Today, Year 6 were lucky enough to meet an evacuee!

Kitty Baxter came to tell us all about her experiences as an evacuee in the Second World War:

“She told us that she didn’t even know that she was going to leave and she thought it was a day out because it was her birthday. I thought that I would have felt worried and confused.”-William

“She told us that brought a pillow case instead of a suitcase because she didn’t have one. Only the posh people had suitcases! When they were late for school because they were lost, they got caned on the hand.”-Albert

“She got evacuated three times and the first time was to a manor house and she had to wake up at five o’clock in the morning to clean the silver.”-Giordano

“When she got evacuated the third time to Blackpool, she didn’t want to come back because it was fun there! There was lots of food because the Americans came.”-Julia G.

“She told us that every time she smells fire or smoke, she remembers the bombing in the Blitz. When she sees the countryside, she remembers when she had to leave home.”-Tijne

“Her sister got chosen by someone else. She was sent to  a private school and had lots of luxuries. I couldn’t believe that she had to leave her sister and she hardly ever saw her again.”-Amarissa

“She lost her little brother because of a cough that he caught in the shelters.”- Louis

“Her dad did not know how to read and write until he went to the war and he wanted to send them letters. He died in a battle in Italy and his grave is still there. Kitty didn’t celebrate on V.E. Day because her brother and dad were dead. ‘What was there to celebrate?’ she asked.”-Stella

After Kitty had told us all about her life in World War Two, we sang her some songs that we had learnt for the assembly. Kitty knew all of the words to ‘We’ll meet again’, ‘The white cliffs of Dover’ and ‘Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner’ and we had a good old-fashioned singsong together!

Thank you so much to Kitty for coming to talk to us today. It was such a fascinating experience and really brought our History topic of World War Two to life.




3 comments on “A visit from an Evacuee!

  1. Kitty told me that she had a wonderful time meeting you all this afternoon and sharing her evacuation stories with you. She said she was so impressed with your interest in the Second World War and with the questions you asked. She especially loved the singsong and was so glad she remembered all the words and could join in.

  2. Miss Siswick says:

    Thank you for lending us your mum, Miss C!
    We had such a lovely afternoon and learned so much.
    Thank you again, Kitty.

  3. That looks like great fun I am very jealous .

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