Good morning, Year 5!

Today’s English focus: Writing

First, complete this task in your Home Learning book and once you have proof-read and checked it for spelling or grammar errors, post it in the comments so we can have a look.

Today is for practise. That means that you can write your opening sentence or first few sentences on the blog and then I can give feedback. Then you can finish your writing in your Home Learning Books, making sure you proof read and edit as you go, ready for publishing it on the blog tomorrow!

Today you will create a fact file based on your superhero!

So, the first things you need to think about and brainstorm is:

What will your superhero be called? Who gave  your superhero their powers? (This could be a superhero that has been given superpowers by Zoborn if you wish to use ideas from the text)

What will their superpowers be?

What do they look like?

How do they move?

Where do they live?

What is their weakness? (All superheros have a weakness!)

Who can your superhero help  using their superpowers?

Have a look at this example of how a fact file is laid out/presented: Example Fact File

Your fact file could even be based on a real-life superhero who have achieved something remarkable or made a positive difference to the world. See example here: Example Fact File 2

As you can see, there will be an opportunity for you to draw a picture of your superhero and you could even label it!

Make sure you include the following:

  • Heading (name of the superhero)

  • Sub-headings (title of each paragraph)

  • Pictures of the superhero

and information about:

  • Where they live

  • Their characteristics

  • Interesting facts

If you wish to do this in your Home Learning book,please make sure it is neatly presented and send it in via the Homework Uploader for the attention of MISS CARRUTHERS. 

Make sure you revisit the difference between fact and opinion – try not to include personal opinions in your ‘fact’ file!

Don’t forget to share the start of your writing only. This could be your first paragraph which explains how your superhero got their name and tells us a little bit more about them and their life.

Don’t type it all up today – we want to share everyone’s finished pieces tomorrow.

We look forward to reading your writing.

Good luck!

Mrs Avdiu xx

Printable version of this blog: Thursday English blog





51 comments on “English- Draft Writing (Thurs 11.6.20)

  1. Good morning Miss Carruthers. If you want can you write about a normal person that helps people, not like a super hero with super strength?

  2. Miss Carruthers says:

    Yes absolutely! Normal people can be like ‘superheroes’ too!

  3. Hello everyone I hope you are all ok and are having a nice day this is my first paragraph:

    The Watch

    This superhero is called The Watch he got his powers from Zorbon too and he is grateful for them most of the time. The Watch is a very nice and clever person and he loves to do good to the world. He lives in a family of 3 him and his parents he has no one to be with so he enjoys saving the world. The Watch isn’t the best but he has skills which come in handy most of the time. The Watch got his name from the powers Zorbon gave him. The Watch’s powers are freezing time for 4 minutes only 3 times in every battle, has eyes everywhere and is very clever. These powers usually come in handy but not all the time. But The Watch is always glad with what he gets.

  4. Miss Carruthers says:

    A good brainstorm Claudia 🙂 Freezing time would be a very useful skill! His name, ‘The Watch’ is very appropriate too!
    When you’re writing your fact file, use subheading to break up all the information, and check your punctuation – your sentence that starts ‘He lives in a family…’ needs to be broken up with either punctuation or conjunctions.
    Well done!

  5. Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well. I wasn’t sure if you write about a normal person or not, but in the end I just decided I would. Here is my first part of my writing (Not a real person) :

    Name: Kiara Smith
    Born: 11th June 1999 in Sydney, Australia
    Mother’s job: Farmer and Maid.
    Unfortunate Event: Fell severely unwell, her mother could not afford medicine so she lost her ability to walk and became part deaf.
    Significant event: By the age of two, Kiara could do sign-language, talk and do very hard math equations. Kiara wished to go to school but her mother could not afford to send her to school.

  6. Miss Carruthers says:

    A very interesting start. Well done for using subheadings to break down all your information and make it easier to read.
    I can’t wait to find out how she uses her skills to help others 🙂

  7. Hello Everyone !!
    I have a question

    Can you make up your own superhero or does it have to be a real person ????

  8. Miss Carruthers says:

    You can do either 🙂

  9. Hello Everyone !!
    I hope you are all having an amazing day and an amazing week !!
    I decided to do a made up superhero
    This is my first paragraph

    Real Name: Alexandra Belzza
    Superhero Name: Aqua Women
    Super powers: Can breath underwater for a very very long time, she can control were the water goes.
    The superhero that gave Aqua Women her super powers was: Aqua Man
    Where does she live: Underwater
    If there is a water flood Aqua Women can control the water to go back to the Sea/Ocean

    I hope you all enjoyed

  10. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Elena. I like that you have used the subheadings to help share your facts and that you have shared lots of ideas. I hope that you’ll give more detail for tomorrow’s work (for example, how did Aqua Man give Aqua Woman her powers). Check were in the Super powers section, I think it should be where. 🙂

  11. .+*Ayako*+. says:

    Hello everyone. I hope you are well. This is my introduction:


    Emily Gareth was born in England on the 19th of March 1995, where she lived with her parents until she acquired her superpowers. She received these when she picked up a mysterious looking Ruby that fell from the sky on one bright sunny afternoon. This is when she re-named herself ‘Golden Rainbow Girl’ and went to live in a forest. In the woods she developed her new powers and learnt how to control them.

