In Religious Education, we’ve been recently learning about advent and discussing the prophecies of Jesus from the old testament. We’ve understood the importance of hope in times of despair and the importance of waiting. In advent, we await the coming of the messiah, Jesus Christ and it’s a time of year when we particularly reflect on what it means to be a Christian.

In this week’s lessons, we specifically looked at the meeting between Mary and Elizabeth (Mary’s cousin), while Elizabeth was awaiting the birth of John the Baptist and Mary was awaiting the birth of Jesus. Elizabeth’s unborn child leaps in the womb at the sound of Mary’s voice and Elizabeth rejoices in the presence of the saviour’s mother. Mary gives praise to God and both women are filled with the hope that salvation is near. The children’s task was to create a painting using water colours,which showed the elation between Elizabeth and Mary. Many children chose to use a rainbow to demonstrate hope and light to represent the coming of Christ. We had many excellent depictions of the meeting and here are a selection to take a look at:


One comment on “The meeting between Elizabeth and Mary in RE

  1. I loved making my painting and fully describing it in RE. I tried my best and I think I did AMAZING!!

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