Good Morning, Nursery.

Well done for all of your hard work in Maths yesterday.

Our book of the week is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. All of our Maths this week is linked to the story.

Read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ book  if you have it or listen to the author reading it here:

Now try these adding activities: (This activity was posted yesterday as well  but most children focussed on counting the fruit and making the patterns. If you have already done this adding activity, then go straight to the second activity.)

Can you use your number cards to record your answers? You could draw pictures or  copy or write the numbers as well.


If you would like some more number practice, you could find the missing number on each caterpillar. Can you use your number cards or write the numbers to record your answers?

I am looking forward to hearing about and seeing your Maths work today.

Love from Miss Siswick. (I will be teaching at school so I will not be able to respond until  later today.)

It would really help me if you could upload photos  straight to the media file (instructions are here: sharing photos and files) as they get to me more quickly and easily as they don’t have to go via the office and my e-mail. Please can either your child’s name or face (but not both) be visible on any photos. Many thanks.

14 comments on “Nursery Daily Maths: Thursday

  1. missing numbers L-R
    5 7 2
    8 3 8
    2 9 6

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, James. You found the missing numbers.

  3. Hello,

    It was a little difficult for Victoire.

  4. Miss Siswick says:

    Well done, Victoire. You kept trying until you found the missing numbers.

  5. Hello Nursery!
    It was fun for Caspian to find missing numbers??1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣

  6. Miss Siswick says:

    I am glad that you had fun with the numbers, Caspian.

  7. Adelaide says:

    The missing numbers are 5,7,2,8,3,8,2,9 and 6
    I have told to Mrs Akhtar

  8. Miss Siswick says:

    Great number work, Adelaide.

  9. Grace chose Monday, Thursday and Friday.
    She wrote the numbers, drew the fruit and then found the number cards. I asked her to add her total number of fruit which was 2+4+5 which she counted and added up to 11. She found that card too. We couldn’t print the caterpillars unfortunately but we did the kissing numbers. She thought that was fun having a think which number waS missing.

  10. Miss Siswick says:

    fantastic adding, Grace. Well done.

  11. Alexander says:

    Alexander did the number practice as he had done the other activity yesterday. He correctly identified the missing numbers in the boxes.

  12. Miss Siswick says:

    Great number work, Alexander.

  13. Hello Miss Siswick,

    Fiadh really enjoyed filling in the missing numbers and identified them correctly.

  14. Miss Siswick says:

    Great number work, Fiadh.

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