  12. Miss Carruthers says:

    Very exciting Ayako! I can’t wait to find out more about Golden Rainbow Girl. You’ve given a good introduction about her. When you continue writing, make sure you use subheadings to organise your facts.

  13. Violette Thomas says:

    Hello everyone,
    I choose to do a real life super hero!
    This is my paragraph:

    .Born : 2003
    .She is from Swedish.
    .Climate Change Concern Made Her ill.

    When she was eight, she started learning about climate change. The more she learned, the more baffled she became as to why so little was being done about it.

    At the age of 11, Greta became so sad about climate change that she temporarily stopped speaking!

    Greta has Asperger syndrome, a condition that affects how people socialise. But Greta views her condition as a positive, calling it her “superpower”!

    In August 2018, Greta decided to take action. Instead of going to school, she made a large sign that read ‘SCHOOL STRIKE FOR CLIMATE’, and calmly sat down outside the Swedish parliament. Her aim? To make politicians take notice and act to stop global warming.

    Greta was inspired by teenage activists in Florida, USA, who were protesting to end gun violence.

  14. Miss Carruthers says:

    Well done Violette, you’ve included lots of facts about Greta. Make sure you start your fact file with her name, it took me a while to work out who you were writing about! In your sentences at the end, try and give them sections/subheadings, rather than just different facts about her.

  15. Sebastiao says:

    Hi everyone,
    I hope you are having a great day so far!??
    This is a superhero description that I invented :

    Name: Conor Ash
    Sidekick: Blaze
    Superhero name: Dynamo
    Date of Birth: 3rd July 2002
    Powers: The ability to fly, being able to make fire AND being able to put it out and the ability to teleport and make portals
    How they got their powers:
    At the age of seven, Conor/Dynamo was pushed over a cliff-face by a group of terrorists. While falling he found that if he concentrated hard on flying he could do it! So he flew back out of danger!

    I hope you have a great day!???

    Sebastiao ⚡️⚡️⚡️

  16. Miss Carruthers says:

    A brilliant start Sebastiao. I really like that you have included a sidekick. Maybe you could include the story of how they started working together. I’d love to know how they first met and realised that they both had powers 🙂

  17. Hi everyone.
    The superhero I’ve created is called…
    The Makeo
    Real name: Jennette Cole
    The Makeo has black hair with neon green stripes. She is born on 1900 and her name comes from one of her powers. Her powers are: she never grows old and also when she thinks of something it appears right in her hand. Her characteristics are stern, clever, brave, cold, mysterious and alone. She lives and was born in London ,Pizza Street 12 ,also her weakness is that she doesn’t like people being better than her.

  18. Miss Carruthers says:

    A great brainstorm Sara, with lots of imaginative ideas! Which power does her name come from? I’m sure you’ll use subheadings when you write it up for the published version, as that would make it even easier to read.

  19. Gabriella says:

    Goodmorning everyone, hope you are all well! Here is my work for today:

    Name: Malala Yousafzai (real person)
    Born: 12 July 1997
    Super Powers: She is brave and is incredible at communicating
    Known for: Being an activist for the right to education, especially female education
    Achievements: The youngest person to win a Nobel Peace Prize
    Occupation: Activist for female education, a former blogger for BBC Urdu
    Unfortunate event: Got shot in the head but survived (some people think that she survived because GOD put his hand in front of the bullet to shield her)

  20. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Gabriella! You’ve used the subheadings to carefully organise your facts to make it really clear and easy to read. I hope that, as you continue writing, you include some of her characteristics. This will help us learn from her and try to be as brave as she is.

  21. Hello everyone I hope you all had a tasty breakfast – this is my English work for today.

    •Real name: Jake Middleton

    •Superhero name: ‘Red Fox’

    •Age: Sixteen

    •How he got his powers: He was bitten by a radioactive fox

    •Super powers: Sound waves, lasers, super speed, super stealth and can jump super high.

    •Where he lives: The city

    •Weakness: Bin food

    •Enemy: ‘Bin Man’

    •Likes: Races and defeating Bin Man

  22. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wonderful Iggy! I love how you have thought carefully about his enemy and related it to real life 🙂 I can’t wait to find out more about Red Fox tomorrow, hopefully you can include some tales of his adventures!

