Our first topic in Year 4 will be Ancient Rome and Roman Britain!
When the Romans invaded Britain they brought many brilliant ideas with them. The Romans stayed here for over 400 years and we will be learning about the impact they had on Britain, and the world.
This is a very exciting topic about the beginning of how England came to be the country we know today.
Each week you will have Curriculum homework which links to our topic posted on Google Classroom. You will be able to use the skills and knowledge from the homework in our lessons!
Homework will commence from Monday 13th September.
Before then, I would like you to find out more about the Romans. Use a child-friendly search engine such as Kiddle to answer the following questions as a comment below:
1.) Where did the Romans come from and when did they arrive in England?
2.) Do you know any interesting things that the Romans made? If not, find 3 things the Romans built in England.
3.) What would like to learn about during our Romans topic?
Well done for your first week back Year 4! You have settled in really well and I am very excited to learn all about the Ancient Romans with you :).
Mr. Kersys.
1) The Romans arrived in Britain in 55 BC. The Roman Army had been fighting in Gaul (France) and the Britons had been helping the Gauls in an effort to defeat the Romans. The leader of the Roman Army in Gaul, Julius Caesar, decided that he had to teach the Britons a lesson for helping the Gauls – hence his invasion.
2) They may have lived ages and ages ago but they invented loads of things we still use today. They invented concrete, newspapers, books, calendars and central heating! They also built military structures such as forts and walls (including Hadrian’s Wall which is an ancient Roman defence wall near the border with Scotland)to engineering innovations like baths and aqueducts, the most obvious impact of the Romans that can still be seen today is their buildings. Most buildings in Iron Age Britain were made of timber and were often round in form.
3) What I would like to know about the Romans is:
– were they came from
– were they slept and lived
– how they decided to settle their villages and where to built their roads.
1.The Romans came from Rome (Italy) and they arrived in England in 43 AD.
2.Bath House ,our calendar ,brick and stone building.
3.What they wear and how they wrote.
1. The Romans came from Rome and the arrived in England on the 43 AD.
2. Romans made Roman Numerals, Modern Plumbing and Sanitary Management and Aqueduct.
3.Where did they go to the bathroom and did go to school.
1.The Romans arrived in Britain in 55 bc. The Romans cam from Rome the Roman Empire.
2. The Roman pepeole made
–Roman numerals
–bound books
3. I liked to learn about the things they made.
1. The Romans arrived in Britain in 55 BC. The Roman Army had been fighting in Gaul (France) and the Britons had been helping the Gauls in an effort to defeat the Romans. The leader of the Roman Army in Gaul, Julius Caesar, decided that he had to teach the Britons a lesson for helping the Gauls – hence his invasion.
2. The calendar we still use today.
The census – the practice of counting a population.
High-quality straight roads.
Central heating.
Aqueducts (water bridges)
Indoor plumbing.
3. How did the Romans get there to Britian?
How did the Romans make there weapon?
Did the Romans take a bath togather?
1. The Romans came from Rome and they arrived in 43AD.
2. They built Hadrian’s Wall, it is very famous and it still stands today.
3. I would like to learn how the Romans made their weapons.
1. The Romans arrived In 55 BC. The romans have been fighting in Gaul (France) and the Britain’s helped Gaul in the effort to defeat the romans.
2. They may have lived ages,ages and ages ago but some of the things we have today they invented.they invented newspapers,books ,concrete and central heating. They even created military sculptures like walls and forts (including Hadrian’s wall that is a ancient roman wall of defence, near the border with Scotland) to engineering innovations like baths and aqueducts, the most obvious impact of the romans that can still be seen today is their buildings. Most buildings in Iron Age Britian were made of timber and were often in a form that was round.
3. what I would like to know about the romans is:
– how did the romans live their lives by not having homes and food like us.
– did they have a different alphabet then us.
– what type of clothes did they have.
1. The Romans came from Britain and they had arrived in England in 55BC.
2. Romans had invented many things such as arches, roads, Roman numerals and concrete.
3. I would like to learn about counting the Roman numerals and writing it properly. Also, what the clothes the romans wore looked like.
