Good morning Class 4!

Well done for all of your hard on yesterday’s grammar task! Today we are going to review some spellings…

For some fun ways to practise these spellings see below:

Play ‘Look, Cover, Say, Write’ by clicking here.

Or, try this wordsearch with today’s spelling words: Wordsearch

When you practise your spellings, try to use your neatest handwriting. When you write your sentences, you might want to send in a photo of your beautiful writing. Or you could post your favourite sentence onto the blog!


You might want to try some of the spelling challenges on the challenge cards below. They will help to make learning spellings more fun but also get you to look at the spellings in different ways so that you are more likely to remember them!
Spelling Challenge Cards

From Miss Lee 🙂


50 comments on “English – Wednesday 10th June 2020

  1. Hello Miss Lee, I have written the words in my Home Learning book using Look, Cover, Say and Write. I have also done the spelling word search and the Spelling Challenge Activity. I enjoyed doing the SCA( Spelling Challenge Activity).


  2. Hello Sophie!
    That is super! Thank you for letting me know that you enjoyed it! I will post more things like this on next Wednesday’s spelling blog!

    The definition of interest is something that someone is interested in.
    The definition of medicine is the science or practice of the treatment and prevention of disease.

  4. Well done Ciana! Good definitions!

  5. Good morning miss Lee,

    library – a building or room that contains a collection of books.
    Island – a piece of land surrounded by water.

  6. Good morning Emilie!
    Well done for writing your definitions!

  7. Hello Miss Lee, I really enjoyed todays spellings and I really liked the look cover say and write one. are we going to do this every Wednesday? If not, I would really enjoy it if we could.

  8. Hi Holly, I am glad you enjoyed this week’s spellings! Thank you for letting me know, it is great to have feedback! I try to do more of the activities you enjoy so that you all have fun whilst doing the blog tasks so yes of course we can do this next Wednesday too (with different spellings of course)!

  9. Interest : The feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
    Island : A piece of land surrounded by water.

    At school you learn and get more knowledge.

  10. Well done Clara!Some clear definitions!

  11. Mayowa(~o~) says:

    I have done the look cover say and write.

  12. Great well done Mayowa!

  13. Hello Miss Lee! I have done the Wordsearch so I will send You my work, but here are my definitions. Island library medicine

    ISLAND is some land that is somewhere in the middle of the ocean.

    LIBRARY is a place in the city which is loaded with tons of books!

    MEDICINE is the science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.

  14. Super work Raimundo! Your definitions are detailed, well done!

  15. I will send in word search and completed spellings

  16. Great thank you Albert!

  17. If your interested in something u want to learn more about it.
    An island is a price of land surrounded by water.

    Do you know the length of a football field?
    You have a lot of knowledge!

    Spellings in my book

  18. Great definitions and sentence Rafael! Well done!

  19. Hi Miss Lee,
    Here are my definitions:
    Island-A island is a piece of land surrounded by water.
    Library- A room that has lots of books.
    1) In school I have the knowledge to learn english and all the other subjects.
    2) Prospero and Miranda were sent out to sea on a tiny boat and they ended up on a small island half way between Italy and Africa.

    Thanks, Tijne

  20. Hello Tijne!
    Great definitions and super sentences! I like how you linked the sentences to our learning in The Tempest!

  21. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    1. Miranda and Ferdinand were married on a tropical island.
    2. I went to the library with my mum last week and picked a book called The Demon Dinner Ladies.
    1. Medicine is something that doctors give their patients or parents give their children to prevent a sort of sickness.
    2. Learn is when you know something that you didn’t know before. For example, you can learn loads at school with your teacher to acquire knowledge by intellectual work or by experience.

  22. Fab work Elisa! You have written some detailed definitions and great sentences!

  23. hello miss lee,when I did something and then came onto this website,my report was GONE.

  24. Oh no! When did you write it? Could you try and post it again?

  25. all done i will send a pic.

    library:a room or a bulding that keeps books and gives it to children or adults.

    island : a place or a land souronded by water

  26. Great thank you Giordano!
    Well done for writing the definitions!

  27. I have done it in my yellow book.

  28. Well done Pablo!

  29. i will try…

  30. Good morning miss Lee,
    I have practiced my words in my yellow book.
    Learn – verb
    The word learn means your education. In other words it can be what you know from somebody or something. This would also be your knowledge.

    Library – noun
    The word library is a place. This place contains lodes of books from different subjects. Some can be non-fiction (a true fact) or they can be fiction (a tale).

    Island – Prospero and Miranda were lost on a discerned island halfway through Rome and Africa.

    Interest – I had a big interest on the Egyptian artifact I saw at the London museum last week, on Friday.

    I will send you the extension but can you please put it on the blog?
    Thank you

  31. Good morning Stella!
    Wow you have been working hard this morning, well done!
    Yes of course, as soon as I receive it I will post it!

  32. I got all of my spelling right.

  33. Wow! Super work Ajay!

  34. Knowledge means information and awareness gained through experience and education. A building or room containing a collection of books.

    I will get my medicine in a minute. I am ready to learn about length.

  35. Well done Ajay! Good work!

  36. Interest

  37. Well done Alfred! How did you practise them?

  38. Paolo ??? says:

    All done and practised ?

  39. Great work Paolo!

  40. Hi Miss Lee! I have done it in my yellow home learning book. I will send a photo of it, Thanks ??. And I have really enjoyed the challenge games ?.

  41. Interest is the definition if you are interest.
    Island means that you can live in a island or you found an island.
    Knowledge means that you understand something.
    learn means that you are learning something at school or you are learning about something at home.
    length means that how long something is.
    library means that you can read in the library.
    material is something that you can use because it is a material.

  42. Well done for writing definitions for all of your words Karter!
    What is an island exactly? Can you be even more specific in your definition?

  43. amarissa???????☺???:-PO.O????????????:/?❤???????? says:

    i have done the spellings

  44. Miss Lee says:

    Well done Amarissa! How did you practise them?

  45. Amarissa????????O.O:-P???☺???????❤?:/???????????? says:


  46. Amarissa ????????‍♀️????????????????✅??‍♂️??? says:

    I practised them very well,miss.????????????

  47. Well done!

  48. I finished the spellings and sent you a photo

  49. Miss Lee says:

    Great thank you Martin!

  50. Miss Lee says:

    Hi William, I am so sorry I’ve just seen your work that you’ve sent me today! Your writing is looking so neat and I am so impressed that you managed to write a paragraph using your spelling words! Did you ever find out if a banana is really 15cm?

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