Good morning, Year 5,

Today’s English focus: Reading


First, please re-read: My Cousin is a Time Traveller.

Make sure you find the meanings of any words you do not understand and remind yourself of the characters.



Please answer in the blog comments below.

I really want to know what you think of the superhero names for Star Lad, Zack and Lara Lee. Do you think they suit these names or would you give them a different superhero name? Why? Make sure that you back up your answer with evidence or quotes from the text! Also, I would encourage you to read other children’s responses and reply to those too.

What have you been reading? Please comment on our blog to share your recommendations!

I look forward to reading your responses,

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson

You can find the printable version of this blog here: Reading blog Monday



49 comments on “English – Reading (8.6.20)

  1. Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well! Here are my answers for the questions:

    1. His real name is Zach Parker
    2. Star Lad saved the Earth from a giant asteroid and Luke’s evil twin.
    3. Zorbon gave him his powers.
    4. He would grunt and eat.
    5. Dark Flutter is her superhero name.
    6. It also means useless.

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That’s great, Elsa! Thank you. Have you been reading any great books lately?

  3. Yes I have actually, I am reading a book called The School for Good and Evil. It’s really good and the characters are always surprising me.

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That sounds great!

  5. .+*Ayako*+. says:

    Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. These are my answers:

    1) Zack Parker.
    2) A giant astroid hitting the surface of the earth and a comic-book-store-owning supervillain.
    3) Zorbon the decider.
    4) b) grunt c) eat.
    5) Dark Flutter.
    6) b) useless.

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Great work, Ayako. What have you been reading lately?

  7. ✨Maia?? says:

    Hello everyone!
    These are my answers:

    1. Star lad’s real name is Zack Parker.
    2. He saved earth from a giant asteroid and a comic book store owning supervillain.
    3. Sorbonne gave him his powers.
    4. He would B) grunt and C) eat
    5. Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter .
    6. B) useless.

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!

  8. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Maia! What have you been reading lately?

  9. Hello everyone! I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend!
    Here are my comprehension answers:

    ( 1 ) Star Lad’s real name is Zack Parker.
    ( 2 ) Star Lad – Zack- has saved the earth from a giant asteroid and a comic – book – owning supervillain.

    ( 3 ) A ”purple – caped, egg – headed alien” whose name is Zorbon the Decider chose to gift Star Lad (Zack) with superhero powers.
    ( 4 ) Once returned home Star Lad would do two things:
    grunt and eat.

    ( 5 ) Lara Lee – Zack and Luke’s neighbour – went by the name of Dark Flutter.
    ( 6 ) The word inefficient is closest in meaning to useless.

    Superhero names:
    The names ”Star Lad” and ”Dark Flutter” do not grab my attention enough to make me want to read on.
    Although I would not be able to come up with a superhero identity, I know that I cannot relate to Lara and Zack’s powers through these names.

  10. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Lavinia! It’s lovely to see you commenting on the blogs again. I hope you are well and keeping safe. Thank you for your answers. Do you think the names suit the character personalities or would you have a better suggestion for names? What have you been reading lately?

  11. Gabriella says:

    1) Zack.

    2) An evil twin and a giant asteroid.

    3) Zorbon

    4) Grunt and eat.

    5) Dark Flutter

    6) Useless

    I do not think that Zack suits the “Star Lad” name. He doesn’t want to be a superhero and it says that “he had never wanted the responsibility of being a superhero”. I think his name should be “Grunty Lad”. I also do not think that “Dark Flutter” should be the name of Lara Lee. Her superpower if just talking to fluffy animals and “Dark Flutter” sounds evil. Instead, I think her name should be just, “Flutter”.

  12. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Ha! I really like your suggestions for names. It shows you understand the characters well. What have you been reading lately, Gabi?

  13. Elena ?? says:

    Hello Everyone!!
    I hope you are all safe and well ?
    I miss you all so much and I wish that I could see you all soon!! ??
    For today’s English task I have answered the questions down bellow

    My Cousin is a Time Traveler

    1) His real name is Zack Parker

    2) Alien invaders disguised as a gym teacher and an Evil Twin

    3) Zorbon gave Zack his powers

    4) He would grunt and eat

    5) Lara Lee’s superhero name is the Dark Futter

    6) The word Inefficient also means useless

    I hope you all have a great day and a great week ?

