In our School Council meeting this morning, we met to discuss some opinions of the children in the school.
Some children love the wider curriculum homework that we have because they get to be creative and it is fun! Others find it hard to do because there is a lot of other homework to do so the wider curriculum homework gets rushed or missed out.
Before we talk to Miss Coleman about what we can do about it, we want to know what everyone in the school feels about this and so tomorrow morning we will be holding a vote. Every child, when they come to school, will have the chance to vote in answer to the question:
Should our wider curriculum homework be optional?
Children will write either YES or NO on some paper and put it in our voting box. This will make sure that everyone’s vote is kept private. School Council will then count up the votes and see what the whole school thinks.
The vote will take place by the hall so that every child will walk past it on their way into school so everyone has the chance, if they want to, to vote on this issue.
Great job everyone!!