During the Spring Term, our history topic was Historical Heroes (which we loved!). As part of this, our homework tasks centered around researching a hero of our own, and creating our very own fact-files. Lots of us used amazing creativity and demonstrated beautiful artistic talent, and then we were even brave enough to present this in front of our friends!

We shared our work, our facts, and then let our friends peruse our amazing work.

Later in the term, we were reading a book called Wolves by Emily Gravett, which led us to learn more about non-chronological reports. We were tasked with choosing our favourite animal, finding out even more about them and creating our posters or fact-files. Once again, we were super brave to present these in front of the class.

We really impressed our teacher with how hard we worked on these. Some of us even showed off impressive shell collections as well as sharing great facts.

Well done for all of your great work, Year 2! I am so proud of you.

3 comments on “Celebrating Spring Homework!

  1. Genesis Y2 says:

    I love everyone’s home work.

  2. Alexandra Y3 says:

    Great Homework Year 2!

  3. We read about heroes 🦸‍♀️

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