Good morning, Year 5!

I really enjoyed reading your responses yesterday.

Today’s focus: Grammar

Please complete the following activity in your yellow home learning book. You do not need to write the answers to these again in the comments but you can ask questions if you need clarification.

Please revisit the following to help with your task:

BBC Bitesize:  How to write questions

BBC Bitesize: What is a verb?

BBC Bitesize: What are nouns?

BBC Bitesize: How to  use tenses

BBC Bitesize: Subordinating conjuctions

The subordinate clause is the name of the part of the sentence which contains the subordinating conjunction. Sometimes, you can start the sentence with it – it may even sound better – but this changes the word order.

Look at these examples:

-So that I can lose weight,  I do a lot of sport.

-Because I have already seen the film, I don’t want to go to the cinema.

The subordinate clause is highlighted in pink.

It is the first idea in the sentence.

Task: Can you write some super sentences with subordinate clauses in your Home Learning book?

In the blog comments, perhaps you can tell us about your week or weekend by including all of the grammar rules in the task above?

Once you finish this, why not try the: Subordinate clauses QUIZ?

Remember to check out the videos if you need support or ask for help in the comments!

Mrs Avdiu & Ms Robertson xx


46 comments on “English- Grammar (Tue 9.6.20)

  1. Hello Everyone!!
    I hope you are all doing great ??
    I miss you all so much and I hope to see you all soon !
    I am going to describe my weekend using some of the grammar rules above ?

    I was watching TV when I heard some music coming from my room, I asked my brother”Are you listening to a music ?” he said he was! After that I went to get some breakfast (I was really hungry) !
    I hope you enjoyed my paragraph
    Have a nice day !

  2. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Wow! Well done for applying all the above rules to your sentences.

  3. Good morning everyone, I hope you are all doing okay. Here is my answers for the questions:

    1.) Are they listening to music?
    2.) They WENT to theme park. The car journey home WAS difficult.
    3.) ALTHOUGH IT WAS GETTING LATE, Dan still hadn’t finished him homework. IF YOU GET HUNGRY, help yourself to a snack.
    4.) It was a cold day when we PLAYED handball. My friend THREW the ball to me and I CAUGHT IT.

    I am going to write the super sentences in my yellow book. Bye everyone, have a nice day!

  4. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks Elsa! Good luck for your writing today. Perhaps you could share one of them on the blog?

  5. .+*Ayako*+. says:

    Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. These are my answers:

    1) Are they listening to music?
    2) James got a point in the test.
    Emily pointed out the hotel on the map.
    3) Went and was is circled.
    4) Although it was getting late, and If you get hungry, are subordinate clauses.
    5) It was a cold day when we played handball.
    My friend threw the ball to me and caught it.

  6. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks Ayako! Could you try the extension?

  7. Gabriella says:

    So that we could have fun, I played a Harry Potter board game that I got for my birthday. As I love going to the park, we went outside and played with some new toys we had bought! The next day, we watched the movie “Fantastic Beasts and where to find them”. For dinner, we made burgers using fresh meat from the Ginger Pig.

  8. Mrs Avdiu says:

    If this really happened it sounds like an awesome day!

  9. Hi everyone I hope your all doing ok.

    1.) They are listening to music.
    Are they listening to music?

    2.) Point at the train.

    3.) Went and was

    4.) Although it was getting late is the subordinate clause.

    5.) If u get hungry is the subordinate clause.

    6.) It was a cold day when we played handball.
    My friend threw the ball to me and caught it.

  10. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks Iggy. Have you tried the extension?

  11. Sebastiao says:

    Hi everyone,
    I hope you are having a great day!! ??

    Statement= They are listening to music

    Question= Are they listening to music?

    Please point to the boat in the picture

    A full stop is a point at the end of a sentence.

    Went and Was show the tense in the sentence

    The subordinate clause is: although it was getting late

    The subordinate clause is: if you get hungry

    1 = Played 2 = Threw 3 = Caught

    I hope you have a great day! ???

    Sebastiao ⚡️⚡️⚡️

  12. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks Seb. Have you tried the extension?

  13. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi everyone, please note the Y6 blogs are managed by me too. You only have to reply to the Y5 ones 🙂

  14. 1- Are they listening to music?
    2a – Jeanne pointed at the blackboard.
    2b- “Get to the point right now!” shouted Frodo.
    3- went/was
    4a- Although it was getting late
    4b- If you get hungry
    5- played/threw/caught
    Because I was going to see my friend Gaspard, I was excited and I forgot to take my coat. Once we arrived at our meeting point, a cold wind blew and I was starting to freeze. Although we were meant to play board games on the grass, I asked if we could do something more active so that I could get warmed up. In the end, we ran so much that I started to sweat!

  15. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Jeanne! Thank you for sharing your work. Super sentences!

