This week in our Religious Education lesson we learnt all about when Jesus was taken by Mary and Joseph to the Temple, to thank God for bringing him into the world.
Whilst they were at the Temple, they met two people called Simeon and Anna. Both Simeon and Anna were very elderly, faithful and patient people, they had waited their whole lives to meet Gods messenger on Earth. They knew he was the Son of God, and he was here to save all his people.
Nursery were so engaged within this special story, and the very important people who were present. Nursery could share lots of ideas about the people, as they are familiar with Mary and Joseph, especially through our sessions during Advent, and our EYFS Nativity.
We then continued our understanding of The Presentation, through role play, dressing up as the key people. Nursery were so sensible during this activity and really enjoyed wearing the special materials.
Our first scene is Mary and Joseph on their way to the Temple, with Simeon and Anna at the Temple praying. Then we are showing when Simeon and Anna meet Mary and Joseph, they are shocked and excited as they know he is the Son of God!
I loved being Anna wearing the really gold thing. I was excited seeing baby Jesus that was born.
We dressed up so nicely. I enjoyed dressing up with my friends as Mary, Joseph, Simeon and Anna. It was so lovely.