1)At first all of the Roman soldiers came from Rome, but they then used the soldiers of countries as far away as the middle east and Africa and also the ones they conquered. Rome is in what is now known as Italy, but lots of other nationalities came to Rome because it was a wealthy city.
2)They built Hadrian’s wall, aqueducts, very straight roads, vineyards, and roman baths. These can be seen today in England.
3) I would like to know about:
-If THEY ever got conquered
-Where they got the ideas for their inventions
-How they coped with the English winter.
1. The Romans arrived in AD43 (over 2000 years ago) and they wanted Britain’s precious metals (gold and iron). They came from Rome.
2. They built sewage systems and brick stone houses with central heating. They brought rabbits and stingy nettles to Britain and build temples for their Gods and later brought Christianity (believe in one God) to Britain. The Romans also introduced writing and money.
I would like to learn about Roman school, what their favourite foods were and how they dressed.
1)Romans came from Rome (the capital of Italy) mostly but some came from over country including the Middle East and Africa. We know this because Emperor Claudius brought elephants with his troops and there was now wild life documentary so an elephant seemed like an animal from an over planet. There is also evidence with African potteries being used in what is known Scotland. This is an over indicator that the Roman army was combined by more than one nationality. In 55 BC the Roman army invaded Britain and stayed there for 400 years.
2) You might think that they invented lot of stuff but they didn’t invent more thing than us. They might have lived years and years ago but they still made lots of things like the calendar that we now use. In Rome we didn’t have the English numbers instead we had Roman numerals. They were made back in the 800 and 900 BC.They were for counting, telling the time, recording and to help list order.There are 7 basic letters in the Roman numerals, I,V,X,L,C,D and M. The romans also made concrete. Romans made concrete by mixing volcanic ash with lime and seawater to make a mortar. One last thing is underfloor heating.
3) What I want to learn is EVERYTHING !
1 The Romans arrived in 55 BC and came from Rome in Italy
2 They built Hadrian’s wall which is very popular even now
3 I would like to learn anything fun!
1. The Romans came from Rome in AD 43 hundreds of years ago, but they didn’t like it very much.
2. I Know that Julius Ceaser (from Rome) was known to have a huge nose.
3. I would like to learn many legends at school and lots of the things they invented.
1. The Romans came from Rome and they entered Britain in 55BC. The barbarians forced the Romans to go to France but in 54BC the Romans returned.
2. Three interesting things the Romans made were Hadrian’s wall, roads and concrete.
3. I would like to learn more about Julius Caesar and Roman legends.
1.The Romans came from Rome and initially invaded Britain in 55 BC. Julius Caesar led the first invasion of Britain because he thought there were precious metals there.
2. The Romans were master builders. Their army built many roads by digging by hand and then adding layers of stones. Many of these roads are still used today, like Oxford street in London.
The Romans brought many new foods to Britain like pears, apples, carrots, celery, asparagus and grapes.
The Romans also introduced round coins instead of iron bars for trade.
3.l would like to learn about Roman Gods.
1.) The Romans arrived in Britain in 55 Before Christ. Romans were coming from Gaul. Indeed the Romans were fighting in Gaul who were helped by the Britons. Consequently Julius Caesar decided to invade Britain
2.) Roman have done many things in Britain, including roads, the Hadrian wall, the Roman Baths in the city of Bath
3.) I would like to learn more about the Roman’s civilization, what was their way of life and how they conquered Europe
1) Romans came from Rome and arrived on England at 55 B.C.
2) A few interesting things the Romans made was the theatre, marketplace, and Roads.
3) How did they make their armor?
1.The Romans come on to Brittan to take it over they made England and London but they called London londail and they came from Italy
2.they made lots of stuff in Britain like markets and homes and cars and roads.
3.i would like to learn more things they made and more detail what they were wearing.
1. The Romans concered to Britain in 43 AD and left in 410 AD.
2. They made Hadrian’s wall, calenders and roads.
3. What ended the Roman Empire?