After another good sleep, we were ready and raring to get started on our activities today.

Today was the big trip to Ewhurst, the local village where Sayers Croft is. We were exploring the village to see what there is there and what you can do if you live in Ewhurst. Next week, we’ll be doing the same study in Marylebone and we’ll be able to compare the differences.

Gail took us to the local Church of England church. Thankfully it was nice and cool in there so we enjoyed exploring the church and comparing the differences between Catholic and Church of England churches, as well as learning some of the history of the church.

Then we walked to the end of the village and did the famous traffic survey. Mrs Healy would have been so sad because we didn’t see the Tesco van this year! We did see lots of other types of vehicles though.

It was very hot so we walked back to Sayers Croft and had a bit of time to cool down.

We’re heading off to lunch now; the food has been delicious so we’re excited to see what is on the menu!

7 comments on “Our morning trip to Ewhurst

  1. Simona Rekkas says:

    What a wonderful place! I can’t wait to hear all about it!

  2. Elaine Carville says:

    What a beautiful village and on such a glorious day. Can’t believe the week is nearly over. Enjoy your final night. We are looking forward to hearing all your news when you return tomorrow. Finley – Bethan has been asking for you every day, she will be so excited to see you tomorrow.

  3. Sophia Maria‘s family says:

    Thank you for the lovely pictures (we were particularly taken by the cute knitting on top of the postbox 📮)!

  4. Miss Coleman says:

    It’s so different to Marylebone! We could use some of the knitted tops for our postboxes!

  5. The place looks amazing!

  6. Alexandra Y3 says:

    What a beautiful place! 😍

  7. The walk was so long but it was fun.

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