Teacher Project Exchange
From Friday 19th September –Saturday 4th October 2014 Marina Coleman, Headteacher & Katrina Hassan, Maths Leader, St. Vincent’s Catholic Primary School travelled to Shanghai as part of Department for Education Maths Research Project. The aim of the project was to enable English schools learn from the Asian-style mastery approach to maths. Shanghai teachers shared teaching techniques, including daily maths lessons, feedback and support, the use of textbooks and consolidation to build fluency and deepen understanding.
View the Shanghai Presentation October 2014 PDF.
We will welcomed up to 60 teachers from Shanghai to share their knowledge and expertise with teachers here, providing masterclasses for both pupils and teachers. Following the trip to Shanghai two Chinese teachers of Mathematics, Kris Li Dong and Chen Zhuhui, came to stay in London and teach at St. Vincent’s.
During their time at the school they taught units of Number to Year 2 and Year 5 students. At least once a week, Maths Coordinators from local schools observed these lessons and participated in Teaching Research Group activities. These sessions were well attended (at least twelve adults per visit) and very interesting. The group also worked on studying the Shanghai text books and Katrina Hassan wrote up their findings into some Calculations Guidance, with a focus on Key Stage 1.Once a week after school there was also a Level 6 after school club for specially selected pupils from six local schools. The Shanghai teachers delivered staff training and led a session for interested parents. There was also significant media interest.
As a result of this experience, as a school we will be reviewing the way we teach number, particularly in Years 1 and 2. Teachers across the school are using the Shanghai text books to support their planning. Miss Coleman has attended the Department for Education to feedback about the experience to Nick Gibb and is one of two participating headteachers who have been asked to represent the schools on an evaluation panel.
View the Developing Mastery In Mathematics October 2014 PDF.
This Autumn the second phase of the Exchange has commenced with a Secondary School focus. As part of this we are expecting some more visitors to our school.
We have also worked with St. Marylebone Maths Hub to start a regular Teaching Research Group who will meet regularly to further explore the mastery approach to Mathematics.