Year 6 have so enjoyed our Art Week activities this term.
Following on from our trip to the October Gallery and linked to our Geography topic of the United Kingdom, we have been exploring what the United Kingdom means to us. We had the chance to sketch and then use water colours and acrylics to represent our images.
Next, we each chose our favourite images and began to use our drawings and designs to plan our prints which will be combined and used for our class art piece.
Although we have made and used our own printing blocks before, this time we had the added challenge of adding details and building up colours in our prints by cutting out more details and then adding a second print colour on top of the first.
This is very tricky as you have to visualise and plan for what the final print will look like without being able to see it. Year 6 used their learning powers of resilience and reflectiveness in this task and we can’t wait to unveil our final art piece, ready for the auction!
I really enjoyed making our prints as it was fun but also very messy! I hope that the picture for the auction is really good.
The printing was really fun and I enjoyed experimenting on my crown with layering different colours and seeing what I could add the second time I printed! Thank you to Mrs Healy and Miss Siswick for helping us! I look forward to seeing the finished product!
I think lots of people will love to buy your art work!