Last Friday, we went to the Science Museum to watch the interactive show, ‘Mission to Mars’ and we learned a lot about our new topic, Earth and Space. The show involved lots of amazing experiments and many of the children got to take part.

We learned what the sun is: burning gases which create heat and light energy. A balloon was filled with gas and lit by a flame to demonstrate what happens when gases are burned.

How the Earth orbits the sun whilst spinning on its axis was demonstrated with human props!

How solar energy powers spacecraft was demonstrated:

What would happen to us if there was no air was investigated with the help of Mr Spud, a potato head filled with cream. His involvement came to a messy end. The children learned the importance of sophisticated spacesuits that keep the astronauts safe. We also learned what happens to spacecraft when they return to Earth and how space rockets are powered.

We took full advantage of being in the Science Museum to explore the Space gallery and see actual rockets and space pods. The story of Space exploration over the last 60 years is incredible!


6 comments on “Year 5’s Mission to Mars

  1. Florence Y2 says:

    This looks so fun and interesting. You all look very happy to be there year 5.

  2. Gabriella Y6 says:

    You guys look like you had an amazing time! I love the Science Museum -there are many cool things there.

  3. Jiana Yr6 says:

    This looks like you had a lot of fun year 5! You guys must have seen really amazing things there!

  4. Graceanne y6 says:

    You guys look like you had an amazing time! I love the Science Museum -there are many cool things there.

  5. Sophia Maria says:

    This was so fun!

  6. I was shocked when the man (Oscar), picked me as his first volunteer! I got to set the balloon on fire! It exploded and there was a burst of fire and it was so hot! I wore headphones and others covered their ears because there was a loud bang.

    The most funniest part was when Mr .Aitken dressed up as a big earth and spun round and round in circles very fast!

    I have two favorite parts.
    1) Exploring the museum! (space part)
    Exploring the museum in partners was very fun! I learned lots of things about space.
    2) The experiments.
    The experiments were so fun and the man who hosted it was very funny.


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