Today is Odds Socks Day! 

We have been thinking about our book ‘Simon Sock’, how is is an ‘Odd’ sock, looking to find his pair. He finds his pair, but they do not like the same things and are not really alike at all. Instead he meets a new friend, Betty Banana. Despite being different, Betty and Simon get on so well and make a fantastic pair. 

In class we talked about how special it is that we are all unique, that we dont have a ‘pair’ like socks, but each of us has our own individual pattern! Being different to those around us does not make us ‘odd’ like Simon Sock, but special!  

During circle time we all said something kind about the person next to us, it was such a lovely actvitiy and everyone said how happy it made them, to hear and say kind things to others. 

Each child decorated their own sock with different stickers and patterns, to show how we all like different things, and all have our own individual patterns. 

2 comments on “Odd Socks Day!

  1. Michelle Walsh says:

    Loving all those wonderfully different socks reception x

  2. I liked doing it and was very fun and i felt creative making them🚀

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