    ~Elena ??

  14. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Elena! Miss you too!
    Thanks for your answers. Useless is closest to meaning, yes.

  15. Violette says:

    Hello everyone,
    This is my answers:
    Page 1:
    1. Star Lad’s real name is Zach Parker.
    2. Star Lad stoped a world-eating Top Trump card and an alien disguised as Luke’s gym teacher.
    Page 2:
    1. Zack received his superpowers from Zorbon.
    2. When Zack will return home he will grunt and eat.
    Page 3:
    1. Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter.
    2. The word inefficient also mean useless.
    Have a lovely day everyone!???
    See you!!!?

  16. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your answers! The word inefficient doesn’t always means useless- inefficient means not reaching maximum productivity so not entirely useless.

  17. Hi,

    If you enjoy ‘My cousin is a time-traveller’ I recommend the books that came first in the series including My Evil Twin Is A Supervillain, My Brother Is a Superhero and My Gym Teacher is an Alien Overlord.

    A Giant Asteroid

    2)Zorbon the decider

    3)Dark Flutter

    Enjoy the day,

  18. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Honeko. I am glad to know you’ve read those books! Can you tell us a little bit more about them?

  19. Sebastiao says:

    Hi everyone,
    I hope you are all well and safe!?

    1) Star Lad’s real name is Zack Parker

    2) Giant Asteroid, Comic Book Store owning villain

    3) Zorbon the Decider gave Zack his superpowers

    4) b) Grunt AND c) Eat

    5) Dark Flutter

    6) b) useless

    Well I think that in Luke’s opinion, Zack should not be called “Star Lad” as to Luke he isn’t really a star he is just a mean old grumpy older brother. Otherwise I think that the names go well together.

    I hope you have a great day!?

    Sebastiao ⚡️⚡️⚡️

  20. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your opinion Seb!

  21. Good morning everyone, these are my answers for today’s reading task.

    On page 1:
    1) Zack Parker
    2) Star Lad saved the world from: a giant asteroid and a world-eating Top Trump card.

    On page 2:
    1) Zorbon
    2) b) (grunt) and c) (eat)

    On page 3:
    1) Dark Flutter
    2) b) useless

    I think that Star Lad suits Zack Parker’s superhero identity because on page one, it says that Star Lad had saved the world from a giant asteroid and alien invaders disguised as Luke Parker’s gym teacher. Since both of these things come from space, the name ‘Star Lad’ makes sense, but you could also have used something else like ‘Galaxy Kid’ or ‘Nebula Boy’. On the other hand, Lara Lee’s superhero name (Dark Flutter) reflects her power in a different way. Bird’s feathers flutter around and you could say that they are fluffy in their own way, so ‘flutter’ makes sense and ‘dark’ is used to make her seem more threatening to villains.

    I hope that you have a great day?.

  22. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your detailed response. I can see that you understand the characters very well and have thought about your answer carefully. Well done Zavan!

  23. Good morning everyone!
    Star Lad’s real name is Zack Parker.
    Giant Asteroid, comic-book-store-owning supervillain.

    Zorbon the Decider.
    Grunt and eat.

    Dark Flutter.
    Have a great day!

  24. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks Tom. Please could you try the extension? What have you been reading lately?

  25. Good morning everyone, I hope you all are doing well. These are my answer to the questions.

    1. Star Lad’s real name is Zack Parker.
    2. Star Lad/Zack Parker saved the Earth from a gigantic asteroid and his little brother’s evil twin.
    3. Zorbon was the one who gave Zack his powers.
    4. Zack would eat after a mission.
    5. Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter.
    6. Inefficient is the closest in meaning to useless.

  26. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Great work! What have you been reading lately?

  27. I have just finished Billionaire boy. I really enjoyed it.

  28. Good afternoon everyone!

    On page 1:
    – Star Lad’s real name Is Zack Parker.
    – Star lad saved Earth from a giant asteroid and a world eating Top Trump card.

