New Topic: Ancient Egypt

Over this topic we will discover where and when the first civilisations appeared and study the life in Ancient Egypt. We will learn about the Gods and how they controlled the world and everything that happened.

Find out about the many Gods that existed and how each were different. Look at their appearance and the colours and patterns displayed. Sketch/colour/paint one of the Gods and incorporate detail.

You may like to write your own myth about one of the Gods.

14 comments on “Creative Curriculum Homework – Topic Launch

  1. Miss Drury
    My mum will post my facts and picture.

    Osiris is the God of the underworld. He took some the buried people out of the underworld so then they were alive longer.

  2. Great work Layla!

  3. Ammit is the Devourer. He crosses the underworld eating souls of the wicked whose hearts are heavier than the feather of truth. Ammit has the nose of a crocodile, the body of a lion and the bottom of a hippo. These are the deadliest animals known to Egyptians.

  4. Well done Finley! I loved your sculpture too 🙂

  5. Mila Le Patel says:

    Hi Miss Drury

    Amun ( Amun-Ra ) was the god of sun and air and was one of the most popular and powerful gods.



  6. Brilliant research Mila!

  7. HORUS
    Horus was the God of the sky and the God of war. He was the son of Isis and Osiris and is one of the most famous ancient Egyptian Gods.
    Horus lost his eye after fighting his uncle, Set and became the King of Egypt. Horus was worshipped all over Egypt and represented all the Falcon Gods. He appeared as a Falcon headed man.
    His symbols are the Eye of Horus and a hawk.
    The eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and good health.
    The Pharaohs of Egypt ruling at any time saw themselves in the image of Horus. When the Pharaoh died, that Pharaoh became Osiris, the God of the dead and Father of Horus. Through the King, Horus watched over the people of Egypt.

  8. Hello Miss Drury??‍?
    here are my facts about my god.
    The most important god of all was Ra he was the sun god. people believed that he was swallowed each evening by the sky goddess Nut. During the night he travelled to the underworld and was born again each morning.

  9. Emilia and Isabella says:

    Good morning Miss Drury,
    Emilia and Isabella uploaded their work yesterday.

  10. Albert Darwen says:

    Hi Miss Dury

    I have a book about Ancient Egypt. I read some interesting things.

    For example the base of some pyramids is bigger than ten football pitches!

    The Egyptian god that I am interested in is Anubis. He was the protector of the dead. He is shown as a jackal-headed man and he conducted the dead to the hall of judgement.

    My drawing will be uploaded on the blog soon.


  11. What a great book Albert! Lots of interesting facts 🙂

  12. I have learnt about Sekhmet who was the Goddess of War and Healing. Sekhmet was the daughter of Ra. I like her because she looks like a lioness and is known for her fierce character. She is also known as the Powerful One who could destroy the enemies of her friends.

  13. Great work Jack!

  14. Me and my mum have learnt about Sekhmet who was the Goddess of War and Healing. Sekhmet was the daughter of Ra. I like her because she looks like a lioness and is known for being fierce. She is also known as the Powerful One who could destroy the enemies of her friends.

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