Today, as part of our Stone Age topic, Year 3 visited the British Museum. So far we have learned about the term  ‘Prehistory’ and how it refers to a time in a people’s history before they used a written language. In Britain the term Prehistory refers to the period before Britain became part of the Roman empire in AD 43. The prehistoric period in Britain lasted for hundreds of thousands of years and this long period of time is usually divided into: Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic (sometimes these three periods are combined and called the Stone Age), Bronze Age and Iron Age.

We’ve spent the first half term of the school year diving into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. We know all about the similarities and differences between the three periods. While at the museum, we got to explore the exhibits featuring Stone Age artificats. We were on the hunt for Neolithic jewlery pieces and what they were made of, tools that helped Neolithic farmers grow their crops and pots made in the Bronze Age. We noticed the different materials that were used during each time period, as well as the progression of tools and how they became more sophisticated.

We had a marvelous time and learned so much today. Thank you so much to the parents that volunteered to come with us today. We really appreciate it!!!

6 comments on “British Museum Visit

  1. It was so fun for me to visit the British Museum and see lots of artefacts.

  2. 🍔🍕🌭César🌭🍕🍔 says:

    I loved going and eating there! I was even partners with my mum! I hope I get to go there again and explore EVERY DETAIL!

    Love, César 🥰

  3. Philip Bear says:

    I liked the photos on my laptop. It was a good trip. I’m looking forward to going there next year.

    Philip Y2

  4. It was fun at the museum.

  5. I loved going there as it was great fun. It was a great experience for me and my mum to learn about the stone age!

  6. SO FUN honestly that was the BEST year 3 trip EVER!!!

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