    On page 2:
    – Zorbon gave Zack his superpowers.
    – When Zack got home he would grunt and eat.

    On page 3:
    – Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter.
    – The word inefficient is closest in meaning to useless.

    I don’t think star lad is a good name for Zack because he does not want to be a superhero. In the text it says ‘ he had never wanted the responsibility of being a superhero’ so I think he should be called Reluctant Star. I think Lara Lee should be called The Fluffy Whisperer because she can only talk to fluffy animals.

  29. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I love the name ‘Reluctant Star’ – I remember that being one of the words we learnt at school (reluctant) 🙂

  30. Mathilde :) says:

    Hello everyone

    1. Star lad’s real name is Zack Parker.

    2. Zack saved the earth from an Evil twin and a giant asteroid.

    3. Zorbon the Decider gave Zack his powers.

    4. Zack would grunt and eat.

    5. Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter.

    6. Inefficient also means useless


    I think Star Lad doesn’t suit Zack’s superhero name even though almost all of Zack’s missions are to do with space like Alien invaders disguised as Lukes gym teacher and a giant astroid, At his house he doesn’t really act like a superhero at all and he also said he didn’t want to be a superhero at all.

    I hope everyone has a great day ?☺️???

  31. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks Mathilde! I can tell you read the rest carefully and thought about your answer 🙂

  32. Dear Miss Avdiu I miss you and my class

    I have been sharing books with my friends and reading quite a lot. I enjoyed Ann of Green Gables, The Song of Seven and The Letter for the King. I am now reading Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. I recommend all of these titles!

  33. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Ayako. I miss you too!
    I am so pleased you are reading a lot 🙂

  34. ✧Angieli✧ says:

    Hi everyone, hope you all had an amazing weekend here are the answers for the grammar today. Also i’m doing it with Renee on FaceTime?

    1) Star Lads real name is Zach Parker.

    2)Two things Star Lad saved Earth from is a giant asteroid and a comic -book-store-owning supervillain.

    3) Zorbon was the one who gave Zach is superpowers.

    4) The two things that Zach would do when he returned home are: B=Grunt and C=Eat.

    5) Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter.

    6) The closest meaning to inefficient is the closest meaning
    to B=Useless.


    I think that ”Star Lad” doesn’t suit Zach because he said that he never wanted the responsibility of being a superhero so a name that I think would suit him would be
    ”Captain Freedom” because he never wanted to be a superhero overall i think that Lara Lee’s superhero name suits her a lot.

    hope you all have a amazing rest of the day and keep washing your hands!???

  35. Mrs Avdiu says:

    It’s amazing that you are working on this with your friend. Thanks for your answers! What have you been reading lately?

  36. ?→Renee←? says:

    Hello everyone! I hope you enjoying your day so far. I’m doing the comprehension with Angieli but we done different challenges ?.

    1) Star Lad’s real name is Zack Parker.

    2) He saved earth from a giant asteroid and stopped a comic-book store owning supervillain.

    3) Zorbon gave Zack his superpowers.

    4) He would usually grunt and eat.

    5) Dark Flutter is Laura Lee’s superhero name.

    6) The closest meaning to inefficient is useless.


    I don’t think Star Lad doesn’t suit Zack Parker because it doesn’t sound right or it’s like the name doesn’t belong to him. I think the right name for Zack is Ghost Shadow because he always gets called at night and it’s like he’s a ghost but you only see its shadow in the sky.

    I hope you enjoyed reading my English ?. I hope you have an amazing rest of the day ?.

  37. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I always enjoy reading your work 🙂 thank you for reading the text carefully and answering the question in detail. What have you been reading lately?

  38. Hi everyone.
    1. Star Lady’s real name is Zach Parker.
    2. A comic – book – store – owning supervillain.
    3. Zorbon the Decider, decided to give Zach Parker superpowers.
    4. Eat and grunt.
    5. Laura Lee’ s superhero name is Dark Flutter.
    6. B=useless.

    I think Zach’s and Laura Lee’s superhero names don’t really suit them nor not suit them but I also think that maybe their superhero names have something to do with their superhero powers.