  23. Good Afternoon Everyone!
    This is my first paragraph.

    Born: 1994 in Lisbon, Portugal
    Real Name: Harry Ackto
    Superhero Name: The Stinger
    Superpower: Can fly and sting people at will.
    How he got his power: It was a hot day and Harry got stung by a wasp. The next day he woke up and had grown wings and a stinger.
    Lives in: A wasps nest
    Age: 26
    Weakness: Cardboard

  24. Miss Carruthers says:

    A really good start Theo, you’ve included lots of key facts. I’m so intrigued as to why The Stinger has a weakness for cardboard. I hope you’ll explain in more detail tomorrow 🙂

  25. Nika ?️ says:

    Hello everyone!
    I hope that you are all safe and well!
    I really enjoyed today’s task as I found it very fun!

    My superhero is called Lilly Evans but when she transforms, her name is The Fire Breathing Dragon. This is because her superpower is handling fire. She can breath fire when she really mad and when she is, she can become as aggressive as a real dragon. The person who gave her these strengths was The Master of Power. For short, everyone who knows him calls him TMP. TMP has all the powers in the world and to get his followers, he spies on them and see if they are good enough to be Superheros.
    When she is not transformed, Lilly Evans has burning red hair with bright green eyes. She is a wonderful girl and is very loyal.
    She lives in London but often needs to travel because of saving the world. When she is bad-tempered, she goes to her second house which is in the Fire Ocean. This is an Ocean with Fire and Dragons which is mostly her house as she feels more safe there.
    When she is in a superhero form she looks like a red dragon. Her weakness is bad-temper. In the Horoscope she is a Scorpio, so she gets mad very easily and she wants to change that very much.


  26. Miss Carruthers says:

    A very detailed brainstorm Nika! Remember to use subheadings to make it easier to read when you write up your final version. I wonder why TMP gave her these particular powers?

  27. Mathilde :) says:

    Hello everyone

    Real name is Terra ( Latin for Earth )
    Superhero name is Earth girl
    Powers she can control water, fire, earth and wind she can also control every living thing on earth
    Her powers come from her mother (Mother Nature)
    Her dad has powers to do with the universe and her two sisters ,Luna and sunny have their dads power!
    Where they live is in space
    Her weakness is metal

    I hope everyone has a great day ???☺️

  28. Miss Carruthers says:

    Wonderful Mathilde! I really like how carefully you thought about her name and how her real and superhero name link. 🙂 Be careful to use subheadings properly, they need a colon after the title, or start on a new line. Otherwise your subheading and fact merge into each other, without punctuation, and this makes it harder to read. I can’t wait to read the rest!

  29. Good morning everyone! I hope that you are all well, here is my draft, hope you enjoy:

    (Dani Green)

    The Decipherer, also known as Dani Green, gained her powers one winter’s evening whilst camping with a group of friends.
    After a while, she became separated from her friends.
    Starved, she came across a rather succulent looking berry.
    Eventually the urge to eat it became too powerful and she gave in to the temptation. As she placed into her mouth, Dani felt a warm buzzing sensation and it soon melted on her tongue.

    Once reunited with her friends, she fell into a deep slumber and awoke having acquired the powers to both read minds and talk any language ever known to man.

  30. Miss Carruthers says:

    How exciting Lavinia! You’ve written it in a way that makes me want to find out the rest of the story. Be careful to make sure that it is written as a fact file and not a narrative. subheadings can help with this 🙂

  31. Hello everyone, I decided to do a make believe superhero. This is my first paragraph.

    Real Name: Joe McLaren
    Super Name: Fire Boy
    Superhero Powers: Can breathe fire and can shoot fire at people from his mouth.
    The Superhero that gave Fire Boy his powers is called Zaber-tron.
    Fire Boy: Has two other friends who live with him one called Fire Man and the other called Fire Eye.
    Fire Boy lives in a lava cave.
    If all the lava cave blows up he can survive as he has a throne with a force field around it.
    Fire Boy has an intruder system that alerts him if anyone comes in.

    I hoped you all enjoyed reading my paragraph.

  32. Miss Carruthers says:

    Brilliant Dylan! You started to use the subheadings and a colon, to organise your writing, but then you stopped towards the end. Keep using them as it helps your reader to find out all the facts they want to know about Fire Boy!

  33. ☆Angieli☆ says:

    Hi everyone hope you all are doing well here is my first paragraph?

    Name: Wendy Williams.
    Date of birth: 3rd July 1998 Madrid, Spain.
    Superhero Name: Dark Fire?
    Powers: She has super strength, teleportation, she can read people’s mind and throw FireBalls.
    Person who gave Dark Fire? her power: Zorbon gave her powers by accidentally pressing the wrong button, when trying something else when Dark Fire? was in a tube, and at first she couldn’t control her powers and she knew, that if she doesn’t do anything about it she will end up killing everyone, in her city so then she told Zorbon to train her powers, and only using them for emergency only.

    hope you all have an amazing rest of the day stay safe and keep washing your hands!!????

