The Wednesday Word aims to help all school families draw closer to God, to the Church and to each other by sharing the Gospel together.

Please read the Wednesday Word together as family each week and support children’s understanding of the Gospel. Reflections can be recorded below. We love reading your thoughts.

Wednesday Word 13.12.23 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL

Wednesday Word 06.12.23 HOPE

Wednesday Word 29.11.23 PRAYER

Wednesday Word 22.11.23 KINDNESS

Wednesday Word 15.11.23 TALENT

Wednesday Word 08.11.23 WISDOM

Wednesday Word Half Term Holiday Special

18.10.23 GRATITUDE

25.10.23 LOVE

01.11.23 HUMBLE

Wednesday Word 11.10.23 INVITATION 

Wednesday Word 04.10.23 MESSENGER

Wednesday Word 27.09.23 CHANGE

Wednesday Word 20.09.23 GENEROUS

Wednesday Word 13.09.23 FORGIVENESS

496 comments on “Wednesday Word Autumn Term 2023

  1. Sophia Maria (yr 6) says:

    This week‘s gospel is about forgiveness. In this gospel Jesus is trying to tell us that no matter who the person is or what he did you should always forgive them, even if you don‘t want to. Why? Because, Jesus died on the cross for us to forgive us our sins, so we should try to do the same for others even if it is hard.

  2. This Wednesday word is Forgiveness.It is always important to forgive no matter what that way you’ll get better relationships with others including God and be a better Christian.

  3. Nicolas (yr 3) says:

    This week‘s gospel is about forgiveness. In the gospel Jesus tells us that you should always be forgiving to others if you want them to forgive you. In the gospel Jesus says that you should forgive people 77 times, because he did lot of things for us so we should the same.

  4. This weeks Wednesday word is forgiveness. Never stop forgiving.

  5. This weeks Gospel is all about Forgiveness. Jesus tells us that we should always forgive
    each other because if you dont forgive them you might lose them as a friend and even if you dont want to Jesus died on the cross just to take away our sins so to thank Jesus we should Forgive each other and Jesus is in everyone hearts so its like if you dont forgive the person you dont forgive Jesus.

  6. Sophia B yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday Word is forgiveness. In the gospel Jesus told us to always forgive others 77 times as Jesus died on the cross to forgive us for our sins so we should at least try to forgive our friends.

  7. This week’s Wednesday word is all about forgiving. Jesus and God will always forgive us even if we do something wrong God will always forgive even after seven times.

  8. You must always forgive your brother, sister, friends and family. You must forgive everyone because if someone does wrong and they say sorry, you give them another chance not to do that thing again.

  9. Caspian Year 3 says:

    This Wednesday word is Forgiveness. We should respect other people and forgive them at any time as they forgive us. Forgiveness can be big or small. If you’re grumpy and don’t want to forgive them, it’s always better to do the right thing. To be a better person.

  10. Sebastian y5 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is forgiveness. We should always forgive others as God teaches us to forgive others as God forgives us every time we make a wrong choice as we say sorry and mean it. You should always forgive others because one day God will great you with happiness in the gates of heaven.

  11. You should forgive your enemies. If your friends do bad to you don’t do it back and forgive everyone.

  12. This week’s Gospel is FORGIVENESS.

    We should all forgive because if we might end up with zero friends and turn into a mean person and not be kind.That is why we should always forgive.❤️❤️❤️💕💕

  13. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday Word is forgiveness. No matter what, we should always forgive everyone for whatever they have done wrong. We should also forgive no matter how many times someone does something wrong as Jesus taught us to forgive 77 times in this Gospel. Jesus forgave us for our sins and died on the cross for us so we must forgive our neighbours.

  14. This week’s Wednesday Word is FORGIVENESS. In the gospel Jesus is telling us to forgive your siblings, your friends and even people who you don’t normally play with. He wants us to be like the King who forgave the servant who couldn’t repay his debt. So the next time you get into an argument with someone, remember what Jesus said and be forgiving.

  15. This weeks Gospel is about forgiveness. Forgiveness means to me that if someone was mean to you, you could forgive and be friends again. In the Gospel, Jesus said that we had to forgive not only seven but seventy-seven times.

  16. Valentina Y5 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is forgiveness. In the Gospel Jesus is telling us to forgive brothers or sisters, an example of a person that forgives is Saint Pope John Paul 2. He forgave a man that tried to kill him and thats difficult but he followed Jesus advice to forgive and like these he is in heaven with God.

  17. Alexandra Y3 says:

    Forgiving a friend is a very brave thing to do even if you are hurt by their words and actions. We should always be merciful to the other person and be more like the king. The king was a kind man and felt pity towards the servant. The servant on the other hand was unkind and unforgiving which was not very kind of him.
    When a person forgives, it sets them free of unhappiness and heals the body. If we all learn to forgive, we can live in a peaceful world.

  18. This week is about forgiveness. Forgiveness is when someone has done something wrong to you and you still love them and you forgive them not 7 times but 77 times.

  19. This week’s Wednesday word is forgiveness. In the gospel, Jesus teach us to forgive others no matter what the person did to us. We should have a forgiving heart.. Remember, Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

  20. This week’s Wednesday word is forgiveness. Most people don’t forgive others without noticing. Jesus wants us to forgive people all the time and never forget to do it. He wants us to mean it when we say ” I forgive you “. If we do this we will be following Jesus’s footprints.

  21. Hollirose🤗🤗 says:

    This week’s gospel is about forgiveness. We should never stop forgiving and always forgive our friends.

  22. Everybody should be kind and be able to forgive. In the gospel, Jesus explains that we should show the ability to forgive everyone. Showing forgiveness and caring for people are important qualities for us to all live better lives.

  23. Jesus explains that we should always try our best to forgive people no matter what bad things they do or say to us, even if they keep doing it again and again. When we forgive people it gives us peace in our heart. God always forgives us for our sins.

  24. Uri - Reception says:

    Forgiveness is not just an act of releasing another from their past mistakes, but also a gift we give ourselves, allowing both hearts to heal and move forward in harmony.

  25. If someone forgives you, you need to be able to forgive others. In the Gospel Jesus says we needs to forgive people always.
    At home you can forgive your family members and at school you can forgive your teachers and friends.

  26. We should forgive others not once but always. If someone does something wrong you should forgive them as they need a second chance. You should trust that the person will learn how to behave.

  27. To truly forgive someone you first need to want to forgive. If you hold on to your grudges then there will always be arguments. You have to be nice and avoid arguing. Always take the other person’s perspective into account and don’t always think about your own perspective.

  28. After reading this gospel about forgiveness, l forgive this boy who pushed me today in swimming.

  29. This week’s gospel is about forgiveness, and Jesus is telling us that when someone does something offensive to you, In the end you and that person should always forgive each other. Forgiveness is key!

  30. This weeks Wednesday word is about forgiving.In the Bible Jesus tells us that you should always forgive someone.

  31. This week’s world is FORGIVENESS. You must forgive everyone, as Jesus said, with all your heart, as Jesus forgives us everyday for all the sins we do.

  32. Jesus told us to forgive no matter what happens and if you are to forgive you will have a stronger relationship with God.If Jesus had to die to forgive us of all our sins then we should be more than capable to forgive each other.

  33. Sebastian y5 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is to be generous it is important to be generous as god is generous to us as he gave us all life and trusted us to take care of world and treat others just the way we want to be treated. We don’t always have to be generous like giving money or gold or precious things but we can be generous by giving others are time. This tells them that u care about them and ur a good person u can also give time by helping ur siblings with their homework even if u haven’t finished yours. You should do these things as god wants us to. Even when bad things happen don’t blame it on God as god never wanted that to happen he just does everything with a reason he never wants bad things to happen to you he just wants u to listen on what ur told to do 😊

  34. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This week’s Gospel is about being generous. By being generous it brings us closer to God. God wants us to be generous just like the landowner in the parable. We can be generous by sharing our toys or giving it to a charity. We can give our nice clothes to a charity shop.
    We can also be generous by giving our love and time by talking to a lonely neighbour for example or by cooking a nice hot meal for them. In school we can play with all our friends and not exclude anyone during play time.

  35. This week’s Wednesday wor is all about generosity, in the scripture, the lawn owner paid everyone the same because he was generous. The people who had worked all day complained about the payment but it was fair and just because the lawn owner paid them all, even if one had worked more than the other, he still paid them.

  36. This week’s gospel is about generosity. Like the lawn owner we can give things to charity. God want’s us to be generous like the lawn owner ,so we can share toys with our friends on the playground.

  37. This week’s Wednesday Word is about forgiveness and understanding. We should try to understand the feelings of others and treat others in they way we want to be treated ourselves.

  38. This weeks Wednesday word is about generosity . Generosity means when you share what you have got with others . The lawn owner showed generosity by paying the same amount of money for each of the people even some people worked less.

  39. This weeks gospel is about being Generous which means to give away and love someone with no limits. God loves us no matter what we do.

  40. Jesus is saying that people who are generous are remembered and rewarded. God wants us to be generous to receive the blessing from Him. If you want to treat other people nicely, you should do it the way how you want to be treated.

  41. This weeks gospel is all about being generous. Jesus is telling us that we should always be generous. In the Wednesday word the landowner paid his people equally and fairly but the Workers were not grateful and all they did was complain and complain.Jesus is trying to tell us that we should always be generous to others and if you don’t get paid as much money as you were hoping, never get upset and be happy and generous for its money and good. Some people work so hard and don’t get paid at all.So always be generous.

  42. This week’s Wednesday Word is all about ‘generous.’
    Jesus knowss that everyone should be kind and generous to each other. Everyone knows that we can do it.

  43. Valentina Y5 says:

    This Wednesday word is about generosity. We need to be generous because God it generous to us like in the gospel that he pay all the workers equally like this they won’t be jealous with each over so be generous in these week you can give things you don’t need to charity.

  44. Madeleine, y6 says:

    This week’s wednesday word is generous!
    God is generous and offered us the choise to be generous.Pope Francis once said “How generous is God,let us ask him for the grace of being generous too.”we have to be generous so that we do not show others that we are envious.

  45. This weeks Wednesday word is Generous. Generous means to give loads of things to poor or donating to charity and food banks. Giving more time to important things like spending time with your family and friends. We can all be generous by helping and giving or donating toys, food or water to the needed people or children. Jesus was also being generous by giving his life to us when he died on the cross.

  46. This weeks word is GENEROUS.To be generous is to share always an equal amount for all even if their first, last or in the middle as we know…” first is last and last is first “,according to the Gospel.

  47. This week’s Gospel is about generosity, generosity is like when you have a sweet and you see someone sad you can give them half of your sweet. In the gospel Jesus wants us to share with each other, we can do this by sharing our toys, gifs, music and even our friends we can also share our love and qualities and talents.❤️❤️❤️

  48. This week’s Wednesday word is generosity. Generosity is something that we all should practice. When we are generous we are making people feel happy which, in turn, makes you feel happy. You can be generous in various ways: big ways, like helping the the elderly; and small ways, like helping a friend with homework.

  49. Sophia B Yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday Word is about generosity! In order to be generous we should treat everyone equally with respect and love just like how the landowner did with his workers.

  50. Nicolas (yr 3) says:

    This week‘s gospel is about generosity. We are reminded that God‘s generosity is unlimited and that you should always try to act like God and be generous to others.

  51. Sophia P yr 6 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about generosity. Generosity means to always share with others even if you have very little.Jesus told us that even though the landowner heard the people that complaining that he was was paying the people that came last to his vineyard the same amount as them he still stayed true to the people that came last and payed them all the same amount. God loves us all equally even if we came after others.

  52. We can try to be generous by giving water and food to people who do not have any. We can be generous by playing with new children that we don’t know and we can smile.

