Maths Task

Click HERE for a printable version of this task
Click HERE for the Maths No Problem link

MNP Workbook: 3B
Chapter 9: Time
Lesson 5: Telling the Time (pages 39-40)

Skill: I can tell time to the minute using vocabulary, such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight.

We will continue to recap on time this week. Telling the time can be quite tricky, make sure you click on the links I have provided to help support your learning.

If you would like to experiment times on an analogue clock, click HERE.

Complete the Guided Practice below.

Now you have warmed up, you are ready to complete your Maths No Problem worksheets.

Complete Maths No Problem worksheet 5 (pages 39&40). If you have already completed these worksheets, click HERE for blank MNP worksheets. Once you have completed, ask an adult to help check your answers using the MNP website.

If you are finding these worksheets tricky, click HERE for some help!

If you need to ask a question, post it on the blog and I can help.

Click HERE to complete the White Rose Maths extension work.

13 comments on “Maths Task – 17.6.20

  1. Hi Miss
    I have done the math? for today.Have a great day.?

  2. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Orla! Have a super day too 🙂

  3. Hi Miss,
    I liked the extension.
    Have a good day!?

  4. hello Miss
    I have done my maths , I still find it tricky to tell the time but I will do it again

  5. Miss Jones says:

    Well done for trying Penelope! Time can be a tricky topic.

  6. I finished.

  7. i Spent a long time on this work today .

  8. Hello Miss Jones
    I did math tasks but they were a bit for me tricky.

  9. Miss Jones says:

    Good girl for having a good try Karolina, that’s okay you found it a little tricky, time can be a difficult topic!

  10. Hi miss Jones I’ve done my maths homework today.

  11. Clémence says:

    Hello Miss Jones I have done my math.

  12. Jiana latif says:

    Hello Miss Jones, my math all done.

  13. Miss Jones says:

    Well done everyone for having a good try at the Maths today, even if it was a little tricky! 🙂

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