English Task
Click HERE for a printable version of this task

Well done with your grammar work yesterday! You were confidently able to punctuate each sentence!

Today’s English focus is:

Spelling & Handwriting


Complete the spelling task below. Use the spelling ideas below to practise your spellings. Complete this activity in your yellow homework book. Once you have had a go at your spellings write your sentences using joined handwriting. You may like to take a photo of your neat handwriting, which I can display on the blog. You could also type one of your own sentences on the blog showing excellent spelling.

Nelson Handwriting Reminder:

Top Tips:
Try these fun spelling techniques to help you practise spelling each word.

Let us know on the blog which ones you had a go at!

Handwriting practice
Click HERE to practise your handwriting joins


Enjoying this activity?
Why not play some fun spelling games to challenge yourself with the spelling games below.

Click HERE for little bird spelling

Click HERE for spelling city

Click HERE for look write cover check

35 comments on “English Task – Spelling and Handwriting 17.6.20

  1. Hello Miss Jones, I bought some new bright pens the other day so it was fun to get to use them for this task. I have written every word in a different colour and uploaded it.

  2. Miss Jones says:

    That sounds great Orla! Well done for completing your spelling work, it is very neat! 🙂

  3. Hello Miss Jones.
    Ferrari was second in the race.

  4. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Matthias. Can you write any more sentences?

  5. My cat scratched me on purpose.
    Apple watches are popular.

  6. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Ophelia 🙂

  7. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ?????? ? says:

    Hi miss I’m going to do the spelling then put it on the blog!
    Have a ᘜᖇᗴᗩT day everyone!

  8. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks for uploading your work Reuben, good effort! Remember to have a go at writing some sentences too.

  9. Hello Miss Jones
    I did the spelling work.

  10. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Holly!

  11. Hi Miss Jones I found today’s work hard.

  12. Miss Jones says:

    Thanks for letting me know Johnny, remember to use the spelling techniques to help you.

  13. Hi miss Jones I’ve done my english for today I challenged myself to try the year 5 and 6 spellings I really liked doing todays work.

  14. Miss Jones says:

    Great to hear Chloe K, I am glad you challenged yourself! 🙂

  15. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort with your spellings Julian, that’s okay you had some wrong, I can see you showed perseverance and had a good try and practising them! Well done.

  16. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort with your spellings Helena!

  17. Miss Jones says:

    Well done with your spelling work Celestine, you have written some good sentences too 🙂

  18. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Chloe K, your handwriting is beautifully joined!

  19. Sentences:
    My Rock and Roll song is very popular.
    I pick my fresh potatoes in my farm.

  20. Miss Jones says:

    Well done Chloe H! I like your squiggly spellings! What a fun way to practise writing them 🙂

  21. Miss Jones says:

    Good effort Sebastian, your handwriting is great! Check your spelling for most and waitress 🙂

  22. Miss Jones says:

    Good spelling work Penelope, your handwriting is very neat 🙂

  23. Gabriella says:


    Popular means famous.
    Fish and chips is popular in England.

    Possess mean own
    I do not possess a television set.

    Potatoes mean yam
    In roast dinners there are potatoes.

  24. Miss Jones says:

    Great spelling work Gabriella 🙂

  25. Miss Jones says:

    Super spelling work Karolina, well done for practising the spellings you got wrong 🙂

  26. Miss Jones says:

    Great effort Mathias at completing your spelling work. It is great to see your joined handwriting too 🙂

  27. Grace Anne says:


    I promise I will not eat your cake!

    The work is in possible.

    I like potatoes. .

    Probably we can go to the park.

    What is popular?

    There is to much pressure in my head.

  28. Miss Jones says:

    Good work Graceanne, check ‘impossible.’

  29. We used coloured matches. We have a bag of 2000!

  30. Miss Jones says:

    Wow really Albert! How fun!

  31. Clémence says:

    Position noun= the place where something is or should Be.
    Position verb= to place a person or a thing in a certain position.
    Pressure= continuous pressing.

    Some people are very popular.
    My clothes are my possession.
    I like to eat potatoes.
    I will probably go out for a while.
    Some people do things on purpose.
    Sitting, laying and standing are positions.
    Things are possible.
    “Don’t add to much pressure when you write and draw!!” Said the teacher.
    You shouldn’t break a promise.
    There is only a quarter of pizza left.

  32. Miss Jones says:

    Super spelling Clemence 🙂

  33. Miss Jones says:

    Good spelling work Jiana 🙂

  34. Miss Jones says:

    Well done for completing your spelling work Emi 🙂

  35. Miss Jones says:

    Good spelling work Eugenia, try your best to join your handwriting 🙂

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