  53. We can try to be generous by giving water and food to people who do not have any. We can be generous by playing with new children that we don’t know and we can smile.

  54. This week’s Wednesday word is about being generous to others. God is generous to us because he provides us with warmth,a home and a family. He is also generous because he brought us all here to day to people that we are now.

  55. Valentina Year 5 says:

    This Wednesday word is about generosity, we need to be generous because God is generous to us like in the gospel that he pays all the workers equally in this way they won’t be jealous with each over. So be generous in this week – you can give things you don’t need to charity.

  56. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday Word is generous. We must be generous and giving to others who are less fortunate than us, as Jesus teaches us to. The land owner paid his workers the agreed pay but they were still unhappy and jealous of the workers who came later but got the same pay. We can learn from this parable to be grateful for what we have and not get annoyed or frustrated by others’ generosity.

  57. This weeks Wednesday word is about generosity. The lawn owner decides to give all of the workers 1denerius for no matter how long they work for. The other workers thought it was un fair because some of them have been working there all day. This tells us that every one should be treated equally ,with respect and fairly. Just like God wants us to!

  58. This week’s Gospel is about generosity. The landowner paid all the workers the same amount even if some had worked more than others. The landowner did this because he was generous. We should also try to be generous like the landowner was.

  59. This weeks gospel is about generosity. God wants us to be generous to others and not say that things are unfair if we receive less than others or the same as others who maybe you think are less deserving than us.The landowner gave everyone what he promised he didn’t give less to the people who came late. He didn’t even give more to the people who came early.He gave the same amount of money to everyone.

  60. This week’s gospel is all about GENEROSITY. Jesus told us that God wants us to be generous to everyone, and not just your friends and family. Sometimes it’s a bit hard to be generous to people you don’t normally play with or find slightly annoying, but God is always there to help and guide us. The landowner paid each of his workers the same, so we have to treat each and every person generously as well.

  61. This week’s Gospel is about GENEROSITY. That means we need to share the things we love with the others, and we don’t have to envy who has something we don’t have.

  62. This week’s Wednesday word is generous.
    In this Sunday’s gospel, Jesus teach us how to be generous by not counting how much we have given and not expecting something in return.

  63. It is kind to be generous and share with those who have less than you.

  64. This weeks gospel is all about generosity. It is always easier to be generous to your friends and harder to be generous to the people you don’t talk to often. It is just as important to be generous to people you don’t talk to often or people you don’t know. This is exactly how you get closer with relationship with God 🥰.

  65. You can be generous by helping other people, not just your friends. With poor people you can be generous by giving them food and money. With neighbours you can share happy thoughts and you can spend time with them. You can also be generous by spending your time helping people who are very sick.

  66. Alda Pennisi Barcelo says:

    You always need to follow God and take responsibility for your actions. You can give toys and clothes to your local charity shop. If a neighbour is feeling sad or lonely, you could share your thoughts, time and cook something for them. In the Gospel Jesus tells us that we should be generous and fair with others like God with us.

  67. This weeks Wednesday word is about GENEROSITY! You can be generous by giving people tips when you finish eating in a resteraunt, you can give a homeless person some money when you pass them. There are so many ways of being generous! By being generous, you can grow your relationship with God and get closer to him. 👍

  68. When someone is generous to you, don’t turn it back and be grateful of what you have.

  69. You should not be generous so people like you or give you something in return. You should be generous because you really want to help. You can do the right thing for the wrong reasons.

  70. The Wednesday word is generous. God is very generous and wants us to be generous too. Being generous is being kind, talking to people, doing nice things for people, helping them and also giving them things like food and clothes. When you do good things you should do it because it makes you feel good and not do it to expect anything in return.

  71. The weeks gospel is about being generous, like the lawn owner we should give to charity. God wants us to be generous to others so we shall do it.

  72. The Wednesday word is generous.God is generous as he gives to everybody even if they have turned away from him.You should be generous and grateful in every way.
    Jesus is generous to everyone whether they meet him at the start or end of their lives.

  73. Sebastian Y5 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about change! Sometimes when we make wrong choices we can change and become a better person by saying sorry and forgiving others which is another important part of Jesus’ gospel message. For example trees and flowers change during the season in winter the trees are very snowy in autumn the leaves fall off in summer they are all in a nice shade of bright green and is spring they jump out and look beautiful. We can always change with problems we have and god can help us and lead us to the right path. Even if we make lots of wrong choices all the time we can change as well like when caterpillars go in there cocoon and turn into a wonderful butterfly in the process of metamorphosis it is great to change into a new better person but Jesus also wants us to be ourself!

  74. This weeks gospel is about Change. Sometimes we all make mistakes or bad choices but we change to a better person. We all change and its okay to change, animals change, nature changes everything changes! For example right now we are age 3-11 and in the future we will be 16 one day! Also a wall that was built in 1980 and is still in 2023 it is most likely that it is very rusty and old but its the same wall as it was back in 1980.

  75. This Wednesday Word is all about CHANGE.In the Gospel both brothers change their minds but only the first one changes it for the better.

  76. This Wednesday word it’s saying we should be paid equal and fair even if one person works one hour.

  77. This Wednesday word is all about change. When we make a mistake, we can change and redo what we did wrong but make it right. By saying sorry and apologizing, we can make things better and change what we did wrong. Jesus can help us to make the right choices and he will always love us even though we made a mistake.

  78. This week’s Wednesday Word is all about CHANGE . When you do something wrong or hurt someone, the best thing to do is change your actions and say sorry to the person who you hurt. It’s okay to make a mistake, as long as you change and learn from that mistake.

  79. This week’s Wednesday Word is CHANGE. If we make a wrong choice, we can change by apologising, and actually feeling remorse. If you don’t want to say sorry, you can ask God for guidance. Remember that it’s okay to make mistakes, just try to learn from them and try not to do it again.

  80. This Gospel is all about CHANGE. When you Hurt someone’s feelings, its best to say sorry and try not to do it again.

  81. This week’s word is all about forgiveness. Jesus told us to forgive one another.

  82. This week’s Wednesday word is about change. The gospel shows us that after we make a mistake we should always change our actions and apologize about what we have done. We should try to learn from our mistake and not do it again.

  83. This week’s Wednesday word is all about change. When you hurt someone you should always try and change your actions.

  84. This Wednesday word is all about change.

  85. This week’s Wednesday word is all about CHANGE. If you do something you knew you shouldn’t have done ,doesn’t mean you have to stay like that you can always CHANGE.

  86. This Weeks Gospel is all about CHANGE. It is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from your mistakes and say sorry to the person you hurt. Every time and every were Jesus will love you even if you make a wrong choice.

  87. Heloise Year 5 says:

    This Week’s Wednesday Word Gospel is all about Change. I think this means that as long as you learn from them it is alright to make mistakes.

  88. valentina y5 says:

    This wednesday word is change, everytime we do somthing wrong we can always change and we need to undersand what we did wrong and change in one better way.

  89. This week’s Wednesday word is change
    We make mistakes or wrong choices in our life, but what important is that we learn from our mistakes and be a better person. Jesus will always forgive us because He loves us so much.

  90. Sophia B Yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday Word is Change! If you said something mean to someone you can always say sorry and change to be a better person. Jesus will help us to do the right thing but still help us to change.

  91. This weeks Wednesday word is about CHANGE ! If you are unkind or rude to someone that is wrong, but you should always say sorry and change they way that you act. If you did it once, you can learn from your mistake.

  92. This weeks Gospel is change. Change means to me that you have a different kind of personality. In the Gospel, the first child changed his mind and went to the vineyard but the other one said yes and didn’t go.

  93. Gabrielle 🐬🪷 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is about change. In this Bible passage Jesus uses a parable to explain what he means. In this parable there is a man that has two sons. He says to his first son ‘My son, go and work in my vineyard today.’ The son replies no but he then changes his mind and goes. He then asks his second son the same question and he says yes but doesn’t go. When Jesus has finished telling the story he asks to think who did the will of their father. It was the first one. He did it without his father realising he had gone. It makes the story beautiful because helping others without them realising makes you feel good and makes the other person feel good.

    This story tells us that you can always change your mind and do a good thing instead of a bad thing and Jesus will always forgive us even when we do things wrong because none of us are perfect. He also forgives us if we regret and we choose to change.

  94. Sam (Y3) & Maggie (Reception) says:

    Maggie and I changed the way we played this week and instead of making more mess we tidied our toys into a brilliant shop, which helped Mummy as she didn’t have the job of tidying up after us! 😁

  95. This week’s Wednesday word is Change. I think this means we can change our actions that have hurt someone into positive actions. We can always learn from our mistakes.

  96. Madeleine,y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is change!
    Change means when you do something different. If you do some thing bad God will not be angry at you because you can always change. You can start again and do the right thing by changing.

  97. This weeks Gospel is about change. When you make the wrong choice, you should change your action and do a better choice next time or make a better choice that exact time.

  98. Nicolas (yr3) says:

    This week’s gospel is about Change. God always gives you a second change no matter what you do- like the first son said he wasn’t going to go, but he changed his mind.

  99. This weeks Wednesday word is about change. If u do something bad or make a wrong choice u can always change and do something good the next time.

  100. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is change. Jesus told a parable to the chief priests and elders where he talks about making good choices. The vineyard owner had two son and he had asked sons to work at his vineyard. The first son didn’t want to go but later changed his mind and went whereas, the second son did want to go but later changed his mind and did not go. The first son made the right choice. We all have the opportunity to make the right choice but some people don’t. Will you make the right choice ?

  101. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This week’s Gospel is about Change. Change takes place in our everyday lives like our age or the seasons.
    But, in this Gospel we talk about how we can change our lives for the better. If we make a mistake, it is important to realise it and change our ways. Sometimes we make mistakes, but it is okay because Jesus gives us another chance to change our wrongdoings. He gave us a choice between good and bad. It is upto us to make the right choice. We can only change our ways for the better if we experience and accept Jesus in our lives for example, by praying at home, going for mass, reading the bible or by doing good deeds like helping out at home, finishing our homework on time, helping a friend in need or helping the poor.
    Another example is the parable of the tax collector Zacchaeus who climbed the tree to see Jesus; Zacchaeus knew that he needed to change his greedy ways. So, when he met Jesus, he completely changed his life, and became a better person by giving all that he took from the poor back to them.
    As children we can change by learning to listen and being kind and caring to others. Let us all be the best that we can with the help of Jesus.

  102. Sometimes when we think about doing something naughty. When we think about it we change minds and do the right thing. This is like the first son who said no but changed his mind and did the right thing.

  103. This Wednesday word is about change. People can improve with time if they are given a chance. We learn to make better choices. Jesus helps know what is right.

  104. This weeks gospel is change. We should always change our actions after we do something bad. Jesus tells us to do this because it is okay to make mistakes but we should always learn from them.

  105. This weeks word is about change. Change means something different .We can change are actions or attitude by calming down or praying. Even if we do something wrong you can always change it . I f you did said somthing wrong you can say sorry.

  106. Albert Y6😃 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about change. This weans if we do the wrong thing, we need to change are actions and do the right thing by asking for forgiveness and by then doing the fight thing.

  107. Isabella yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is change. This means if we do something wrong or make a poor choice then we should change or do something different the next time and then we can ask for forgiveness.

  108. This weeks Wednesday word is about change.This means that we should change our bad actions and try to do what’s right. Sometimes we do not do what’s easy but what’s right.

  109. Romey yr 6 says:

    This weeks gospel is about forgiveness, we should always forgive each other and move on being happy!

  110. This weeks Wednesday word is change . change is when something switches another thing. We need to change for the better to stop making bad choices and to change the bad choices into good choices.

