Good morning Year 6!

It’s Mrs Avdiu here and I will be setting up your blogs for the foreseeable future.

As you know, your lovely teacher Miss Gorick will be in school this week teaching the Year 6’s that will be going to school. This means she will not be able to set blogs and respond to them too. This is where I come in!

As Year 5 are not yet returning to school, I will be working from home setting the blogs for Year 5 and Year 6.

I am delighted to have this contact with you again – you were a fabulous class when I had you in Year One and Year Five and I look forward to communicating with you on here! Miss Gorick will also have a peep at these blogs when she can but I will be the one to respond to you on my working days (Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays) and Miss Coleman/Miss Carruthers will take over by responding to you on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Today is an INSET day which means all teachers (including myself) are at school preparing for the phased return to schools. This means my responses will be later than usual so please bear with me! 

Today’s English focus: Reading

Today you will read a prologue from the book:  Monstrous Devices by Damien Love.

Damien Love was born in Scotland and lives in Glasgow, where, even as you read these words, it is probably raining. He is the author of several books on film and filmmakers, and is the TV critic for Scotland’s broadsheet, The Sunday Herald. He says he has the ability to talk to cats, but there is no evidence that they understand him. Monstrous Devices is his first novel.   

Have a look at your task today before you read the Prologue.  A prologue is an opening to a story that establishes the context and gives background details, often some earlier story that ties into the main one, and other miscellaneous information.

Please read the Prologue here: Monstrous Devices_ PROLOGUE

After reading the Prologue,please tell us in the comments:

Which character you think is the most important and why. Make references to the text by quoting the text. Write at least 4-5 full sentences.

Then tell us what you predict will happen in this novel and why you think this.

What have you been reading? Please comment on our blog to share your recommendations!

I look forward to reading your responses.

Mrs Avdiu xx

Printer- friendly version:Reading blog Year 6

26 comments on “English – Reading (Mon 1.6.20)

  1. Good morning Mrs Avdiu,

    I think that the girl is the most important character in the story because she was the first person described along with the man ‘a tall man and a small girl stalk through the snow’. She also has a big role in the story so far. As she might be part-owner of shop, which is the main setting, she is probably involved a lot and might be the main character.

    I think the girl might find and play with a toy she’s not supposed to which could be a ‘monster device’ that might call or control monsters.

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Oh! I like this prediction!

  3. Hello again, I’m going to write a better prediction:

    I think the girl might play with an electric toy which could get broken and then somehow take over and have all other devices on its side too.

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Luke. What made you change your mind about the first prediction?

  5. I think the man in the black coat is the most important.

    I think this story is about strange devices which do awkward things to a boy.

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Why do you think he is the most important?

  7. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    Here are my answers:
    Before reading:
    I think there will be a toy shop on a street during an icy winter and then a boy will reveal that they sell monstrous devices then he will have to find a way to stop them from over running the world.

  8. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    Here are my answers:
    During the prologue:
    * The girl
    * The tall man
    * A little Beckman

  9. Elly(●'◡'●) says:

    TASK 3:
    After the prologue:
    I think the girl is the most important because Damien chose the girl to be at the beginning of the prologue and he also made the little Beckman talks to her to get the readers attention towards the girl.

  10. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Elly! You can submit your answers in one blog post rather than separate ones next time 🙂 I really like your statement for task three. It makes sense!

  11. ??Eliza?? says:

    Good morning everyone!

    I think that the most important character because the author talks a lot about him’ the man in the long black coat opend so the door ‘.

    My prediction is:

    That the tall man is a spy or woring for a secret company he is also looking for a boy who did something or stole something. So they are trying to find him to get the the thing he stole or they are having a word with him. I also think that
    The boy is sone one important or special in the story.


  12. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Eliza, please can you revisit the first paragraph because I am not sure it makes sense?
    I like your prediction. Always proofread what you have written to check for spelling mistakes (‘sone’ in the last sentence). It will make for easier reading 🙂

  13. Good morning everyone,
    My prediction is that after reading the prologue and the cover of the book I think a toy will have a malfunction and perhaps attack or take over the shop. It may be about the toys coming to life and on the cover it says, “beware of the things that click at night”. Maybe they only come alive at night?

  14. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks for referring to the text! That sounds like a great prediction.

  15. Before Reading:
    Evil mechanical toys that are alive and are trying to help some evil people takeover the town.

    During Reading:
    Tall man, Small girl, Mr Beckman.

    After reading:
    I think Mr Beckman is the most important character so far. Because he has a toy shop and makes and wraps the toys. He is also of great interest to the man and girl and is always watched over by them.

  16. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks for your sensible predictions Nina. Please check the first and second sentence – could they have been put together in one?

  17. Sergio ;) says:


    I think the girl is the most important person in the prologue. this is because she is mentioned at the beginning text .I also think Damien chose to do this so we know the girl better as she is going to appear alot in the book.

  18. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks for your prediction Sergio! Sometimes the authors do indeed like to reveal the most important characters in the start…

  19. ?‍?Timothy?‍? says:

    I think that the girl is the most important character.I think this because she does most of the actions done by the pair. She also is described first making it seem she takes priority in the story and could potentially play a big role in the story.

  20. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for this fantastic prediction with a wonderful range of vocabulary! I like the word ‘potentially’…

  21. ??GABRIEL:p says:

    Good afternoon Miss Avdiu,

    My prediction on what will happen next is that there is a boy who stole something very valuable from the toy shop. Because of that the girl and the tall man were sent from an investigation lab to find the stolen object and bring it back so their boss can understand what makes it so valuable, and use it for unknown reasons. But the object that was stolen (in my opinion a toy) turns evil and plans to take control of the world.

  22. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Wow! I like this prediction! It sounds awesome 🙂

  23. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi year 6! Thank you for your brilliant predictions and responses to the text. I was in school today so I apologise for the late reply. I look forward to speaking to you all on the blogs tomorrow! 🙂

  24. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Year 6! Thank you for taking the time to write on the blogs. It’s great to read your predictions. What have you been reading lately?

  25. Gaspard (º"o"º) says:

    Hello Mrs Avdiu,


    I think that there will be electric toy and evil machine trying to take over the world.


    the girl, the man and Mr Beckman

    I think the girl and Mr Beckman are the main characters as Mr Beckman first adress the girl and they do most of the action.

  26. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Gaspard! Thank you for your predictions 🙂

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