  39. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Sara. Have a little think about your final answer – you will need to reread the text to see what the character is like and whether they suit their name. Also please read comments posted by other children – this might help! 🙂

  40. Hello everyone,
    Here is my English:

    ON PAGE 1:
    Star Lad’s real name is Zack Parker.
    Star Lad has saved the Earth from a giant asteroid and a comic-book-store-owning super villain.

    ON PAGE 2:
    Zorban gave Zack his superpowers.
    When Zack returned home he would grunt and eat.

    ON PAGE 3:
    Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter.
    Inefficient is closest meaning to useless.

    In my opinion , Zack’s superhero name ,Star Lad, suits him because in the text it says Zack has saved the Earth from a giant asteroid. It also mentions he has saved the earth from alien invaders disguised as my gym teacher therefore I can make an inference that he is very magical and he is a star this can mean he is excellent but it also makes me think of space and planets. He has saved the planet from asteroids which come from space and aliens.
    Lara Lee also known as Dark Flutter has two sides to her; the word dark makes me think of villain’s. However the word ‘flutter’ makes me think of a gentle and elegant creature like a butterfly.

  41. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you for your excellent points and well-balanced argument 🙂 What have you been reading lately?

  42. Good morning everyone I hope you all are having a good day, this are my answered for today/s reading blog:

    (1) Star Lads real name was Zack Parker.
    (2) Star Lad has saved the world from many things, two of them are an asteroid about to hit Earth and a world eating top trump card.
    (3) The person that gave Zack his powers was a good alien named Zorbon. He did it because he thought Zack was the one to save the world.
    (4) Two things Zack would do when he gets home is eat and grunt because he doesn’t like being a superhero.
    (5) Lara Lee/s superhero name is Dark Flutter.
    (6) The word inefficient is closet meaning to useless.

    Thinking of superhero names for me is really hard. I think Star Lad and Dark Flutter are very good superhero names.

    I have been reading lots of books, right now I am reading another series of Lemony Snicket my favourite author. The series’ name is ‘All the wrong questions’ and I am on the last book in chapter 3 I can’t wait to finish it!

  43. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Good morning Claudia; thank you for wishing us a lovely day! I hope you are doing great. Thanks for sharing your answers. I’m so pleased to see you are reading lots 🙂

  44. Hi Mrs Avdiu,
    I am currently reading Goodnight Mister Tom. Willie Beech a young evacuee has been sent away to the countryside to live with Tom Oakley however his mother soon summons him back to London as she is ill.

  45. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Wow! I’m so happy you are reading this great classic. Enjoy!

  46. *Jeanne* says:

    Hello everyone! I hope you had a great week-end!
    Here are my answers:
    1* Star Lad’s real name is “Zack Parker”.
    2* Star Lad has saved Earth from a giant asteroid and alien invaders disguised as his brother’s gym teacher.
    3* Zorbon the Decider gave Zack his superpowers.
    4* Zack would grunt and eat when he returned home.
    5* Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter.
    6* “Useless” is closer in meaning to “inefficient”
    I think Star Lad suits Zack Parker as most of hid missions are to do with space and in space there are thousands of stars. Also, in “My Brother Is A Superhero”, Star Lad’s powers could only be saved if he was in stars’ light.
    The book I have been reading lately and finished is The Lord of The Rings , Part 1, Books 1-2 by Tolkien if you were wondering. It’s magical and full of breath- taking events!
    I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening!
    I hope to see you soon as I miss you very much!

  47. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thank you Jeanne! That sounds like a truly magical book!

  48. Hi everyone,
    I had accidentally deleted my blog notes before posting them, so I am doing it again today!
    1) Star Lad’s real name is Zac
    2) He saved the Earth from a giant asteroid and a comic- bookstore-owning-supervillain
    3) Zorbon gave Star Lad his super powers
    4) Two things that Zac would do when he returns home are to grunt and to eat, as he was always hungry after a mission
    5) Lara Lee’s superhero name is Dark Flutter
    6) The word inefficient is closest in meaning to “useless”

  49. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Oh no! Thanks for going through the effort of reposting. Did you try the extension for this task?

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