  111. This week’s Wednesday word is change. It means the chance to be good and to do the right thing. If someone makes the wrong choice, they can put it right.

  112. The word change has the meaning of something being switched or replaced. The effect that change has on us is that if we make bad choices daily or often the we need to change that and make the right choices.

  113. James ⚽️ says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about change.
    We all need to help change our behaviour at school 🏫.
    We can do this by opening the doors for not only teachers but for everyone !!!

  114. This weeks Wednesday word is messenger. Jesus is our messenger sent by God to help us learn from him and respect God.

  115. This weeks Wednesday word is all about being a messenger of God.

  116. Marie 😇 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is messenger. Jesus is God’s messenger. Now we are Jesus’s messenger, and our job is to spread the word of God.

  117. Daniela😎 says:

    This week Wednesday word is Messenger
    God sent down his son to tell us how much God loves us, what is good and what is bad and teach about God

  118. This Wednesday word is messenger. The parable tell us that there was a land owner and some farmers the land owner son came so the land owner said to them to that respect him but the farmers killed the son so the land owner said that I will bring these bad man to the bad end.

  119. Aluna Y5 ( ⁀ says:

    This week’s Wednesday Word is Messenger.
    God gave us a messenger who is Jesus. We will need to act like Jesus and love Him as that is the reason why God sent Jesus.

  120. This weeks Wednesday word is messenger , God sent Jesus down to Earth to forgive us for our sins therefore Jesus is God’s messenger .
    We should all try our best to follow Jesus’ example , we should be kind and caring every -one and help the people who need help. We should not just our friends but we should help everyone because that is what Jesus would like us to do .

  121. This weeks Wednesday word is Messenger. God sent Jesus down to e our messenger and to teach us about God. Jesus is God`s messenger and we are Jesus` messenger, this job will continue and will never stop. We are all expected to try our best and show a good example.

  122. This weeks Wednesday word is messenger.
    Jesus God’s messenger.we are all now Jesus’ messengers and we need to love and spreed the message like Jesus.

  123. This week Wednesday word is messenger . God gave us as a messenger who is Jesus we all know messengers of Jesus and we need to love everyone like him.

  124. This Weeks Word is MESSENGER.A messenger is someone who delivers messages from one place to another.In this case the vineyard to the landowner or when angel Gabriel visits Mary.

  125. Nicolas yr 3 says:

    This week‘s gospel is about messengers. To be a messenger means to send a message to someone. In the gospel Jesus asks us to be a messenger of God. To do this we can try to spread his word and love.

  126. MILA YEAR 6 says:

    This Weeks Gospel is all about messenger. For example if a teacher ask you to tell another teacher you are a messenger . For the gospel Jesus ask us to be a messenger of him and to be loving and spread the Good news.

  127. This week’s Wednesday word is all about messenger.Messenger means to pass a message to someone. In the gospel Jesus asks us to be a spread of God ‘s word and love.

  128. This weeks Wednesday is messenger. We are all messengers of God because it is our mission as the people of God to spread the good news to people in far of lands who don’t know about God and Jesus.

  129. This week ,the word is messenger.Messengers spread word or letters ,but we are all messengers of God,our purpose to spread the good news of God’s endless love.

  130. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is messenger. The landowner’s tenants were horrid and did not give the landowner his rightful fruit. When the landowner comes back, he will put those bad men to an end and rent his vineyard to new, ruly tenants who will give him his harvest. We are tenants of the world and we must take care of it unlike the landowner’s tenants. We are messengers of God and we must spread God’s Word in any way that we can. No matter how big or small.

  131. This week’s Wednesday Word is MESSENGER. We are all messengers of God. This means that we have to spread the word. Jesus was also a messenger of God because he also spread the word as well.

  132. This week’s gospel is all about MESSENGER. The men who worked for the landowner were not good people, they didn’t give the landowner his fruit. When the landowner comes back, he will put these bad men to a bad end. We are all messengers of God and we will spread the word of God

  133. This weeks Wednesday word is MESSENGER. Everyone is God’s messenger so we should spread the word about God.

  134. This week’s Wednesday word is messenger. In the Gospel, the servants represent God’s messengers. God wants us to be messengers too by spreading his word and showing other people that we should be like Jesus.

  135. This week’s Wednesday word is messenger. A messenger is someone who delivers news. Just like Jesus did, God wants us to spread the good news. If we can do this, we will finally fufil God’s mission.

  136. Florence Y3🌈 says:

    This Wednesday word is MESSENGER. A messenger is in charge of delivering the message. For example, when Angel Gabriel shown up to Mary and told her that she is going to conceive a baby named Jesus. Angel Gabriel said too that she will stay with Joseph and her sister is going to have a baby too. Another example is the priest, like Father Philip. The priest is telling us in church the words from the gospel and explains about it.📚 We could be a messenger too, by spreading the good words from God.

  137. Madeleine y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is messenger. Pope Francis reminded us, “May you always be messengers of peace and good will.” We are messengers of God just like angel Gabriel .

  138. This week’s Wednesday word is MESSENGER. Jesus was a messenger of the good news, so we should follow his example by teaching others about the wonders of God. This doesn’t mean we have to go out into the streets with a megaphone preaching God’s word to be good Christians, as it is more important to show not tell the wonders of our faith.

  139. This Wednesday word is about messenger. A messenger is someone that ‘s in charge of spreading news, I think we can be messenger ‘s too by spreading the good news and the good things Jesus said.

  140. This week’s Wednesday word is messenger. Messenger is the person who delivers the message. We are also messenger of Jesus, He wants us to spread the words of God and His teachings and also to spread love and kindness to everyone.

  141. This weeks Gospel is all about messenger. We can send the message by being kind to others, helping others, praying and lots more. We are all messengers of Jesus because he is sending the message to us to believe in him. In the Gospel, Jesus sent the servants to bring Jesus’ message to the farmers.

  142. This week’s gospel is about growing the gifts god gave us, but also giving them back and sharing them with others.

  143. Sophia B Y6 says:

    This week’s WEDNESDAY WORD is MESSENGER. We are all messengers of Jesus as we try to spread the good news of Jesus

  144. Eva Latham Y5 says:

    The Wednesday Word is all about messages. We can send messages to our friends and family by saying kind words, having nice manners and helping them as well. Jesus has sent messages to us to love one another and trust in our Lord and – it is like spreading the good news. Jesus was teaching us to spread love, caring and respect. Also, Jesus had asked the servants to spread a message to the farmers. God sent Jesus as a messenger to us. So we can follow in his footsteps.

  145. Lola-Lily Y2 says:

    This Wednesday word is all about messengers. We can spread God’s message by being kind .💌❤️🥰

  146. This week’s Gospel is about messages. Not all people believe in God our Father. But we are messengers trying to spread the news about God and Jesus that they are here with us, right by our side at all times. 😇

  147. This week’s Gospel is all about being a messenger. We can be a messenger of God by showing love to one another. For instance, we could talk to someone when we see that they are feeling down.

  148. Louis (Y3) says:

    This weeks word is messenger. We can be messengers by showing love and care to one another. We can others with their troubles.

  149. The Wednesday word of this week is “messenger”. Jesus had been the messenger of God, but many did not listen to him. So we must be messengers of God as well; spreading the beauty and the joy of our God through our behavior, and we have to keep on doing this, without discouraging ourselves because God is always there for all of us.

  150. Molly Year 3 says:

    This week’s word is “ Messenger”.
    We are all messengers of God. We should look after God’s creations because God created those things for us because He loves and cares for us. If you are a messenger of God , you should not only do what is right for you but do what is right for everyone.

  151. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This weeks Wednesday gospel is Messenger. A messenger is a person who delivers an important message. This parable is about God who is patient, and gives us a lot of second chances. God tried to help His people. He sent prophets to warn them, but a lot of people ignored and hurt the prophets. Finally, God sent His son, and the church leaders still didn’t listen. They killed Jesus on the cross because they knew his teachings were true and they did not like it that he was gaining popularity. This parable is about how Jesus is rejected by his people. He was sent to the world by his father, the Good Lord to deliver and teach people about God and to change our ways by being good human beings.
    Here is an example: When Mother Mary and St. Joseph took Jesus for the first time to the temple, they lost him there. But, when they found him he was preaching the word of God his father to many people and they were listening to his message. He was only a little boy but a powerful messenger. He was special and will always be in my heart for his message lives inside my heart and mind.
    Messengers of Christ are priests, deacons, nuns, cathecists, our parents, our teachers especially Mr. Kersys and Miss. Walsh. We could be messengers too, by spreading the good news of God by being kind and amazing friends and by respecting our teachers, parents and older people and by giving charity to those most in need.

  152. This weeks Wednesday Word was Messenger.
    We’re all Messengers of God. Because we are, we have to take care of God’s world.
    When we are a Messenger of God, God tells us to take care of the world and do what good, for us, and for everyone.|

  153. Isabella Y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is messenger.A messenger is someone who sends messages to people.To be a messenger of God we can help people understand how to follow God’s way and show the what God wants:kindness; peace and love!God tells everyone to be kind to each other and we will help spread that to everyone.

  154. Emilia YR 6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is Messenger.
    We are all messengers of God and Jesus which means that we have to share the Good News. In a way we can all be messengers of God no matter how we do it.

  155. This weeks Wednesday word is messenger. We are all messengers of God and Jesus which means that we have to share the Good News. We need to be messengers of of God no matter what.

  156. Today the Wednesday word is forgiveness. To forgive a person you need to make sure that they have actually meant sorry to you and made sure you are fine. If they do it again then it means they have not kept their promiss that they made to you.

  157. Nicolas (yr 3) says:

    This week’s gospel is about invitation. In the gospel the people who were invited to the feast resemble the people that did not follow God’s invitation to be Christian. God invites everyone to come to him and it doesn’t matter what you have done in the past or present.

  158. This Wednesday Word is Invitation. We should always be thankful and respectful for what we have and the gifts that we get.

  159. Alexander year 4 says:

    Today’s Wednesday word is all about forgiveness. Forgiveness is when you do something wrong and then you say sorry about it

  160. Sophia Maria yr 6 says:

    This week‘s gospel is all about invitation. The meaning of the gospel is that God does not just invite certain people but everybody in his home.

  161. This week’s Wednesday word is all about invitation.
    God’s invitation is not only for certain people but it is for everyone.

    We should all try and invite someone to join a game even if they are in a different class. If we do this, we will be invited to God’s amazing kingdom.

  162. Madeleine,y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is invitation.
    God has invited us into his kingdom but not only some people every on.

  163. In this week’s gospel, God invites us to the feast and everyone should join because this means that everybody can come not just friends and family .

  164. Florence Y3🌈 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is INVITATION. There are lots of times where Jesus had invited his friends.He invited them on the Mount of Olives and to give them the Holy Spirit. Jesus invites us to hear the good news by going to church. Jesus invites us to be a good servant by following Jesus’ Greatest Commandment.

  165. MILA YEAR 6 😁 says:

    This weeks Gospel is all about Invitation . I think this Gospel is trying to say That we all are welcome in Gods Kingdom If we are Good or bad . If we are invited we should always show up to make another person happy because making anyone happy would make God happy 😃

  166. This weeks Wednesday word is all about Invitation.
    Invitation means that you are invited to something. In the Gospel Jesus had invited a lot of people to eat with him.Also Jesus had not only invited certain people he also invited all of us.

  167. Hollirose 😝 says:

    Today’s word is invitation. We can invite people by encouraging people.

  168. Ruby mae y4 says:

    Today’s word is about invitation. We can invite people by encouraging people to share their ideas freely with out being scared.

  169. Daniela🗿 says:

    This Wednesday word is invitation.God invites us into the the kingdom of heaven and his family like after we were baptised.We were invited to Gods family, and we landed in Gods warm embrace.We can invite people like to your game or your party.God wants us to feel welcome and included just like us.We want other people to be welcome and included.

