We have had a very busy first week back in the Nursery. The children came back to school so excited to play with their friends and share what they had been doing in the holidays.
Our new Religious Education topic is ‘Celebrations’. Everyone talked about how they celebrated Jesus’ birthday at Christmas. Then we looked at lots of different Christmas cards. We sorted out all of the ones which showed pictures of Jesus’ birth and each child chose their favourite one to stick on their work. We decorated the work using lots of tinsel and glitter to create a beautiful display for our Prayer Corner. Finally, we put away all of the Christmas decorations, toys books and clothes until next year.
Our new class topic is ‘Under the Sea’. We love reading all of the new books in our book corner all about under the sea. We will be reading a range of stories as well as information (non fiction) books to find out answers to our own questions as well as the big questions for our topic.
Today, we all drew a fish and then painted it. We are practicing using lines to create shapes that represent objects. We are very proud of our finished work.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.