Hello Class 4!

Today we are going to continue our learning on decimals. I was so impressed with your hard work yesterday and every day in fact! So many of you are making sure you complete the tasks on the blogs every day, well done and keep up the hard work! You are all doing brilliantly!



Can you copy and complete the table below?

Writing Hundredths

Today we are going to look at writing hundredths. Hundredths are where 1 whole has been split into 100 equal parts. We can see it on the place value grid here:

The hundredths column comes after the tenths which means it is smaller. Just imagine if a rectangular tray of chocolate brownies was cut into 10 equal parts (tenths). Then imagine if the same size tray of chocolate brownies was cut into 100 equal parts (hundredths). The pieces on the second tray would be much smaller!



Therefore, 10 hundredths make 1 tenth.

We can represent different decimal numbers in lots of different ways, just like the bar model above. Or the example below which shows the number 1.32

If you need more support in understanding tenths and hundredths, have a look at this BBC Bitesize page but remember to ensure online safety, you must always ask an adult before clicking a web link.


Try the worksheets and then challenge if you can. Don’t forget you can always ask for help if you need it!
Good luck and enjoy!
From Miss Lee 🙂


42 comments on “Maths – 01/06/20

  1. Hello Miss, I have completed the pages and I have done the challenge in my Yellow Home Learning Book. Hopefully my answers are all correct. I will send you a photo of my challenge answers.


  2. Great work Sophie! You have been working so hard this morning! I’ll have a look at your challenge and let you know!

  3. i finished

  4. Well done Martin!

  5. Finished ?

  6. Well done Ciana! Did you try the challenge too?

  7. Nina and Ella ??=/^_+*_*????????;):)^_~^_^^0^>:( says:


  8. Well done girls!

  9. I’ve done the worksheets followed by the challenge.

  10. Great work Emilie!

  11. Hi Miss Lee,
    I have done my maths no problem in my maths no problem book.

    Thanks, Tijne

  12. Well done Tijne!

  13. Mayowa(~o~) says:

    Good morning Miss Lee,
    I have done the work pages and the challenge.

  14. Super work Mayowa!

  15. Elisa ?✨?? says:

    Done the worksheets 4&5 in my book!

  16. Great work Elisa!

  17. Miss Lee what are we doing for tomorrow’s work ?

  18. We will be doing worksheet 6 and 7!

  19. I have done pages

  20. Well done Albert!

  21. I have finished and the challenge.

  22. Super work Pablo!

  23. I have done the pages in my maths no problem book.

  24. Well done Clara!

  25. find them fun all done

  26. Great! Did you find the chapter? It’s in Workbook B

  27. Holly?????:-D :-) ;-) ????;-) :-) :-D ? says:


  28. Well done Holly!

  29. Done!

  30. Well done Rafael!

  31. I have finished my math pages and my challenge.

  32. Super work Ajay!

  33. Paolo ??? says:

    Done and ?

  34. Super! 🙂

  35. all done????

  36. Well done! 😀

  37. Done maths and challenge!

  38. Miss Lee says:

    Hello Clare,
    Apologies that your comments have only just shown up today, they had been blocked by spam. I think perhaps because lots of people were posting at the same time, the website didn’t understand what was happening! Thank you for all of your hard work!

  39. I have done all the worksheets.
    I found it really fun learning which fraction equals to
    which decimals and making sure there in the right column.
    I think I will really understand at the end of the week. Good thing is it gets harder and harder every day.

  40. Miss Lee says:

    I am glad you have enjoyed it and that you find it helpful! Thank you for your feedback Stella! It is so important to give feedback so that I can make sure the blog tasks are as helpful as as fun as they can be!

  41. amarissa >:(((>:))))))))))XD??????????????????????☺??????????????? says:

    i have done the challenge followed by the worksheets.

  42. Miss Lee says:

    Great work Amarissa!

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