  170. This week’s word is invitation .Jesus invited all the people in his town.We can follow his example by if somebody is on the rainbow bench you can ask them if they are okay and invite them to your game or keep them company and talk with how they feel.

  171. Valentina y5 says:

    This Wednesday word is invitation. God invited us to his family and sent Jesus as a messenger to invite us to God’s family.

  172. I notice that there’s often a wedding parable in the Bible just like there are also many Bible stories about vineyards like, for example, the last two. As I like a feast very much I do not understand why they did not accept the invitation. In this story the king represents God and the servants are God’s messengers such as priests for example. The guests are we. This story is very much linked to last week’s as there are also messengers/servants who get killed by belligerent people.

  173. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This week’s Gospel word is Invitation. God invites us all to his holy banquet which is the church (mass). We must accept God’s invitation by attending mass regularly and by being good human beings. God welcomes everyone to his heavenly banquet, those that follows his ways and those that do not follow his ways. He especially invites the poor to his feast, as well as sinners and the less fortunate which is mighty kind of God. I love you Jesus.

  174. This one is about forgiveness- you must forgive one another as Jesus forgives us.

  175. This weeks Wednesday word is invitation. God invited all of us into his family. God always invites everybody into his family and he is equal to everyone.

  176. This week’s Wednesday word is all about invitation. We should always invite God into our hearts.

  177. This weeks Wednesday word is invitation.
    God invites us all to join his family even if we haven done something wrong because he always forgives us . So we should also follow that good example !

  178. This week’s Wednesday Word is INVITATION. Heaven is like the king’s feast – it doesn’t matter whether you’re good or bad, God will invite you into Heaven if you want to come. God forgives every wrong choice we make, because we all make mistakes, and if God only invited the people who never did wrong in their lives, then, like in the banquet hall, Heaven would be empty.

  179. This week’s Wednesday word is “invitation”. When you invite someone into your heart it means they are a part of you. Jesus wants to be invited into your heart. He wants to be a part of you. Even if you reject him, he will always be waiting for you to invite him. Just like how Jesus invited you into Heaven, invite him into your heart.

  180. This week’s Wednesday word is invitation. In the gospel, Jesus sent invitation , but others did not come. Jesus is inviting us to be one of his followers, follow his teachings , to be kind and to love one another , and then we can join him in heaven.

  181. This weeks Gospel is all about invitation. In the Gospel, Jesus
    compared the kingdom of heaven that it is like when a king held a wedding feast for his son. The picture made me think when we are together and spend time with each other. Invitation means to me that someone lets you come somewhere to celebrate a special event.

  182. Sophia B Y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is invitation! God invites us all into his kingdom of love whether we are good or bad.

  183. It makes me happy when I get an invitation to a party or play date because I love playing with my friends. It is kind to invite everybody to your party because it is kind to include everybody.

  184. Maggie-Mae (Reception) says:

    I like invitations to parties, it feels like I be happy when everyone plays with me and when I have the cake first.

  185. Alda 🪸🌈 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about invitation!!
    Jesus invites us into heaven even if we are good or bad. We all make mistakes but we can say sorry and learn for next time.

  186. Louis Y3 🌈❤️ says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is invitation. Jesus invites us to follow his example including loving one another.
    Even if we make mistakes, we are welcomed by Jesus as he loves us.

  187. An invitation is to let somebody know that they need to come somewhere like a wedding, birthday party, holy communion and everything else. But Jesus is inviting us to spread the word of God. And everyone is invited to this because it is special for you and me. 😇Remember the Mighty Jesus and God😇

  188. This week’s Wednesday Word is INVITATION. When the king’s guests didn’t come to the wedding feast, he sent his servants to get the people who weren’t invited, even if they didn’t always make the right choices. Heaven is just like that. God is represented in the parable by the king, and he always lets everyone in. You don’t need a reservation to get into God’s feast, because the feast is open to everyone.

  189. This week’s Wednesday Word is INVITATION. In the Gospel Jesus says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like the wedding that the king held. In the end there were loads of people there good or bad. This shows that no matter how bad we have been, there will always be a place for us in Heaven.

  190. This weeks Wednesday word is invitation.God invites us to Heaven even if we have done something wrong because he always forgives us no matter what.

  191. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is invitation. In this parable, the king’s son had a wedding and some people were invited but those people rejected the invitation. Then the king told his servants to bring everyone they could find to the wedding. This parable represents Jesus inviting the chief priests and important people to follow God but they reject the offer so Jesus invites everyone else to follow him instead.

  192. This week’s word is about invitation.God will always invite you to be with him even if you are the most sinful person on Earth.He will also always invite you to be in heaven with him.

  193. Molly year 3 says:

    This week’s word is “invitation”.
    Not everyone is invited to every single event that is happening around us. But never worry because we are always invited to God’s house may it be the church or in any place where love, care for each other and respect exist .

    If you are in the playground this week and see someone sitting alone on the rainbow bench , go over and ask if they are okay and invite that person if they want to play with you and your friends. 🌈🥰

  194. The Wednesday word of this week is “invitation”. This mean that God invites all of us to take part joifully to the Reign of God, by loving each other as he loves us.

  195. This Wednesday word was all about Invitation. At first he had no people to come and go to his Wedding. Then he sent his servants to go and get more people for his wedding. This means to me that there is more space than ever for people to be invited to Gods kingdom.

  196. This weeks Wednesday word is all about INVITATION. This means that God invites us to join his family. Even if you sin a lot (which you shouldn’t) he will still love you.

  197. This Wednesday word is all about invitation.We learn from Jesus that if you are interested you have to come.

  198. The word for this week is ‘invitation’ and this means that God invites us to go to church and worship him and Jesus or it mean that when he invites us we should never say no and accept that invitation.

  199. This weeks Wednesday is invitation. This means that God will let us into his house and his family as well. This shows that god loves and cares for everyone equally.

  200. Isabella ❤️ y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is invitation. This means God will invite us into his home (the church.) He will also invite us into his family. Even if we sin.

  201. Alexander year 4 says:

    This week’s Gospel is all about invitation .That means you get invited to his home even if we Sin.

  202. This weeks Wednesday word is invitation. This means God will invite us to his home {the church}.He also invites us to his family even if we sin and also if we haven’t got baptised God will still invite us to his house.

  203. Albert 😃 🤣 y6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about invitations. We can apply this to our daily life by inviting others (our friends or family) Into our hearts even if they make the wrong choice.

  204. sophia ayoubi says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is sharing. You can share by when someone comes up to you and said can I play with your toy and the other person said yes. You can also show sharing by helping and playing with one another.

  205. This weeks word is all about invitation. We can do this in our lives by inviting people or family into our hearts and house.

  206. This week’s Wednesday word is sharing. Lots of the Gospels have sharing in them because most of the time it is God’s love that is being shared in the Gospel. Jesus was discreetly telling us that the most important thing that we should share is our love.

  207. This weeks word is GRATITUDE.Gratitude means to be thankful for the things in your life.Saying thank you to God is a great way of showing gratitude.

  208. This weeks word is GRATITUDE. Gratitude means to be thankful for what you have. We can show gratitude by saying thank you to God. We can also send people a thank you gift to someone if they have done or given something for you. There are many ways of showing gratitude.

  209. This weeks word is about gratitude. Gratitude means loving and caring to people and the life we have. Saying a kind word to God is very good but the best thing that God wants you to do is to show gratitude to others.

  210. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is GRATITUDE. Gratitude means when you feel thankful for the good things in your life. You can show gratitude by being thankful to your parents because you’re lucky to have food 🥘,by being thankful for seeing your friends at school, and to be able to live in a house.

    Even though you have more ability to have more things in your life you still shouldn’t boast at others who don’t have enough food, shelter, water and health.

  211. This week’s Wednesday word is gratitude. This means we should be grateful for what God has given to us and we should never be jealous of others.

  212. Caspian Year 3 ;) says:

    This weeks Gospel is about gratitude. This means we should give people what they give to us, for example, if somebody shows you kindness then you should show them kindness back.If we don’t do this then, life won’t be fair for other people. Never forget to show GRATITUDE

  213. Layla rao yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday Word is Gratitude. This means to be grateful for what you have and what you have been given. So you should always be grateful towards others, mainly God.

  214. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is gratitude. We should always be grateful and happy with what we have and we all should make an effort to help the less fortunate. Let’s all try this week to be more grateful!!!

  215. This weeks Wednesday word is Gratitude. Gratitude is to be thankful for what we have. We should be grateful for what we have and thank God for the food we eat, for our family, for the shelter we have and for lots of other things.

  216. This weeks Wednesday word is sharing. It is very important to share because sharing is what God wants us to do because he has shared Jesus his son with and gave him to us

  217. This weeks Wednesday word is gratitude!
    We should always be grateful of what we have and is we aren’t that means we are jealous of somebody but you don’t need to be.

  218. Mila Yr6 🍉 says:

    This Weeks Gospel is all about Gratitude 😊 We should always be happy and grateful on what has happened. We should try our best not to waste any thing . For example there are very poor countries where children don’t have any food 🥘 So we should be happy for our food . From now on we can start really trying to show our Gratitude and not waste anything 🤩

  219. Valentina y5 says:

    This Wednesday word is gratitude, we need to be grateful to God for everything he did and we need to be grateful that he sent Jesus Christ.

  220. This week’s Wednesday Word is GRATITUDE. Gratitude means to show appreciation and kindness to someone. Jesus shows gratitude to the Emperor Caesar, because when the people who tried to trap him asked him if they should pay taxes to the Emperor, he said that Caesar’s face was on the coin that they used to pay taxes. Therefore, they should give back the money that rightfully belonged to him. Jesus said that you should give back to God what is rightfully his as well. That means that we also have to give back what is rightfully theirs to our siblings, our parents, teachers, everyone. However, sometimes you don’t always have to physically give something back. Sometimes you have to repay someone with kindness, or respect, which is a little bit harder to do sometimes. But God is always there to help us and lead us through these hardships. So this week, just think about whether you need to repay someone or give something back.

  221. This week’s Gospel is about “gratitude”. I am grateful to God for the world that he created. It is so beautiful and amazing with all the colourful plants and animals around us. A way to show we’re thankful is to respect and take care of the environment to live in harmony with our planet.

  222. Nicolas (yr 3) says:

    This week‘s gospel is about GRATITUDE. You can show gratitude by praying, helping others and caring for the poor.

  223. Sophia Maria (yr 5) says:

    This week‘s gospel is all about showing gratitude to God. Gratitude means to be thankful for what you have. You show your gratitude to God by praying and helping others.

  224. We should be grateful to God for what we have. We can show gratitude to God by praying to him and helping others.

  225. Sophia B yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is about ‘gratitude’. I am grateful to my friends , family and God. God made this beautiful world and welcomed me into this world.

  226. This weeks word is all about gratitude. Gratitude means to me that you are grateful about something. A time when I was grateful to someone is when I could play games that I liked and to have fun. We should always be grateful if someone does a nice thing to you even if it is not a lot. We could show God that we are being grateful by saying thank you and being happy.

  227. This week’s Wednesday word is gratitude. This means that we should always be grateful for what God has given us and never be jealous of others

  228. This week’s Wednesday word is gratitude.
    We should be grateful to God for the gift of life and everything that we have. I thank God for my family, for my teachers and friends who are always there for me.

  229. This week’s gospel is all about GRATITUDE, You will have to always be kind and caring and saying compliments to others, for example, these words in the passage,“I know you are a honest man”.

