We are having  so much fun celebrating Book Day in the Nursery today.  We enjoyed sharing our costumes, favourite characters and favourite books with the class and with the whole school in the Zoom assembly.

We had a lovely surprise when Miss Coleman and Molly zoomed into our bubble to read ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson who is one of our favourite authors.

We had a great time making book character puppets and we are going to use the, to tell our own stories. 

We also loved our special  book of the day, ‘The Day the Crayons Quit,’ and the special film that the teachers made.

Please go to our Special Book Day Blog to tell us about your favourite books and authors. 

Thank you to all the parents and carers who created the fantastic costumes. We are having a lovely Book Day!

One comment on “Nursery celebrate World Book Day!

  1. Bernice Hope says:

    They all look so great! I know Erin had a lovely day

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