Good Morning, Nursery.

We started our Religious Education Topic of ‘Friends’ before the half term holiday.

I loved hearing all about your friends and what you think should happen when friendships go wrong to make things right again.

Today, we are going to think more about the friends of Jesus.

The books in the Bible that tell us about Jesus and his friends are called ‘Gospels’ which means ‘Good News’.

This is from the Gospel of Mark in the Bible:

Why were Jesus and his friends tired?

Where did they go when they were tired?

Who do you talk to about your day?

Where do you go to be quiet and still?

Can you draw a picture of Jesus and his friends?

I am looking forward to hearing all of your ideas today.

Love from Miss Siswick. (I will be at school so I will not be able to respond until  later today.)


It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.

18 comments on “Nursery Religious Education: Wednesday

  1. Jesus and his friends were tired because they were walking so far and so many villages .
    They went to a quiet and lonely place to eat.
    I talk to mummy and daddy about my day at bedtime.
    Grace drew a picture of Jesus and his friends in the quiet place reflecting on their day.

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    You listened carefully to the story, Grace. Well done.

  3. Good morning Miss Siswick,

    Jesus and his friends were tired because they walked all day. They went somewhere where it was calm to eat and rest.

    I talk to my family about my day and I chat with my big sister before we go to sleep. My bedroom is quiet and still.

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Hermine. Great listening to the story. I love your picture of Jesus and his friends next to the tree.

  5. Hello Nursery,

    1. They were tired because they walked a very long way.
    2. They went to a nice peaceful place were they could eat and be quiet.
    3. I talk to Saoirse about my day.
    4. I go to the Church to be quiet and still.

  6. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Fiadh. Great listening to the story.

  7. Ania replied they were tired because they walked a lot.
    They go to quiet,lonely place were is a tree ,grasa and water.
    I talk to my family and friends.
    I usually go to my room and lie on my bed and hug my teddy cat

  8. Miss Siswick says:

    You listened carefully to the story, Ania. Well done.

  9. Caspian like his friends he said when friendships go wrong you should say sorry to your friends it will make things better .
    Jesus and his friends were tired because they travelled long way .
    when they are tired they go to lonely place .
    I like to talk to my dad about my day and I like to go to the library, Richmond Park and to the beach to relax and be quiet

  10. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Caspian. You listened carefully to the story. I love your picture of Jesus and his friend looking happy.

  11. 1) Because they were on the streets all the time and they had to tell people about Jesus’ father’s good news.
    2) They went to a quiet park to eat and sleep
    3) James said, Phillip and Mummy.
    4) To the playroom (his answer)

    The picture to be sent as soon as finished

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, James. You listened carefully to the story.

  13. Alexander says:

    Alexander’s responses:
    1. Why were Jesus and his friends tired?
    They had been walking for a long time and got tired.

    2. Where did they go when they were tired?
    They went under a tree.

    3. Who do you talk to about your day?
    I talk to my Mum.

    4. Where do you go to be quiet and still?
    I go to my bedroom.

  14. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Alexander. You listened carefully to the story.

  15. Victoire says:


    Jesus and his friends are tired because they travel in the towns and the villages; the work is very hard.

    They go in a quiet and lonely place.

    They talk at the others.Victoire talk at her mom and dad.

    In her room.

  16. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Victoire. You listened carefully to the story.

  17. 1. Because they traveled the whole time
    2. They went to a quiet ‚lonely place
    3. Mummy
    4. Go in my bedroom and relax

    Greetings from Sophia and Nicolas I helped Nicolas with his homework today also Nicolas wants to send you some pictures ??????⛴???⛴?⛄️❄️☀️?????

  18. Miss Siswick says:

    Thank you for helping Nicolas with his work today, Sophia.
    Thank you for the pictures. Nicolas.

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