  230. This weeks Gospel is about Gratitude. You can show gratitude by helping the poor and being a good friend to others and praying for those in need and try to be happy most of the time. We also need to show how we care about what God has made for us. We have all the plants and animals that we can enjoy and embrace.

  231. Alda Y3💐 says:

    This week’s gospel is about gratitude which is the same as thankfulness. We can be grateful to God by respecting our environment. We need to treat everyone with lots of respect.

  232. This week’s Wednesday word is about gratitude. I give thanks for what I have by sharing my money with the poor. Also, I show my gratitude by showing respect and loving others

  233. This week’s Wednesday word is about GRATITUDE. We can show God how to be grateful by buying someone poor something that they wish for.

  234. This weeks Gospel is about Gratitude.
    Gratitude means the quality of being thankful.

  235. I liked this Wednesday Word about love because it shows that if you love God and everyone, all the other commandments will fall into place anyway. Jesus was very clever not to prioritise, for example, not stealing over not lying, but instead choose a commandment over all the others from which all others flow from.

  236. This weeks gospel was about love. You can love and respect people by thanking them or smiling if you see them .you can link the gospel to our actual life by knowing that God loves us all equally. Love doesn’t always have to mean kisses it can also mean you can be in different families but still love each other. But an important thing you should know is that we are all part of God’s family.

  237. Alexandra Y3 says:

    Gratitude is when we give thanks for what we have for things like food, clothing and shelter which we take for granted. We must be grateful and give thanks to Jesus and our parents.
    We have to grateful to Jesus that we are safe in our country and in our homes.

  238. Alexandra Y3 says:

    Last weeks Gospel was about Love. I feel that this verse from the bible is a great example of love.
    “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son to save us all.” This was the biggest sacrifice ever made and it was done because of love.

  239. This weeks word is humble. We can be humble by forgiving others and seeking forgiveness, staying open to everyone and their ideas 💡

  240. This week’s Wednesday Word is ‘gratitude’. You should be grateful for what you have and get, even if you don’t really like it.

  241. This weeks word is humble. You can be humble by being open to others ideas.

  242. This week’s Wednesday Word is HUMBLE. Humble means to put others before yourself and to not boast. In today’s gospel, Jesus tells us that if we are humble, we will be great in heaven. This means that God wants all of us to try to be humble every single day.

  243. This week word is humble .you should always be humble . You can be humble by never showing off by what you knowing. If somebody what’s to know what you know should always tell them because otherwise your going to make them jealous.

  244. This weeks Gospel is about being Humble. Humble people are honest about their weaknesses and they are not afraid to say sorry to others. Humble people adore other people successes and they give thanks to God for their own gifts. They also knows that all good comes from God and to thank God for the many blessings in our lives.

  245. This week’s Wednesday word is “humble”. Being humble is an important part of being close to Jesus. Being humble means not boasting about your actions or successes. We try to be humble by helping others and not showing off about our good deeds. Jesus was always humble and never boasted about his holy life.

  246. Nicolas yr 3 says:

    This week’s Gospel is all about being humble. Being humble means to be loving and caring to everyone and not to boast about our own talents. In this Gospel Jesus asks us to be humble just as he was.

  247. Grace year 5 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is humble . Ways to being humble is by putting others needs before yourself , being a good listener and making sure people feel heard and understood around you .

  248. This Wednesday Word is HUMBLE. To be humble is to be thankful and kind to every person you meet and to always be happy with the things you have in your life.A humble person will know that all gifts and talents come from God.

  249. James Yr4 😎 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about being humble. This means that we all have to give our lives to God.
    This is how we go to his house

  250. This week’s Wednesday word is humble. We should try not to boast and not take too much pride in things we have done. Jesus tells us this because not being humble and boasting can be unkind.

  251. You should be humble and listen to others as they might be right or wrong. But you should always listen to God and Jesus.

  252. In the gospel I read today I read that Jesus said, “ The kingdom of heaven is like when a king held a wedding feast for his son”. And that is being kind to your son as it says in the Gospel I read today. And as our school motto is, “Together through Christ we grow and learn” , when it says TOGETHER it means we are with each other and that means that we have to take care of our friends.

  253. This weeks Wednesday word is humble. We should all be humble because we are greedy instead of humble we are not doing God wants us to do because he wants us to share and generous to each other

  254. Valentina y5 says:

    This Wednesday word is humble, we need to be generous and to say sorry when you think you hurt that person and you need to say sorry to God when you did something wrong.

  255. Mila Year 6 says:

    This Weeks Gospel is all about being Humble . God tells us that we should be humble . We shouldn’t be greedy for our food . For example if you had lots of food and your friends are hungry you can give some food to them instead of keeping it to yourself.

  256. This weeks Wednesday Word is all about being Humble.
    In the Gospel Jesus said to the crowds,’ If you follow the law of Moses and if you make yourself humble then God will make you great’. Jesus meant that we should be humble and thankful to others. You need to be thankful for everything what you have even if you do not like it you still need to happy. We can help each other
    If your friend is hurt or if they are sad and you can say ‘Are you okay?’ then your friend will tell you what happened and then they will become happy again.

  257. This week’s gospel is all about ebi ng HUMBLE. Always put people in front of you, and do not boast. If you are humble to yourself, God will make you great.

  258. Sophia p yr6 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about Humble. Humble means to not think of yourself as more important than other people. In the gospel Jesus asks us to be humble by being kind to others and not thinking yourself better then others.

  259. The gospel is saying that men of law and the Pharisees tell people not to do things such as lying or stealing but then they might lie and steal themselves. Don’t copy what they do but follow the teachings. The priests tell you to be humble but sometimes they are not humble themselves. Don’t boast and do good things for the right reasons, not because you want to be known as great.

  260. This week’s Wednesday word is humble. We can be humble by not bragging about our good deeds.

  261. This weeks Wednesday word is humble.
    we should be humble to our friends parents and teachers. Being humble means to not lie and not copy anyone or that would mean you are not humble.

  262. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is HUMBLE. In this Gospel, Jesus teaches us to follow what the teachers of law and Pharisees preach but not their actions as they do not follow what they preach. They are attention seekers and think highly of themselves. Jesus want us to be humble to ourselves so God can make us great!

  263. This week’s Gospel is about ‘invitations’ we have invitations to weddings, birthdays 🥳 and weddings and everything else. The point of invitations are to let you know that something is going to happen soon

  264. Sophia B y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is humble. “Being humble helps us share the problems of others. When we live humbly, God takes our small efforts and creates great things.” Pope Francis. This quote teaches us to always be humble no matter what because if we live humbly our small efforts will create big efforts. Humble people do not boast and are honest about their weaknesses – they are not afraid to say ‘sorry’ to one another [or to God] when they are wrong. I hope we can all be like this!

  265. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is HUMBLE. Humble means to be respectful, to not boast at each- other and to not be greedy. We shouldn’t boast at Jesus because we are his sheep and he looks after us as much as he loves himself.

  266. This week’s Wednesday word is humble. Humble person means someone that is not proud or arrogant. In the gospel, Jesus asks us to be humble by , considering others ahead of oneself and by saying sorry if we make mistake.

  267. To be humble means don’t flatter and show up anything you do. Because anyone has something in which is good at. God wants us to appreciate each other talents and to help each other like brothers and sisters.

  268. Louis Y3 🤩 says:

    This week’s Wednesday is Humble. Humble means to not boast and be kind to others. If you are humble, you follow the rules of God.

  269. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This week’s Gospel word is about being Humble. Humility is a great quality to possess. A humble person does things out of the kindness of their heart, without the expectation of anything in return; not even gratitude.
    There are many ways to practice being humble.
    – By being grateful for what God gives us.
    – Accept corrections gracefully from others especially our teachers.
    – Being considerate (kind and caring) towards others.
    – Also by following Jesus’ teachings.
    Humility is when a person gives up their own privileges and riches in order to serve those who have less.
    For example, St. Mother Teresa dedicated her life to help the poorest people in Calcutta. She saw their needs as just as important as hers, and she chose to live at their level in order to help them.

  270. Alda Y3 👾 says:

    This week’s word is humble. Humble means your are respectful to God and others and not to be boastful. It also means you treat others they way you want to be treated.

  271. The Wednesday word is humble. Being humble means to not boast and if you are humble people will value your opinion much greater so being humble is a great quality to posses .It also means that people will respect you much more.

  272. This weeks word is humble.Humble means to treat others the way you want to be treated,to alwase be kind and to never be boastful.

  273. This weeks Wednesday word is HUMBLE. Humble means that you are calm and respectful to everyone around you and God.

  274. This weeks Wednesday word is Humble. If you are humble it means that you don’t boast and say that you are the best at something but you do say that someone is good at whatever you were talking about rather than saying that you’re better than them.

  275. Isabella y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesdays word is humble.Humble means that you will be nice to everyone and treat them like you would like to be treated.

  276. Emilia yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is humble .This means that you have to respectful to everyone

  277. This weeks Wednesday word is about humble. I think everyone should be kind and humble to each other.

  278. This weeks word is humble. Which means always put others before you like how God has put us before him.

  279. Alexander year 5 says:

    This week’s word is humble . which means always be kind.

  280. Eva Latham Y5 says:

    This weeks Wednesday Word is all about wisdom.
    In the Gospel Jesus said ‘the kingdom of heaven will be like this’. we should ask the Lord to grant us the gift of wisdom and wisdom means that we have good experience, good knowledge, good judgement and also have the quality of good being wise the example Jesus gave to us by being kind ,respectful and the most important thing is that we should love one another.

  281. This week’s Wednesday word is gratitude. We can be grateful by not saying that they didn’t like a certain gift that someone spent a lot of time to prepare it the way you might like it.

  282. This week’s Wednesday word is humble. Which means always be kind and always put others before you like God has put us before him and be respectful to others if you are being mean.

  283. This Wednesday Word is WISDOM.To be wise is to always think ahead and to always try your best.

  284. This week’s Gospel is about wisdom. Wisdom is when you are wise and try our hardest throughout others by putting others before you. Try your best by thinking about this word that The Lord Mighty Father has made for us.

  285. Nicolas (yr 3) says:

    This week‘s gospel is about wisdom. Being wise is about knowing what to do at the right time and making the right choices.

  286. This week’s Wednesday word is wisdom. It shows us in the Gospel that we should try to be wise and think about our choices by not rushing or doing the wrong thing.

  287. This week’s Wednesday word is Wisdom. it means that we should put others first instead of our self. We should love every one else including Jesus.

  288. This weeks Wednesday is Wisdom. The Gospel has tried to teach us to be wise with our choices such as if you get annoyed you don’t get mad and lass out on that person but instead of being blinded with our range we come out with peace and tell the person what they have done to you.

  289. Sophia B Y6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is wisdom. We should be wise and never choose the decision that we know is wrong. ‘ We can ask the Lord to grant us the gift of wisdom.’ Pope Francis.

  290. This week’s Wednesday word is ‘wisdom’. This week I will try my hardest to make good choices to my friends, family and teachers.

  291. This week’s Wednesday Word is WISDOM. Jesus wants us all to be wise and think ahead to try and make the best decision, like the sensible bride’s maids.

  292. This week gospels’ is all about wisdom. Wisdom means you don’t go first but you need to think about what you need to do and what you need to have. People who do not do this means that they are not wise. Wisdom is a gift given by god.

  293. Valentina y5 says:

    This Wednesday word is wisdom, we need to grow and to need to be wise.

  294. This week’s gospel is all about wisdom. Wisdom means to think about your choices before you do them. If you do not think first before you do You could hurt people with your choices.

  295. It is not a sin not to be a wise and wisdom is not attainable for children. However, it is important and we need to work to achieve wisdom hopefully at the end of our lives. God wants us to be wise because then we can serve him better.

