Today Father Philip celebrated a special Leavers’ Mass for  Year 6 and their families . It was  a beautiful service and helped to remind us that Jesus is always there to help us, even during difficult times.  We had a delicious tea and were presented with our leavers’ hoodies. 

Afterwards, we had a lovely long playtime on the roof together!       

We have many happy memories of our time together and we are so ready for the new challenges at secondary school.

Lord you are with us all our days.

7 comments on “Good Bye, Year 6!

  1. Gabriella Y6 says:

    I really enjoyed my last day and I can not wait to go to secondary school!!!

  2. graceanne y6 says:

    It is really sad we are leaving. We all cried and I am going to miss everyone. I wish that we could be a class forever! I just don’t want to leave and I have great memories and I will always keep them with me.

  3. I am really sad to leave this school. I have been in this school for almost my whole life and I have many memories of this school. I’m definitely going to miss St Vincents.

  4. Jiana Yr6 says:

    It is really sad that we had to leave everyone after all these years. Thank you for all the teachers that taught us throughout the years. Thank you for all my classmates, you were all like my older siblings that were sometimes annoying but we always had fun. Thank you to Miss Siswick and Miss Healy for teaching this whole year. I will never forget my amazing class as we always had fun. Thank you for all the trips we had this year! They were really fun and exciting! I hope Yr 5, soon to be Yr 6, have an amazing time during their last year of primary school. Bye for now!

  5. It has come to an end. I’ve been in this school for over half of my life and there are lots of memories that I will keep in my heart forever. Thank you to all the teachers who taught me during my time and I wish all the best to the future Year 6.

  6. I’m so sad to leave st Vincent’s. I’m going to miss everyone. Thank you for everything.

  7. We were all like sisters and brothers to each other and I know we will always stay together as a family. Enormous thank yous to Mrs Healy and Ms Siswick for teaching us and looking after us. I hope you will enjoy teaching the next class and I hope we find it easy to settle into our new beginnings😊.

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