It was so lovely to have so many family members come and visit Year 1 this afternoon to see what we have been working on in class!
Year 1 have spent the last month working so hard on writing brilliant stories! We started the unit looking deeply at the book ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. We looked at what his story was about and how he used different words to make it a really great story. We then started drafting our own story based off Oliver Jeffers book. We wrote the draft story section by section so that we could follow a similar story as OliverJeffers, but also have our own opportunity to make the story our own. We choose our own characters, setting and method of transport. We then went through and edited the story, and started the long task of publishing our work. We talked about making it our best handwriting and why it is important in our final piece to not have many mistakes. Next we drew pictures to match the words on that page, and finally came the front cover! We hope you loved reading the stories, and can keep them in a special place for years to come! I know the children are very keen to show them to all of their family members.
We also showed off the moving story books that we made in Design and Technology last week (which you can find more information on if you look at the previous news post).