After our swim, we were excited to go to dinner. We then had a fun time playing in the field with all our friends before heading back in the classroom to write our diaries for today.

Once it started to get dark, we went on our night walk through the woods.  We used torches to find the reflective strips and followed the route. Some of us got a bit lost and went round in circles for a bit, but we eventually found everyone. We then listened to the sounds of the woods, including hearing an owl!

We’re heading to bed now and the teachers are all hoping that we have a good sleep to get ready for our busy day tomorrow.

10 comments on “Our first night

  1. Miss Coleman says:

    I am very jealous! I would love to be outside and swimming in this hot weather.

    I hope you all sleep well tonight.

  2. Elaine Carville says:

    I hope everyone gets a good night’s sleep after all that activity. Especially in those comfy beds that you made yourselves 🛏️😴

  3. Simona Rekkas says:

    What a great experience, enjoy every second. Thanks to our fantastic teachers for their excellent work.

  4. Sophie’s family says:

    After a busy day, hope they all fall asleep quickly.

  5. It looks like you all had an amazing first day at Sayers Croft. I hope you have a good nights sleep. We are looking forward to hearing about tomorrow’s adventures 🙂

  6. Marie’s Italian grandparents says:

    We are so happy you get to experience this great adventure! Thank you for the photos and updates. Un abbraccio, nonno e nonna

  7. Happy birthday mate 🥳

  8. Hope everyone had a great night sleep and y’all have a great day. Love seeing the pics and reading the updates.

  9. Julian Year 7 :) says:

    Hmmm… what was in Albert’s hand there? Those torches helped, in the dark of the night, right? Did anyone have a footy game? I would hope so. Great place for it. Other than the mole-holes. 😐

  10. Looks like you had a great first night.

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