  296. This week’s Wednesday word is wisdom.
    Wisdom is the ability to make sound judgment. It is a gift from God, so we must use it according to His will. If we are in doubt we can pray to God and ask for the gift of wisdom.

  297. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is WISDOM. Wisdom means knowledge. God gave us wisdom to know what is right or wrong and what is good or bad. God send his son Jesus Christ to spread the wisdom in every human by teaching and spreading the word of God.As a child I learned and gained my wisdom through my family , friends and school. They teach me how to be respectful, kind and loving.

  298. This week’s gospel is wisdom
    Wisdom is when you know a lot and know, not a lot and Jesus knows everything about you and you should listen to God and you will be a good person by following Gobs way.

  299. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is WISDOM. The parable for this week is all about being prepared and ready as you do not know what God has planned for you yet. The wise bridesmaids had brought extra oil for the wedding but the foolish bridesmaids did not and missed their wedding. This shows we should always be ready for God no matter if it’s in the morning or evening!

  300. This week’s gospel is all about WISDOM.In life, when we get older we will have to grow wiser for the hard things that comes when we grow older.

  301. Mila Year 6 says:

    This weeks Gospel is all about Wisdom.
    We should think about our choices and if it’s okay to say and it won’t hurt anyone feelings before we say it . Somtimes we might say somthing that somone takes offensive but we didn’t know so we have to think before we say it

  302. Today’s Wednesday word is all about WISDOM. Wisdom is when we are understanding and have good judgement and apply our knowledge in the situations we face. This is how God wants us to be, able to make good choices in life.

  303. This Wednesday word is all about wisdom. God always wants you to be wise and make the right choices and that is how to have good wisdom.

  304. This Wednesday word is about Wisdom. Everyone should think about what your actions are going to be. If we do a bad choice we should say sorry and next time don’t do it. This is how God wants us to behave.

  305. Today’s Wednesday word is wisdom. We should think about our choices and think before we speak.

  306. NOAH Y5💜🙂 says:

    This Wednesday word was all about WISDOM. This makes me understand that you have to be wise and not always boast and be grateful for what you have.

  307. Aluna Y5 ^__^ says:

    This week’s Wednesday Word is ‘Wisdom’. Wisdom means to be wise, which is where ‘wisdom’ comes from. The sensible bridesmaids showed wisdom by taking oil for the lamp, but the foolish ones didn’t.

  308. Wisdom means to be careful. Because God wants us to think about what we’re going to do next to understand the consequences of our choices.

  309. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is Wisdom. When some school children were unkind to me I made a choice and did not repay them with unkindness, instead I thought it was wise to just walk away. I believe that God gave me wisdom at that moment, and we need to always pray and ask for wisdom from God like King Solomon did. Wisdom helped him to run his kingdom.
    We have to make wise choices and be ready to the coming of Jesus Christ.

  310. The Wednesday Word is WISDOM. Wisdom means to be wise.
    If you are wise then you have good conscience and you can make the right decisions.

  311. This week’s Wednesday word is WISDOM. Wisdom means that you/someone else is smart/wise. If you have wisdom you can be humble and make the right choices.

  312. Wisdom is to be able to make the right decisions in life like Jesus did.

  313. The Wednesday Word is wisdom. Wisdom is used to make the right choices an to not boast about how much wisdom you have.

  314. The Wednesday Word for last week was wisdom. Wisdom means to me that God is giving us a gift which helps us to see things more precisely ,so we can make right choices in our lifes.

  315. James ⚽️💩🎮 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about WISDOM!!!

    This means that you have to be wise in what you do and say.
    You can not have wisdom if you boast and only think about yourselves.

  316. This week’s Wednesday Word is WISDOM. We should be wise in what we do and how we treat others, unlike the FOOLISH bridegrooms who forgot extra oil for their lamps, and weren’t let in.

  317. Aluna Y5 (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ (⊙ _⊙ ;) says:

    This week’s Wednesday Word is ‘Talent’. Talent is something that God gave you as a gift. You should show it to people though you should not boast about it.

  318. This week’s Wednesday word is talent. We can use our talents to help or teach other people know how to do it.

  319. This week’s Wednesday word is all about talent. With talent we can help others and support them.

  320. This Wednesday word is talent . God gave us all different talents because we are all unique and different and unique !
    We can use our talents to help people in need !

  321. This weeks Wednesday word is talent. We all have talents that could help us in our daily life or we can and use it to support other people. Being given a talent is a gift from God but we should not boast or show of with it.

  322. This week’s Wednesday word is talent, we are all talented in our own ways. For example I am good at gymnastics , but some people can be really good at drawing and much more. But like in the Gospel we should not hide our talent, we should be proud of them.

  323. This weeks Wednesday word is all about talent.
    Talent means when you show something to other people and also we can help and support each other.

  324. This Wednesday word is all about talent. Talent is one of the gifts God gave us. We should use our talents to serve God.

  325. This weeks word is TALENT.This Gospel teaches us to use our talents and not to bury them away this means to not hide our talents.

  326. This weeks word is talent. We can show that by spreading your talent to the world.

  327. Florence Y3🌈 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is TALENT. A talent is something that you are very good at , so it’s like a hobby. We should never give up on our talent because you won’t know if you’ll be good if you won’t try it.God gave us different talents to be good at but not to show off at each other.

  328. This weeks Wednesday word is TALENT. Everyone has their own talents but not everyone is good at the same thing. For example, if someone is good at singing and someone else isn’t that is okay because God loves us and treats us all equally no matter what ! 🤩

  329. This week gospel is about Talent. A talent is a gift from God, something you are good at. God wants us to respect our talents, do as best as we can and not bury our talents like the lazy servant. God gave us each a different talent so that we can follow Jesus example.

  330. This weeks Wednesday word is talent. God gave us all talents talents that make us unique and we should never hide our talents.

  331. This weeks Wednesday word is talent. Everyone has a talent like playing the piano or good at sports though, all of those talents came as gifts from God! When we share our talents, our families and communities are enriched.

  332. This week’s Gospel is about ‘Talent’. Everyone has a talent like jumping high, running fast, Can fill up a paper with no whites left, and more. We all have talents to do, but not to show off to others. You have talents because if you really like something and you can do it really good then that would be amazing. We shouldn’t hide our talents. We should do them. Not show off to others.

  333. Valentina y5 says:

    This Wednesday word is talent , talent is a thing god gave us so we need to use our talents to help people and to do not to be selfish.

  334. Everyone has a different talent and if we all work together we can make the world a better place.

  335. Talent is what you need in order to make your dreams come true. It is the spark that ignites potential into brilliance.

  336. This week’s Wednesday Word is TALENT. God gave us all special talents and he intended for us to use them to help other people. We are ALL talented at something, and that’s what makes us all unique.

  337. This week’s Wednesday word is talent. God made us all special and gave us something called talents. A talent is somthing you are just naturally good at, and which you must nurture. My personal talent is that I can climb and swim very well. God gave us these talents to help others with them. For example if you were very good at maths you could teach someone else who is not as fortunate. Even though you might think you’re horrid at everything, God still gave you an amazing talent.

  338. This weeks Gospel is all about talent. In the Gospel, Jesus gave a person 5 talents, another person 2 talents and one of them he gave one. The person with one talent just berried it in the ground and returned to the master and the master did not like that. God gives us all kind of talents to us so we are better at different things. We should be grateful for all the gifts God gives to you and you should not be jealous of other people’s talents.

  339. Sophia p yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is all about talent. Talent means something special about you, that some people find hard to do. God gave us all talents to share and show others.

  340. This week’s Wednesday Word is TALENT. A talent is something that you are good at. Everyone has a talent because we are all good at something but we might not know about it yet. We might improve at something in the future and we might find a hidden talent.

  341. This week’s word is all about talents. Talents are a skill that a person develops or has been given at birth by God. They are good at it and they use it to help them in their daily lives. In this weeks gospel Jesus tells us that talents are a gift from God which makes us unique so we shouldn’t hide it and we should use it to help community.

  342. This Wedensday word is about Talent in the scripture it says that he gave two of his servents wishes and they were thankful for what they had but the last one complained and returned it. I think what the scripture is trying to tell us is that we should be thankful for the Talents we have and not to be Jealous about what other people’s Talents are but be thankful for the Talents.

  343. Mila Year 6 says:

    This Wednesday word is about Talent . You should always be proud of your talent and never disappointed. We all have different talents . Some might be good at football some might not be good at football .When we are born God gives us all unique talents!

  344. Nicolas yr3 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about talent.We all have different talents. in the gospel Jesus says that A master gave a servant, three talents for another servant only got two talents, and another servant only got one talent. All the servants made the same number of talents that they Were given.The servants that were given 2 talents and three talents gave it back to their master but the third one had taken the talent from where they had digged it.

  345. This week’s word is talent. Talent is a skill that you have and it is unique to each and every one of us. We should not hide talent from others but also not show of and boast about it.

  346. This week’s Wednesday Word is TALENT. God gave us all talents, so we should be proud of them, and not just bury and hide them in the ground like the servant who only received one talent in the scripture. We should also respect and help improve other people’s talents, and be proud of what they achieved.

  347. This weeks gospel is about talent. Jesus tells us that everyone has a special talent and something unique about them.We should contribute our talents to bring happiness to others.

  348. This weeks gospel is about Talent. We all have special talents and something that makes us unique. Jesus teaches us the importance of showing of our talents to make people around us happy.

  349. The Wednesday word is “TALENT”. For me the master represents God. He gave all of us talent , some are given more and some are given less. I think it does not matter how much talent you were given or how many talent you have, the important thing is you work hard to keep it and improve it to have a better choices or future in life. Like for example you were given a musical talent to play the violin. You can only play well if you practise everyday and maybe someday because of all your hard work you play really well to become the first violinist of the London symphony orchestra.

  350. This week’s Wednesday word is talent. Everyone has special talents when they are born. You need to use these talents and be proud of who you are.

  351. Alda Y3🦋 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is about talent. We are all different and unique. We all have a set of talents and we need to use them and share them.

  352. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is TALENT. In this parable Jesus is telling us not to hide our God given talents. A talent is a gift from God. He does not want us to bury or hide them. He wants us to use them. For example, If we play an instrument or like to sing, Jesus wants us to practice and nurture these talents so we can use it to make others happy as well as yourself. Do not hide your talents as God expects to see it used or else he will be sad and disappointed. We all have a talent, we need to find it through prayer.

  353. Isabella♥️ ♥️ says:

    This weeks Wednesdays word is talent. We are all very special and unique and we need to show the gifts and talents God gave us. God doesn’t want us to hide our talents but to show them to the world. When we show our talents we should not boast about them. This is what God wants

  354. This weeks Wednesday Word is all about talents! In this weeks parable Jesus tells us not to hide our talents but to show them to people and be proud of them. This doesn’t mean to be boastful about them but to respect other peoples talents as well.

  355. This weeks Wednesday word is talent!

    In the parable Jesus tells us that we should show our talents and not hide them.

  356. This weeks Wednesday is all about talents. God has given us special talents that make us unique but he also reminds us to never put them to bad use or be boastful. We should not dislike people because of their talents but we should do the opposite. Jesus tells us in the gospel to never hide your talents we should also respect other people and their talents.

  357. Catherine Yr6 says:

    The Wednesday word this week is TALENT. In the parable a man sets out on a journey and before he leaves he gives each servant some talents. The first servant received five new talents, the second servant received three talents and the last servant received one talent. When the man returned, he received more new talents from the 1st and 2nd servant but he received no new talents from the 3rd, only the talent he had been given before. The 3rd servant only made excuses so he was thrown. This parable shows we should be grateful for our special talents and we should use them wisely.

