Good Morning Year 6! Wednesday already…


 Today we’re going to practise some spellings and our handwriting. We’re looking at words from the Year 5 and 6 spelling list (my favourite…!)


This website helps to learn how to spelling these words and has some games you can practise.


Have a look at the words below, practise writing them in your book and then, If you can, ask your sibling or parent to test you!

How many did you get right?


On the Blog, write a short paragraph including all of the words above.  Plan your sentences first to ensure that they makes sense before publishing it!

When you’re practising your handwriting, remember to start and finish your letters in the right place, sit the letters on the line and remember which ones are tall and which ones hang below the line.


Free Verse Poetry

Peace And Quiet

Peace is…
When you are outside on a nice warm day
With a cold glass of yellow lemonade.
Slurp, slurp, slurp.
Feeling the warm sun on my back,
Rubbing my hands through the wet green grass,
Listening to the birds singing a distance away.
Now that’s PEACE!


What Are We Going To Do With You?

What Are We Going To Do With You?
Sometimes you drive us all crazy.
Sometimes me more than others.
But sometimes you yell
and kick at nothing for no reason.
Tell me, little sis, what are we going to do with you?!

I keep on telling myself,
“I wanted a sister, not an alien!”
Only to have mother tell me you are human.
I laugh as you walk in with underwear on your head!
Now it’s mother’s turn to say,
“Oh, what are we going to do with you?”

But sometimes, when it’s bedtime,
you can be the sweetest thing.
I find it adorable when you snuggle
with your small teddy bear.
And I can’t help but say,
“Lucy, what are we going to do with you?”



I was sitting on the sand
Watching the clouds pass by
When I saw in the sky a lion and a bear.
I said oh my!
I look on my left.
I see a white dove fly so high.
I started to cry.
I said to myself I must be crazy.
There is no bear or lion in the sky.
Maybe a dove and some water below
And other things that we don’t know

Look at the examples above of Free Verse poetry.

Which poem do you like? Can you explain why?

Do you notice any common themes?

Comment below!

Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy xx

For a printable version of the blog, click here Wednesday-English


41 comments on “English-Wednesday 20th May

  1. Hello Miss! Here is my paragraph:

    I wanted to go to a foreign country with my identity card to see a friend who is forty. However, the gouvernement changes rules frequently so we must leave immediately. Then things got worse. There was a hindrance to our flight, the arrival time was guaranteed to change. That was so harassing.

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Charles! Well done, I’m impressed that you’ve written a paragraph that actually links together using all those words!

  3. Aryan :D says:

    I was going to see a friend because he was turning forty tomorrow. He lived in a foreign country so I had to travel. When I got to his house the government changes his rules so I had to leave immediately. Then something really bad happened. There was this criminal trying to take my identity. The police thought I was a robber so there was a guarantee that I might go to jail. But then there was a hindrance on my flight so I couldn’t escape. That was really harassing.

    There’s my sentence with all the words Miss!

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    I’m impressed Aryan, well done! Just check the definition of ‘guarantee’-does it fit in your sentence?
    Well done 🙂

  5. Good morning,
    Here is my paragraph:

    Foreign people frequently harass the government for giving them the exact change for forty pounds. You can also guarantee hindrance immediately after. Your identity must be a secret during this.

  6. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Luke! Well done-I’m impressed that you’ve managed to include all the words.

  7. Hi miss,this is my paragraph although it is very short,it has used all the words!

    Everyone immediately guaranteed that the identity of the government was a forge in forty year old man.This man LOOOOOOVVVEEEDD to Harass his people frequently,which made him a hindrance.

  8. Miss Gorick says:

    Great effort Ariella! What do you mean by ‘forge’?

  9. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    Hello Miss Gorick!
    Here is my paragraph:
    I have finally arrived at in Stansted airport from a foreign country to see my sister and to celebrate her birthday (she is turning forty). I don’t visit my sister frequently because it costs a lot on the plane an in the car. I had to leave very abruptly because I was harassed by the fact that my grandpa had died and I had to get a plane to be a his funeral but then my flight had a slight hindrance. I can guarantee that I will have to show them my identity card and I will immediately will have to get a taxi.

  10. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Elly 🙂 I am really impressed with your paragraph, well done! I wonder when we will be able to go on planes once again…

  11. Hello Everyone here is my paragraph,

    I guarantee you that ,that foreign man over there has just stolen forty pounds from my pocket.He is such a hindrance for now i can’t pay for my coffee.I want to find out his identity immediately so i can tell the government to stop him,it wasn’t the first time ether i’v seen him frequently harass other people too.

  12. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Jade! Thank you for your answer 🙂 I’m impressed to see that you’ve included the words. Just check for a I not i and a missing letter!

  13. Good morning Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy!
    At the age of forty, I went to a foreign country, for less hindrance when I got to security I immediately pulled out my identity card. I was frightened by the security dog who tried to harass me, yet what made me even more worried was the man who said:” I can guarantee that you won’t be able to stay to long since the government changes plans frequently.”

