Well done for such a fabulous first week of online learning! 

Thank you to everyone who completed our feedback questionnaires as these have helped us make some changes to the timetables for each class.

The timetables can be found on the Home Learning page of each year group. Click here to see the Home Learning post: Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6

Some changes:

  • Each Monday, Miss Coleman will post a whole school assembly that can be found in the Assembly Classroom.
  • We’ve made the English lessons longer to give you more time to complete the work.
  • There is a ‘Finishing off’ session in case you haven’t had enough time to finish all your work.
  • We have combined the afternoon registration and support session so you don’t have to log in to live sessions as many times. This time will also be used for marking MNP and general wellbeing chats.
  • We’ve set a longer break time and longer for lunch. Remember to take a break during the day, especially to get some time away from a screen.

We’re all leaning how to use Google Classroom, but already we’re getting much better, well done!

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