  358. This Wednesday word is about Talent. We should always show our talent but never use them to show off.

  359. This weeks word is our TALENTS. WE should use our talents well and help the ones who need help in what you’re good at.

  360. This week Wednesday word is talent. God gave us all talents that we are good at.

  361. The Wednesday word is TALENT.

  362. This weeks Wednesday word is talent! Everyone has their own special talent. It could be sports, drawing or even a musical instrument. Jesus tells us in the gospel to never hide our talents.

  363. This Wednesday word is all about TALENT. TALENT is something you can do really well like how I do judo really well. You should be proud of every TALENT you have.

  364. This weeks Wednesday word is talent.God wants us to use are talents to help others.

  365. This weeks Wednesday word is talent. God gave us all a talent and we are all unique.

  366. This week’s Wednesday Word is KINDNESS. If we are kind to others, we are being kind to God, because God is in us all.

  367. This week’s gospel is all about kindness. This means to not hurt someone on purpose and if you hurt someone by accident you should apologise. Jesus says you should be kind to people in need and not ignore them.

  368. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is KINDNESS. Jesus said when the Son of Man comes in majesty, all people will be gathered before him, this is like when Jesus was crucified on the cross and everyone gathered around to praise him. We can show kindness by greeting people(Good-Morning, Good afternoon, excuse me, please and thank you), by listening, understanding the question, be quiet on the stairs, opening doors for teachers, play gently and not ignoring people.

  369. This week’s Wednesday word is kindness. In the Gospel, Jesus tells us to be kind to others because if you are unkind to others you are hurting God.

  370. This week gospel is about the love and the good things that people do. Jesus told us to love one another. In the gospel it says that if you are kind to someone in reality you are kind to Jesus and God.

  371. Caspian 😉 says:

    This week’s Gospel is about KINDNESS. We should always be kind to other people even if they aren’t kind to us. Try to be kind to one another always at any time. Jesus, our saviour says to be kind to everyone wherever and whenever we are or go.

  372. Sophia p yr6 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about Kindness. Kindness means to be friendly to someone in a nice way. We should all be kind as that is what Jesus tells us to do.

  373. This weeks word is KINDNESS. We should be kind to everyone like our friends ,family and especially people in need.If we are not kind to people we are not being kind to the Holy Trinity ,the Church or any Holy People ESPECIALLY God and Jesus.

    So if you want to live out Gods way you must be kind and respect everyone.

  374. ⸝⸝ ꒰ 𝒮o𝓅𝒽𝒾𝒶 𝒴𝟦🍓 ⁞ ˎˊ˗ says:

    ♡ This week’s Wednesday Word is: 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 ♡
    Kindness is being friendly, generous, and considerate like we should be with each other! God sent Jesus to come to earth to give an example of this and to erase our sins.

    𝗟𝘂𝗸𝗲 𝟲:𝟯𝟱~
    “𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐝, 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡, 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥.”

    Jesus said that when the Son of Man comes in majesty, all people will be gathered before him. This is similar to the time when Christ was nailed to the cross.

  375. Jamesj (Y3) says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is KINDNESS we can show kindness by helping each other.If your friend is not showing kindness try to help them to show kindness.

  376. Daniela\(ovo)/ says:

    This weeks Wednesdays word is kindness.This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Christ the King. This Gospel(Matthew 25:31-46) reminds us that we can help Jesus’ kingdom to grow on earth through acts of kindness and charity.This is known in the Church as ‘Works of Mercy’.

  377. This week’s Wednesday word is KINDNESS. Being kind means helping others, sharing toys and making friends with new children.

  378. This Wednesday word is kindness , you need to be kind to your neighbours And to your family and friends because God is kind with you so you need to be kind with everyone

  379. This Wednesday word is all about kindness . It’s great to show kindness to others . Sometimes all it takes is a smile a wave to make a persons day . Even if we aren’t in a good mood we should still have manners to people. Like holding the door for others

  380. If you see someone poor (either materially or in spirit or love) then help him by providing for his needs. When you help someone then in fact you help Jesus. I think it is easy to be kind, you just have to be it!

  381. Alexander💗 says:

    This week’s Gospel is all about kindness.

  382. This week’s Wednesday word is kindness. Being kind is one of the most important acts to get closer to God. God wants us all to be as kind and caring to each other as possible. Jesus was always kind, so he wants us to be even kinder to others than we are to ourselves because every time we are kind to others, we are kind to Jesus.

  383. This weeks Wednesday word is all about kindness. Kindness means to me that we learn to be kind by receiving kindness. We can show kindness to each other by helping parents at home or helping friends at school. We can show kindness in many ways, but most important is to remember about people who need our help the most.

  384. This Wednesday word is all about kindness . It’s great to show kindness to others . Sometimes all it takes is a smile a wave to make a persons day . Even if we aren’t in a good mood we should still have manners to people. Like holding the door open for others.

  385. Alda Year 3 says:

    This weeks word is KINDNESS! You should help someone in need sometimes put ting someone before you. If you do this it will change the WORLD🤩!

  386. Louis Y3 🧡 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is kindness. Kindness is to love others. We need to give food and water to those who are needy so we can follow God’s way.

  387. Kindness doesn’t mean just include your firends in the game, but also share the things you care about and take care of the weaks, because this is the best way to love Jesus.

  388. This week’s Wednesday word is kindness.
    It’s being selfless, caring, compassionate and unconditionally kind. We should be kind to others because what we do to others , we do it to Jesus as well.

  389. Coco - reception says:

    To be kind, we can help others. We can also help someone if they are hurt. And we can play with everyone, not just with one person. We can let other people play with our toys or games. We can share when we have finished playing with our toys. This is what kindness is to me.

  390. This weeks Wednesday Word is about kindness. Be kind no matter what. You don’t even have to do a lot to be kind all it takes is a wave or a smile to make someones day and fill it with love and kindness.

  391. This weeks Wednesday word is kindness! God tells us to be kind to everyone now matter what!

  392. Layla year 6 😊 says:

    This weeks word is Kindness. God wants us to be kind and not selfish even if we don’t like a specific person. But the right thing to do I be KIND.

    “ The kindness you put out in the world always has a way of coming back to you”

  393. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week the Wednesday Word is KINDNESS. In Jesus’s parable, He talks about sheep. This parable tells us whenever we help someone, we are helping God.

  394. This weeks Wednesday word is kindness. God wants us to be kind no matter what.

  395. This weeks word is Kindness. God created us to be kind, so that is what we’ll do.


  396. This week’s Wednesday Word is kindness. Kindness is a good skill because just by greeting each other with a friendly smile you will have started your day by making someone happy. Even simple things like greeting each other means you care about others even is you aren’t having the best day.

  397. This weeks word is kindness. We need to be kind no matter what the person has done to us. God wants us to be kind and help others.

  398. This Wednesday word is about kindness. We can be kind through many different ways and God wants us to be kind and respect others.

  399. This weeks word is kindness.

  400. This Wednesday word is about kindness. To be kind means to treat people the way you want to be treated.

  401. The Wednesday Word is kindness. Kindness means to be kind. To be kind you need to be respectful and you need to be helpful.

  402. This Wednesday word is all about prayer . To keep a healthy relationship with God you can go to church or you can pray. The more you pray, the more you can be kind to others and the better you can follow God’s way.

  403. Alexander Y4 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about prayer. When you pray, you are sending a message to God.

  404. Florence Y3😇🙂 says:

    This Wednesday word is PRAYER. At school we say different prayers. We say prayers at lunchtime , in the morning and at the end of the day. At night I say my own prayer to praise and thank God, ask for forgiveness, asking for His guidance and and protection. I also pray for thanking God for giving us a Wonderful day.

  405. This week’s Wednesday word is Prayer. Prayer is a time where you are quiet and and worship God. We do this daily to say thanks to God, we can also try and encourage people to start saying more prayers at home.

  406. This weeks word is about prayer we can do this by sending God a prayer saying what you think and what you want him to do.

  407. This Weeks word is PRAYER. Advent is nearly here the time of prayer. Where we must pray more often and anyway praying to God helps to strengthen a bond between God, yourself and even your family according to Pope Francis saying, ‘Dear parents, teach your children to pray, pray with them, prayer strengthens family life.’

  408. This week’s Wednesday Word is PRAYER. In the gospel Jesus tells us to stay awake, because we have no idea of what tomorrow will bring. This means that he wants us to stay awake and be prepared.

  409. James J(y3) says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is PRAYER we sould all say are prayers to GOD and Jesus before bed/night.

  410. Valentina y5 says:

    This Wednesday word is prayer, we need to pray everyday and be grateful to be Gods children.

  411. I pray for everyone to be loved and be safe.

  412. This week’s gospel is all about Prayer. We should pray regularly in order to be closer to God.

  413. This Weeks Wednesday word is prayer. All Christians should do this because prayer is how we communicate to God and Jesus.

  414. This week’s gospel is prayer. We pray to get closer to Jesus. We pray so God knows what we need his help and that he can help us with the things we need help with in our lives.

  415. Mila year 6 says:

    This weeks Gospel is about prayer. Now that it is close to advent the birth of Christ we should get close with God . We can get close to God and Jesus by praying to them. from now on we should be very close and pray every day. Prayer is a worship to communicate to God and Jesus. We have different prayers. For example Hail Mary and Our Father.

  416. Daniela\(-v-)/ says:

    This weeks gospel is PRAYER.Prayer is spending time with God, talking and listening ,sharing your life with God.When its Advent, its time to get ready for Jesus. Prayers and talking to God helps.We want to get closer to God as Advent is coming up.

  417. It is very important for young people to stay awake because they are inexperienced and easily distracted by things that don’t really matter such as material things. God’s love and the love of our families really matter. It is very important to pray because you don’t know what is going to happen and when.

  418. This week’s Wednesday word is prayer. Praying is a very important part in our religion. We should always pray to God to become closer to him.

  419. This weeks Wednesday Word is all about prayer. In the Gospel Jesus said to stay awake and be on your guard as they do not know when is the end time. We should all do our prayers to God and ask him for his guide. We can do prayers in lots of different places such as bed, before meals at a prayer corner and other different calm places. It is important to say prayers because we need to ask God for help and to be a better person in this world.

  420. S𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐢𝐚 𝐲𝟒 says:

    ♡ This week’s Wednesday Word is: 𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 ♡
    Prayer is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God. We pray to God and Jesus because they gave us this wonderful life, and we need to thank them for all the good qualities of life.

    𝗣𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝟰:𝟲-𝟳
    “𝗗𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘅𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗯𝘆 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝘁𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀𝗴𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗚𝗼𝗱. 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗚𝗼𝗱, 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗝𝗲𝘀𝘂𝘀.”

    Advent isn’t just a season for looking back at the birth of Christ. It’s also a season for looking ahead to his second coming. We are promised that Jesus will come again for us, and we eagerly await his return.

  421. This weeks Gospel is about ‘PRAYER’. When we pray, that means we talk to God. We should pray to Jesus or God to guide us through everything we don’t know or understand. In the Gospel, Jesus tells us to stay awake because we do not know when the end might come. We should all pray to God when we eat, come in and go out school, 🏫 and come to the church. We should never forget to PRAY. 🙏 🤲 😇

  422. I love praying, specially during the Christmas Eve. Last year we got together every day praying before the candles of the Christmas Wreath. It was really nice. We got closer to God and to each other. Each day we prayed for something: the end of the wars, the poor, the weak, the sick, friends and relatives here in U.K and abroad. I really hope that this year we will do it again.

  423. James Year 4 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is all about PRAYER and SHARE!!!
    God wants us to be the best we can.
    God has given a wonderful gift ( the world 🌍) for us to care for it.

  424. This week’s gospel is all about PRAYER. This gospel tells us to stay awake and to be still for the coming of the lord. It’s exactly like servants in a house and their master tells them to stay awake because he might come back anywhere near midnight.

