It has been wonderful to welcome Year 6 back to school and this week we have begun looking at our new text; ‘Some Places More Than Others’ by Renee Watson. 


Today we met Amara who is the main character in the story; she is a determined child who desperately wants a trip to New York for her birthday. She wants to meet her Dad’s family and see where he grew up yet she cannot understand why her parents are reticent about the trip. 


That is until she discovers that her Dad hasn’t spoken to his Dad (Grandpa Earl) for twelve years-not since the day she was born!


We are really looking forward to delving into this story and uncovering surprising revelations about the people Amara loves and her own sense of self. 

Today, we explored Amara and created a ‘Character Splat’ where we wrote down everything that we had learnt so far about her. We then read on and pretended to be Amara; we wrote our own letters trying to persuade our parents to let us go to New York! We had to think carefully about how we structured our letters and our use of persuasive language.

We can’t wait to read on!  

6 comments on “English in Year 6

  1. Hi miss Gorick I really like the book so far 🙂

  2. Miss Gorick says:

    Hi Kayla, thank you for your comment! I’m really pleased to hear that you are enjoying the book so far. I’m really enjoying it too!

  3. I am enjoying the book as it really makes me want to go to New York and explore my roots more.

  4. Miss Gorick says:

    That’s lovely to hear Nika 🙂 It is so interesting to discover more about where we come from!

  5. I’m really enjoying the book!

  6. Miss Gorick says:

    Thank you for your comment Lily! I’m pleased to hear that you’re enjoying the book 🙂

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