  34. Miss Carruthers says:

    A wonderful start Angieli! You’ve used subheadings correctly to organise your writing well. I can’t wait to find out some more about Dark Fire. How did she manage to overcome her lack of control at the start?

  35. Hi everyone! I hope you are all keeping okay! Here is my work for today!

    Real name: Bob
    Superhero name: Bobby-Omega (B-O)
    Born: 1973
    Age: 47
    Powers: Techno, Portals, and Force-Fields
    Catch-phrase: “Do not fear, Bobby is here!!!!”
    Powers came from: Drinking a potion is chemistry class…

    I hope you all have a nice day! Bye!


  36. Miss Carruthers says:

    A great start Kayla! I can’t wait to find out what happened during that Chemistry lesson…!

  37. ✨Renee✨ says:

    Hello everyone. I hope you are enjoying your day so far. Here is the first part of my writing.

    Real Name: Emily Kimberly
    Superhero Name: Golden Angel
    Super Powers: Healing, flying, invisibility, strength and invincibility.
    Weakness: Getting her wings wet because she will straight away fall to the ground.
    How Emily got her superpowers?: Emily got her superpowers from her parents. Her mum has invisibility and healing, her dad has super strength and he can fly but all of them are invincible.
    She is an only child.

    I hope you enjoyed reading the first part of my writing! ?
    Enjoy the rest of your day. ?

  38. Miss Carruthers says:

    It is an excellent introduction. You have used the subheadings well and I can’t wait to find out more. I hope you’ll use lots of detail to make it interesting to read.

  39. Erin & Regan? says:

    Hello Miss
    Regan and I have started making real fact files with coloured card. We will upload the finished photos tomorrow if that is ok.

  40. Miss Carruthers says:

    Of course that’s okay! Enjoy making them girls, I look forward to seeing them tomorrow. 🙂

  41. Hello everyone! Hope your day has been fantastic! This is my work for today.

    Name: Shoto
    Birth Date: January 11th 2004
    Age: 26
    Superhero Name: Half & Half

    Powers/Abilities: Half ice and half fire
    On his right side, he can only use ice and on his left side he can only use fire. He was born with this power.

  42. Miss Carruthers says:

    Thank you Ava, I hope your day has been fantastic too 🙂
    Well done for using subheadings so effectively in your fact file. It would be interesting to find out a bit more about Half & Half in the rest of your fact file. What do you mean half ice and half fire? How does he use these powers? Does he use them for good or evil, and give examples.

  43. Hello everyone, here’s what I’ve done for today’s task:

    Name: Karma Ohio

    Date of birth: 2014

    Superhero name: Zyx

    Ability 1: To hypnotize someone or thing into doing as he commands

    Ability 2: To open portals of any size to other dimensions

    How he got powers: When abandoned as a child, strange man took him in transitioning his powers to Karma before death

    Human personality: Quiet, unsocial, intelligent, secretive, untrusting, Sharp, cautious

    Superhero personality: Kind, quiet, thoughtful, passionate, attentive, Sharp, intelligent, trustworthy

    Lives: California, US

    So that’s what I’ve done, I hope it’s okay! Thank you for the fun task and I hope everyone is okay. Goodbye!

  44. Miss Carruthers says:

    Hello Maya 🙂
    Well done for making such a good start. I wonder if you could go into more detail about how h got his powers. Who was this strange man? How does Zyx use these powers?

  45. Hello everyone, this is the first paragraph of my facts

  46. Miss Carruthers says:

    You’ve left me in such suspense! I think you’ve missed off the facts, but I look forward to seeing them tomorrow 🙂

  47. Hello everyone, this is the first paragraph of my fact file.


    Name: Thomas Suzuki

    Superhero identity: Morph

    Date of birth: 2008

    Abilities: Telekinesis and the power to change anything (including himself) into something else

    Lives: Tokyo city

    How he got his powers: Thomas was walking home from school when he tripped and fell into a hollow tree. Inside, a man with giant wings was sitting on a block of wood, holding a dying caterpillar. He told Thomas that when the caterpillar died, he would die too. He handed Thomas the caterpillar to look at, and at that instant, it died and Thomas felt that he had extraordinary powers.

  48. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Great job Zavan. I look forward to the rest of your writing.

  49. Nika ?️ says:

    All of your superheros seem really interesting!
    Well done!

  50. Hi Everyone,

    This is my first paragraph:

    Name: Henry Domer
    Super Hero name: Gamer boy
    Born: 16th of May 2005
    Grew up: Deiva Marina, Italy
    Job: part time chef
    weakness: He can’t use his powers for over 1 hour or then
    he will become weak because the powers take his energy away.

  51. Mrs Avdiu says:

    Wow! A super hero with a time limit! So cool 🙂

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