  425. Layla year 6 says:

    This week’s word is prayer. As us Catholics we pray to God three times a day in school. And that means that the more we pray we build a closer and more meaningful can you and I connection towards God. If we wanted to be good people the right thing to do is pray when you’ve done something bad or even good remember to pray.

  426. This week’s Wednesday word is all about PRAYER . We should pray so that God can listen and help us.

  427. Alexandra Y3 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is prayer. Prayer is a time when you talk to God. This parable tells us that Jesus can take us whenever he wants, even if we are not ready for him. The parable of the master and the housekeepers is a perfect example, because the housekeepers do not know when the master will come back. We are the housekeepers and the master is Jesus. To be prepared is when you follow Jesus’ example. You can do this by following the ”Beatitudes”.

  428. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week, the Wednesday word is PRAYER. Jesus teaches the disciples to stay awake. In this parable, Jesus tells us about a man going abroad and giving the task of staying awake to his doorkeeper. The man could come home in the morning, evening or at any time so the doorkeeper must stay awake at all times. This parable is not telling us to never sleep, it is actually telling us to be ready for Jesus at all times of the day no matter if we are asleep or awake.

  429. Sophia B Yr6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday Word is about prayer! Praying is an important part of a Christians life. It’s a time to speak to God and ask him to forgive you for his sins. Praying to god builds a bridge of friendship between you.

  430. This weeks Wednesdays word is PRAYER . Praying is part of your Catholic religion.
    When we pray we often say thank you to God or ask him for help.

  431. This weeks Wednesday word is about prayer. It is important to prayer to have a strong connection with God and Jesus.

  432. This week’s Wednesday Word is about Prayer. Prayer is not just a way to become closer to God ,it is also a way to communicate with God. That is why daily prayer is so important .It is another way for God to forgive you for your sins.

  433. The word is prayer. This is because we pray in Advent

  434. This weeks Wednesday word is Prayer. When we pray it is like we are having a private conversation with God .

  435. This weeks Wednesday word is prayer. When we pray we tell God how we feel and how you want help in life.

  436. This weeks Gospel is all about hope. Hope is the 1st candle of Advent. We should all hope about Jesus coming.

  437. This Weeks Wednesday word is hope. We should always be hopeful for things because if we are not we may never believe in ourselves or others. During the time following up to Christmas we should be especially hopeful because of the coming of Jesus.

  438. Sophia Maria yr6 says:

    This week’s gospel is all about HOPE. Hope is when you wish that something happens and you are waiting for it to come. We are waiting for Jesus to come.

  439. Nicolas yr 3 says:

    This week’s gospel is about HOPE. John the Baptist tells us to wait for Jesus and he tells us that Jesus is more powerful than himself.

  440. This week’s gospel is about HOPE. In the gospel , there is Hope that Jesus will come and forgive our sins. If you do something bad and you apologize you will be forgiven by Jesus.

  441. This week’s gospel is about HOPE. In the gospel, there is Hope that Jesus will come and forgive our sins. If you do something bad and you apologize you will be forgiven by Jesus.

  442. This week’s Wednesday Word is HOPE. If we are hopeful, we look forward to something happening in the future. In Advent we are hopeful for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. Hope is also the first candle of Advent.

  443. This weeks word is hope. It means to never give up, we should never give up in ourselves and in others.😇

  444. This weeks word is about hope . We can do this by trimming your best and never giving up .

  445. This week’s Gospel is about HOPE. Hope is when you want something to happen. John the Baptist tells us to wait for Jesus and hope for his coming.

  446. This week’s Wednesday Word is HOPE. John the Baptist told us in the gospel that one day someone far greater than him would come and baptise us with the Holy Spirit.

  447. Advent is the season of hope because we are waiting for the light of the world to come. That light is Jesus. As God gave us the greatest gift we should give hope to others too. Instead of receiving something every day, I am trying to do something kind for someone else every day of advent.

  448. This week’s Wednesday word is All about hope. John the baptist tells us that Jesus is more powerful than we think.

  449. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week, the Wednesday Word is HOPE. This week, the Gospel tells us about Isaiah speaking to the people about the prophecies of Jesus Christ being born and saving this world of all our sins. Isaiah believes in the coming of Jesus so in Advent we should make an extra effort to do so too.

  450. This week’s Wednesday Word is HOPE. We should be hopeful for the coming of Jesus during Advent.

  451. This weeks word is HOPE.Hope is a virtue which can sustain us through life’s greatest difficulties. When we spend time learning about and listening to Jesus, we are filled with hope and strengthened so we are able bring great hope and good news to others.

  452. This weeks Wednesday word is hope!
    We should never stop hoping!

  453. JAMES j (Y3) says:

    This week Wednesday word is HOPE. We should give everyone hope of doing something at every time everyone has hope at doing something.

  454. Hope means to trust in ourselves and help others to trust in themselves. Advent make us think about the hope that brings the birth of Jesus to us and to all over the world.

  455. This weeks word is Hope! Throughout advent we should be hopeful for the birth of Jesus Christ . Hope is when you do not give up and still believe you can do it . We should always be hopeful because even if on the 1st try or 2nd or 3rd try we can’t do the mission we want to if we try many times we will get success !

  456. This week’s gospel is all about HOPE. This talks about the baptism of Jesus, John was humble saying he was baptising someone who has more power, and to baptise him in Holy Spirit is for God to be beside him. God will always be near you in the hard situations you go through.

  457. This weeks word is hope.Hope is so important because without hope ,you will never have faith in yourself and therefore never trying anything and won’t achieve anything.We should also be hopeful because it is the time of Advent and Jesus is coming.

  458. Florence Y3🤩😎😛 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is Hope. Hope is when you’re looking forward to something good to happen. God showed hope when his son, Jesus died on the cross.

  459. This Wednesday word is about Hope. Hope is when you’re looking forward to something or hoping something to happen. We should all be hoping for something this Christmas because This was when Jesus died on the cross for us.

  460. Mia and Layla Y6 says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is about HOPE . Hope is when you are waiting/looking forward to or hoping that something will happen. We feel hope when it is near or already Christmas time , the birth of Jesus Christ.

  461. Isabella Y6 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is hope. Hope is when you are wishing for something to happen. We should hope when it is Christmas because that was Jesus’s birthday.

  462. Alexandra Y3 🥰😍❤ says:

    This week’s Wednesday word is Hope! I think Hope means to never stop believing in all that Jesus has taught us. Hope helps us to go through our most difficult times. We are lucky because through prayer we can be sure that Jesus will answer them, and that is what Hope is.
    We should ask Jesus to have hope as it is a great virtue. 🙏

  463. This week’s word is hope!

  464. This Wednesday’s word is hope. It is really important to hope at this time of year because since it it the second week of Advent, we are becoming closer to the birth of Jesus.

  465. Josh🐱‍👤😎 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is hope. Hope is a feeling that comes in your darkest hour and bring you some belief that something good will happen.🎅⚽👑

  466. This Wednesday word is about hope. We all have hope and sometimes when we feel down we can lose that hope but it is important to carry hope especially during Christmas because of Jesus Christ.

  467. It is very important to be joyful because Jesus is always with us. You can spread joy by being kind and helpful to people. If you do good things to people you are also joyful yourself.

  468. This week’s Wednesday Word is JOY. When we feel joy, we are happy. We need to be especially happy because Jesus is coming.

  469. This weeks word is all about Christmas special. We are all waiting for Christmas and for Jesus to be born. Christmas is very special to us and we celebrate that time.

  470. This week’s gospel is all about Joy. Joy means to feel very happy inside and outside. This week’s gospel is also very important as it links to our Advent reef and how the 2 candle has been light. This candle represents joy. We should try and grow closer to God as we are celebrating the coming of Jesus.

  471. Catherine Yr6 says:

    This week the Wednesday word is JOY. In the parable, John the Baptist speaks to the priests. We should remember the love and joy from Jesus at this time of the year especially. We must remember Christmas is about the joy of Jesus’s birth not Santa or presents.

  472. The Wednesday word is Hope.We have hope sometimes especially Advent.Sometimes we feel hope when were looking forward to something.In Advent we feel hope when we look forward to the coming of Jesus.

  473. Nicolas yr3 says:

    This week’s gospel is about JOY. In the gospel John the Baptist tells us that we should be joyful for the arrival of Jesus.

  474. This Wednesdays Word is JOY. This is because John the Baptist delivers the joyful message of God.

  475. James J(Y3) says:

    The birth of Jesus ,bring us the good news that is we are all loved and not alone,and gives the wonderful things in life.

  476. This week’s gospel is
    We should all let Jesus into our lives and let him hold us in his hands

  477. This week’s Wednesday Word is JOY. In the gospel, John the Baptist told the people that soon, someone far greater than him would come. In the season of Advent we prepare for the coming of Jesus and when that day comes we will rejoice.

  478. This Wednesday word is joy, we need to be joyful because Jesus Christ is born.

  479. We need to be joyful because Christ the KIng is coming. He is among us if we love each other. He will change the world if we allow him to change our hearts with the power of love.

  480. Florence Y3🤗 says:

    This Wednesday word is JOY. We should be joyful because Jesus the King is being born, we can also be joyful with the different Christmas preparations that you do at home, and that he saved us from our sins.

  481. This week’s Wednesday word is joy. Being joyful is very important so that we can stay happy even when something bad has happened. We should especially be joyful during the coming of Jesus (Christmas).

  482. Mila yr6 ☺️ says:

    This Weeks Word is Joy . Leading up to Advent we should be very Joyful and filled with Joy as we prepare for The Birth of Christ.

  483. ♡ This week’s Wednesday Word is: JOY ♡
    Joy is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. We are joyful because God gave Our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to us.

    1 Peter 1:8:
    “You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.”

    John 15:11:
    “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

    Psalm 32:11.
    “Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!”

    We should be joyful because: Firstly, it is advent and secondly, Jesus is soon coming to earth again as a baby.

  484. This Wednesday word is Joy. We should be joyful because Jesus was born on the 25th of December and we are getting closer to that day.

  485. Sophia B, Isabella and Emilia Yr6 says:

    This Weeks Wednesday Word is about Joy! Since Christmas is coming up we should all have a reason to be joyful since Christmas is about Jesus’s birth. We should also be joyful because Christmas is a very important holiday in a Christians life. We hope that you have a Christmas full of joy this year with your friends and family!

  486. Romey year 6 says:

    This week’s gospel is joy. We should always be joyful so we can be like John the Baptist when he told everyone the joyful news of Christ.

  487. This weeks word is joy. God created this word in order for us humans to be grateful for Jesus in his coming. we should also keep our joy high so then Jesus, our savior can come down to earth.

  488. This Weeks Word Is about Joy, Throughout Chrismas we should always be filled with Joy and grateful for those who we celebrate with and happy for the Birth of Christ .

  489. Joshua and John Yr6😎 says:

    Today’s word is joy. When you feel a happy emotion, you are experiencing joy. Especially in the season of Advent. (●’◡’●)

  490. This weeks Wednesday word is about Joy. You can feel joy when you receive or give something.

  491. This weeks Wednesday word is about joy during Christmas. We should have joy for the birth of Jesus.

  492. This weeks Wednesday word is joy. We should be joyful during the coming of Jesus because it is a special time.

  493. This Wednesday word is about joy. Joy is when you are really happy.

  494. This Wednesday word is FRESH START.January is a great time to have a fresh start as it always starts a new year. In this Gospel we hear about the two disciples of John the Baptist making a new start.

  495. This week’s Wednesday word is a new start. We have starts to begin a new to try to do better than before.

  496. Genesis y2 says:

    This weeks Wednesday word is a new start. Everyone has to move on in their life and try and do better

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