  16. Good Afternoon Everyone!
    1. Are they listening to music?

    2. Don’t point at that man.
    Draw a triangle starting from the point labelled A.

    3. Went and was show the tense.

    4. Although it was getting late is the subordinate clause.
    If you get hungry is the subordinate clause.

    5. It was a cold day when we played handball.
    My friend threw the ball to me and caught it.

    Even though it was midnight, we were still awake.
    Although we had already eaten an ice-cream, we had another one.
    You must come inside, when it gets late.
    Don’t do any more exercise, if you are tired.
    Even though it was raining, we went to the beach.
    Although I was hungry, I didn’t have anything to eat.
    Don’t eat anymore, if you have eaten enough.

  17. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Theo! Thanks for your brilliant sentences. You have studied the grammar terms carefully. Well done!

  18. 1. Are you listening to music ?
    2. Point to the tree
    3. Went and was
    4. ‘Although I was getting late’ and ‘if you get hungry’ is the subordinate clause.
    5. It was a cold day when we played handball.

    My friend threw the ball at me and caught it.

  19. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Well done Olivia. It’s nice to hear from you on the blogs again!

  20. Nika ?️ says:

    Hello everyone! I hope that you are all safe and well!
    I did today’s task on my own, but I had a lot of fun!
    Here are my answers:

    1) Statement: They are listening to music.
    Question: Are they listening to music?
    Explanation: ‘They’ and ‘are’ become replaced to make a question.
    2) Sophie did have a valid point.
    Can you point to the black car, please?
    3) ‘Went’ and ‘was’ show the tense in the sentence.
    4) The subordinate clause in the sentence is ‘although it was getting late’.
    5) The subordinate clause in the sentence is ‘if you get hungry’.
    6) It was a cold day when we played handball.
    My friend threw the ball to me and caught it.
    I will now think of good sentences to share with you all.

    Nika ?️

    P.S. Please tell me if I have made any spelling mistakes, or if anything does not make sense…

  21. Mrs Avdiu says:

    HI Nika. You know I would always tell you if anything did not make sense 🙂
    You have done a great job. You haven’t made any spelling mistakes and it all makes sense! I look forward to reading your sentences.

  22. Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your day so far. ?
    Here is my paragraph for what I done on the weekend. ?

    On the weekend, I was watching lots of movies with my family and I kept asking them, ‘’What will happen next?’’ but they just told me to continue watching ????. Then on Saturday, me and one of my friends played Just Dance and it was really fun. Then I played this game called Roblox where you can play different games with friends and relatives so it’s really fun ?. Then my dad cooked up a very delicious lunch (lamb ?, jacket potatoes ? and baked beans ? on top of it ?). The weekend was really fun and very enjoyable ??.

    I hope you enjoyed reading my paragraph ?. Have a lovely rest of the day ?.

  23. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Great paragraph. Check the grammar for ‘me and my friends’. Can you try to vary your sentence starters next time so that they don’t begin with ‘Then’?

  24. ☆Angieli☆ says:

    Hi everyone, hope you all had an amazing morning,?? Here is my work about my weekend.?

    On Saturday, me and my family stayed home (of course) Did any of you guys go anywhere? After, at about 4:30pm, me and Renee got to play
    this gaming platform called roblox. It was really fun! Meanwhile i had a delicious dinner! i had Cheese raps. What did you have? The next day i had Mass, and i got to play again (with Renee) and we both had a lot of fun together.

    Hope you all enjoyed reading my weekend stay safe and keep washing your hands!!!????

  25. Mrs Avdiu says:

    That sounds like a lovely weekend? How were you able to go to mass or was this done online? Please check capital letters!

  26. Hi everyone.
    1. Are they listening to music?
    2. I decided to point at that rude person.
    There’s no point in doing anything.
    3. The past tense words are went and was.
    4. Although it was getting late, Dan still hadn’t finished his homework.
    If you get hungry, help yourself to a snack.
    5. It was a cold day when we played handball.
    My friend threw the ball to me and caught it.

    . Because I love pens, I had to buy lots more.

    . When I saw the forest, I quickly went to explore it.

    . So I can go to the park, I have to do my homework.

  27. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Great sentences Sara. Thank you!

  28. Greetings Everyone, here are my answers:
    1. Are they listening to music?
    2. a)It’s rude to point!
    b) That’s exactly my point!
    3. ‘was’ and ‘went’
    4. ‘If you get hungry’ and ‘Although it was getting late’
    5. a) It was a cold day when we played handball
    b) My friend threw the ball and I caught it.
    I believe that’s all the questions! I hope everyone’s doing well! Goodbye.
    P.S. My parents received an email that I hadn’t been active on the blogs much, I’m very sorry about that. I just haven’t posted much but I have been completing the tasks set for us!

