Meet the Teacher

Thank you to everyone who attended the Year 1 Meet the Teacher session.

Click here for the Year 1 Meet the Teacher presentation 2023


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday for the Summer Term 2024.

Curriculum Information Sheets

Summer 2024

In Religious Education our topics are Pentecost, Sikhism, Reconciliation and Universal Church.

Our topic for Summer 2024 is Coasts and Climate (Wish You Were Here).

In Science our topic is Seasonal Change and recapping previous topics.

Click here to see our template weekly timetable for the Summer term.

Spring 2024

In Religious Education our topics were Local Church, Eucharist and Lent/Easter.

Our topic for Spring 2024 was Explorers.

In Science our topic was Materials.

Click here to see our template weekly timetable for the Spring term.

Autumn 2023

In Religious Education our topics are Domestic Church, Belonging, Judaism and Advent/Christmas.

Our topic for Autumn 2 2023 was Toys

Our topic for Autumn 1 2023 was Marylebone

In Science our topics are Plants and Animals including Humans.

Click here to see our template weekly timetable for the Autumn term.

Click here to read the Year 1 Yearly Overview 2023-24.

Curriculum Learning Journeys

Our Learning Journeys record our assessments against the National Curriculum for each year group and show the next steps for each child. You will be given a personal copy of your child’s Learning Journey at Parents’ Evening. Please click below to see each Learning Journey for Year 1.

My Year 1 Learning Journey for Reading

My Year 1 Learning Journey for Writing

My Year 1 Learning Journey for Maths 

My KS1 Learning Journey for RE (Y1 + Y2)