Good morning Class 4!

Yesterday we completed reviewing our fractions topic. Well done for all of your hard work on this, I was very impressed with how much you all remembered! Now we are going to move onto decimals…


EXTENSION: Worksheet 3

CHALLENGE: Tuesday Challenge Questions
Tuesday Challenge Answers


Writing Tenths

Just like fractions, decimals are a way of writing numbers that are not whole.

If you look at the place value grid, tenths comes after the decimal point meaning it is smaller than 1

A tenth can be written as a fraction or as a decimal, just as above. Both mean the same thing and show the same amount.

10 tenths make 1 whole which means we can have up to 9 tenths before we reach the number 1
See the example below:

If we have more than 10 tenths but less than 20 tenths we will have a decimal number greater than 1
For example, if we have 14 tenths we have 1 whole and 4 tenths. We write it like this: 1.4
The 1 goes in the units column (sometimes called the ones column) and the 4 goes in the tenths column. Don’t forget the decimal point in between!

Before completing today’s tasks, watch this video clip which explains decimals in more detail:

If you need help with any of the worksheets, please just ask!
You may have completed these worksheets in school already but remember we are reviewing our learning. See if you can try the worksheets again. Did you get more answers correct this time? Then try the challenge questions, ensuring you explain your answers clearly.

Good luck!
From Miss Lee 🙂



36 comments on “Maths – 09/06/20

  1. Hello Miss, I have completed the pages and the challenge.

    Missing you a lot,

  2. Miss Lee says:

    Great! Well done Sophie!
    Missing you all too!

  3. Tijne Y4 says:

    Hi Miss Lee,
    I have done my maths no problem in my maths no problem book.

    Thanks, Tijne

  4. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Tijne! Well done!

  5. I have finished my maths ?

  6. Miss Lee says:

    Super work Ciana!

  7. Nina and Ella ??=/^_+*_*????????;):)^_~^_^^0^>:( says:


  8. Miss Lee says:

    Great to hear girls!

  9. I finished

  10. Miss Lee says:

    Great well done Martin!

  11. /~-~/ Mayowa says:

    Good morning Miss Lee I have done my work.

  12. Miss Lee says:

    Good morning Mayowa!
    Great well done!

  13. Done pages
    Completed challenge 2 wrong

  14. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Albert! Do you need help with challenge 2?

  15. Holly????????????????? says:

    Hello miss lee. I have finished my mnp

  16. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Holly, well done!

  17. amarissa says:

    Done (▢▪▢)

  18. Miss Lee says:


  19. Amarissa says:

    miss,i cant log into the math no problem website

  20. Miss Lee says:

    Oh no! Have you managed to log on? If not I can try to help you!

  21. I have done the worksheets though I ‘d like to know if we can have a challenge otherwise it does not matter.

  22. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Stella, there is a challenge, check near the top of the blog.

  23. Sorry did not see challenge at the top.

  24. Miss Lee says:

    I’m glad you found it!

  25. I have finished my math no problem pages.

  26. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Ajay!

  27. I have finished.

  28. Miss Lee says:

    Great to hear!

  29. Hi Miss Lee! I have done my maths no problem work sheets and the challenge ?!

  30. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Clare! Great to hear well done!

  31. Raimundo says:

    I have finished my work! :DDDDDD

  32. Miss Lee says:

    Well done for working so hard!

  33. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    Done my MNP worksheets in my book!?
    0.2=2\10 0.5=5\10 0.7=7\10

  34. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Elisa! You have been working hard today!

  35. Paolo ??? says:

    Done ?

  36. Well done Paolo!

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