  29. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Maya, thank you for your hard work on the blogs and it’s nice to see you commenting again!

  30. ✨Maia??? says:

    Hello everyone!☀️
    Here are the sentences that I wrote.

    ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
    1. We are planning to go to on a trip to the mountains – if the weather is nice.

    2. In order to stay fit I do coach Joe’s workout.

    3. Next week we won’t be allowed to travel on tube, unless we wear masks.

    4. I went to the library to get a new book, as I finished the one I was reading before.

    5. Since the beginning of spring, the weather has been very sunny.


    I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!??

  31. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Brilliant sentences. I enjoy Joe’s workouts too! 🙂

  32. Hello Miss Avdiu,
    I hope you have a wonderful day. I have just sent my English on the homework uploader but I am afraid that I accidentally did the year 6 English. I am very sorry.?

  33. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Erin! Oh no! That’s okay, easy mistake to make. I’m managing both blogs at the moment. Your work looks fab!

  34. Mathilde :) says:

    Hello everyone

    1. Are they listening to music?
    2. I like to point.
    In class I got a point!
    3.went and was.
    4. “Although it was getting late” and “If you get hungry”
    5. It was a cold day when we played handball and my friend threw the ball to me and I caught it.

    I hope everyone has a great day ????

  35. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Mathilde! Thanks for responding to the blogs, it’s lovely to keep in touch with you this way 🙂 Thanks for sharing your answers and I hope you have a great day.

  36. Nika ?️ says:

    Hello everyone! I am back!
    These are he sentences that I came up with:

    – Even though I knew it was going to rain, I decided to go outside.

    – Just for fun, I decided to take my time to get home so that my mum and I could get soaked.

    – Even though I fight with my best friend, we always laugh about it the next day.

    – Even though I dislike bananas, my mum loves them.

    – Just because I usually bring biscuits to the park, does not mean everyone can have them.

    – Even though I need to get braces, I will not care how I look.

    I hope that you enjoyed my sentences!
    See you soon!

    Nika ?️

  37. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I don’t think your mum appreciates getting soaked, huh Nika? 🙂 Thanks for these fantastic sentences. I’m really impressed with all your hard work.

  38. Nika ?️ says:

    Thank you Mrs Avdiu!
    Yeah, my mum was a bit annoyed because I had the keys so she couldn’t get in the house first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In my opinion, I thought that it was a bit funny!!

    Nika ?️

  39. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Ha! That did make me laugh!

  40. Hello everyone, I hope that you have had a nice day so far!
    I have completed the grammar questions in my yellow book without any problems.
    Here is the challenge work, hope that you enjoy it:

    Although still relatively early, darkness loomed as she proceeded to dart through the imposing forest, gulping in as much air as she could take.
    She knew that sooner or later she would have to take shelter and rest; but for now Carla was preoccupied with fleeing from Them or else she too would never see daylight again.
    Her eyes fixed to the trees ahead, she consequently tripped on a rock and hurtled to the ground head first.
    Whilst brushing the earth off her top, she felt her blood turn cold and the hair on her neck prickled: she was being watched.

    Gradually she swivelled her head round, scanning her surroundings: They had come out of nowhere, it was too late to run.
    Carla stood face to face with Them, spotting the same malevolent glint in their eyes.
    Her fate was undecided…

  41. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Hi Lavinia. Wow! I was drawn in from the very first sentence. The vocabulary is incredible and I can tell you have been reading lots. I love the way ‘Them’ has a capital letter. I’m dying to know more about ‘Them’ !

  42. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Thanks for sending your work in Wanda! I am pleased to see the use of commas and apostrophes 🙂 Keep up the great work

  43. Hello evryone,
    How are you??‍♂️?‍♀️
    This is my answers:
    1* Are they lisening to music?
    a) I pointed my finger.
    b) The point is…
    3* The two words are went and was.
    4*The subordinating Clause in the sentence is ” Although its getting late”And for the other sentence is “If you get hungry”
    5* Play, cau, Throw

  44. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Well done Violette. Remember ‘its’ has an apostrophe here – it’s.

  45. Good morning everyone, this is a description of my weekend using grammar rules from the task.

    On Saturday, I rode my bike to Hampstead Heath with my dad and sister. When I got there, I rode up and down a hill three times before we left; it was really fun. As soon as we started to go, it began to rain and we were soon caught in a thunderstorm. When it had mostly passed us, we headed home, but it was still raining and cold which made it feel like it was freezing because I was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. On Sunday, the weather was nicer and even though it rained a tiny bit, I still went to Hyde Park and got ice-cream.??

  46. Mrs Avdiu says:

    I am really impressed with your use of a semicolon and your range of sentence openers. I am so pleased the rain did not stop you from getting your hands on some ice cream! What a treat!

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