  14. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Jada! Well done for your answer and for including direct speech. Just check your 1st sentence as it doesn’t quite make sense.

  15. I really like the Peace and Quiet one because it’s really what i want to have on sunny days.Sitting outside with a lemonade is exactly what i want to do sunny days. I think the last line is very funny too
    “Now thats PEACE!”

  16. Miss Gorick says:

    Ooh I agree-on days like today, a nice glass of lemonade would be lovely!

  17. ??GABRIEL:p says:

    This is my paragraph Miss,
    I’ve been in forty different foreign countries, and I can guarantee that most of those times the government had frequently changed their plans, so I had to leave immediately before I got harassed by the police and taken to jail. Unluckily, I once had a hindrance of a plane, and the police questioned me, but luckily, I showed them my identity card and my delayed flight ticket, and they let me go.

  18. Miss Gorick says:

    I’m impressed Gabriel-well done! What a dramatic time at the airport…!


    My favorite is peace and quiet.
    Because it is short and it says what you do.
    For example, “With a cold glass of yellow lemonade.
    Slurp, slurp, slurp”.

  20. Miss Gorick says:

    Ooh delicious! That’s made me crave some lemonade…

  21. Here’s my paragraph:
    Frequently, there’s been a hindrance. The government has decided as a guarantee that they need more security guards immediately, as forty percent of foreign people with fake identity harass the government.
    My favourite free verse poem was Peace and Quiet because it reminds me of summer when I can enjoy the sun for the whole day.

  22. Miss Gorick says:

    Morning Anahi! Great effort with your paragraph 🙂
    I also like Peace and Quiet-It’s a lovely poem to read on a sunny day like today!

  23. Hi Miss Gorick! Here is my paragraph,
    I went to go to a foreign country and I had crossed the border safely. Until forty miles in when security checked my identity. Although I thought it was a hindrance I gave it to the security immediately. During my stay I found they checked identities frequently, by law of the government as a security measure. I was harassed by this, but there had been lots of robberies lately so I understood why.

  24. Miss Gorick says:

    Well done Antonia! I’m impressed that you’ve included so many words although it sounds a stressful visit…!

  25. ??GABRIEL:p says:

    Good morning Miss,
    My favorite free verse poem is Peace and Quiet because it reminds me of the beach, and how relaxing it was when the hot, blazing sun hit my skin, and I was drinking smoothies and eating juicy fruit.

  26. Miss Gorick says:

    Gosh, wouldn’t that be lovely! You’ve inspired me to make a smoothie on this hot day. Now I’ve got to decide what to put in it!


    I like the poem Peace and Quiet because it reminds me of these little Japanese poems called Haiku’s. I learnt about them yesterday when reading Miss Happiness and Miss Flower by Rumer Godden.

    Here is a Haiku about spring:

    My two plum trees are
    So gracious …
    See, they flower
    One now, one later.

  28. Miss Gorick says:

    I really like your Haiku! I’m so pleased to hear that you are doing extra learning. I’m going to look into Rumer Godden-thank you Nina 🙂

  29. Good afternoon Miss Gorick and Mrs Healy,
    Here is my paragraph:

    I had to go a foreign country because my brother was turning forty. I was planning on going in 2 days but the government is frequently changing the rules. I said to my brother, “I guarantee I will be at your party!” It really is a hindrance, thankfully I finally got to the airport, but a man started to harass me, immediately security came over and asked the man for his identity.

    I hope everyone is staying safe, I miss you all very much!


  30. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Shun! It is so lovely to hear from you 🙂 Thank you for sharing your paragraph with us-I’m impressed that you managed to include all the words and direct speech!

  31. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Paloma! Thank you for sending in your English work-I am impressed that you managed to include all the words!

  32. Hi Miss,
    Here is my paragraph :
    I hope the government can guarantee frequent foreign travel for at least forty people per aircraft . It would be a hindrance and harass me if they cannot identify this immediately.

  33. Miss Gorick says:

    Well done Javier-a great effort!I would just check the definition of harass and see if it fits into your last sentence.

  34. Sergio ;) says:

    Good Afternoon,
    My Paragraph:

    I guarantee the government won’t let foreign people come frequently without an identity card. Their service wont be immediate especially if they’re over forty.I really hope this will not harass or be a hindrance.

  35. Miss Gorick says:

    Great-well done Sergio! Just check your use of the work ‘harass’.

  36. ♡ Haleema ♡ says:

    Here is my paragraph:
    I am frequently trying to learn a foreign language to guarantee that I can immediately change my identity so I can freely harass the government.

  37. Miss Gorick says:

    Well done Haleema! I wonder if I changed my identity what I would call myself…

  38. ?‍?Timothy?‍?????? says:

    Hello Miss!
    My sentence:I frequently have foreign penpals.

  39. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Tim, it is great to hear from you!

  40. ?‍?Timothy?‍?????? says:

    I like all of them mainly because they can be relateable.

  41. Miss Gorick says:

    That’s interesting to hear-thank you Timothy.

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