Hi Miss , done it on my worksheet.

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